The Settlers in Canada | Page 6

Frederick Marryat
was left a poorer man by some hundreds than he was when the property fell to him. The day after the valuation, the eldest son, Henry, made his appearance; he seemed much dejected, more so than his parents, and those who knew him, would have supposed. It was, however, ascribed to his feeling for his father and mother, rather than for himself.
Many were the consultations held by Mr. and Mrs. Campbell as to their future plans; but nothing at all feasible, or likely to prove advantageous, suggested itself to them. With only sixteen or seventeen hundred pounds, they scarcely knew where to go, or how to act. Return to his profession Mr. Campbell knew that he could not, with any chance of supporting his family. His eldest son, Henry, might obtain a situation, but he was really fit for nothing but the bar or holy orders; and how were they to support him till he could support himself? Alfred, who was now a master's mate, could, it is true, support himself, but it would be with difficulty, and there was little chance of his promotion. Then there were the two other boys, and the two girls growing up fast; in short, a family of eight people. To put so small a sum in the funds would be useless, as they could not live upon the interest which it would give, and how to employ it they knew not. They canvassed the matter over and over, but without success, and each night they laid their heads upon the pillow more and more disheartened. They were all ready to leave the Hall, but knew not where to direct their steps when they left it; and thus they continued wavering for a week, until they were embraced by their son Alfred, who had made all speed to join them, as soon as the ship had been paid off. After the first joy of meeting between those who had been separated so long was over, Mr. Campbell said, "I'm sorry, Alfred, that I could not give your messmates any fishing."
"And so am I, and so were they, for your sakes, my dear father and mother; but what is, is--and what can't be helped, can't--so we must make the best of it; but where's Henry and my cousins?"
"They are walking in the park, Alfred; you had better join them; they are most anxious to see you."
"I will, mother; let us get over these huggings and kissings, and then we shall be more rational: so good-by for half an hour," said Alfred, kissing his mother again, and then hastening out of the room.
"His spirits are not subdued, at all events," observed Mrs. Campbell. "I thank God for it."
Alfred soon fell in with his brother and his cousins, Mary and Emma, and after the huggings and kissings, as he termed them, were over, he made inquiries into the real state of his father's affairs. After a short conversation, Henry, who was very much depressed in his spirits, said, "Mary and Emma, perhaps you will now go in; I wish to have some conversation with Alfred."
"You are terribly out of heart, Harry," observed Alfred, after his cousins had left them. "Are things so very bad?"
"They are bad enough, Alfred; but what makes me so low-spirited is, that I fear my folly has made them worse."
"How so?" replied Alfred.
"The fact is, that my father has but £1,700 left in the world, a sum small enough; but what annoys me is this. When I was at college, little imagining such a reverse of fortune, I anticipated my allowance, because I knew that I could pay at Christmas, and I ran in debt about £200; My father always cautioned me not to exceed my allowance, and thinks that I have not done so. Now, I can not bear the idea of leaving college in debt, and, at the same time, it will be a heavy blow to my poor father, if he has to part with £200, out of his trifling remainder, to pay my debt. This is what has made me so unhappy. I can not bear to tell him, because I feel convinced that he is so honorable, he will pay it immediately. I am mad with myself, and really do not know what to do. I do nothing but reproach myself all day, and I can not sleep at night. I have been very foolish, but I am sure you will kindly enter into my present feelings. I waited till you came home, because I thought you had better tell my father the fact, for I feel as if I should die with shame and vexation."
"Look you, Harry," replied Alfred, "as for outrunning the constable, as we term it at sea, it's a very common thing, and, all
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