The Secret of the Creation | Page 5

Howard D. Pollyen
and the earth bring forth living

creatures. Things to be in the seas after their kinds, and living creatures
to be upon the earth and in the earth. Things that have life to live in the
dust of the world, and fowl that they may soar above the earth. And
Jehovah and his tribune formed the flesh and bones of fish to live in the
waters, his spirit being in the labor and toil of the day. He formed great
whales and fish of mighty propensities to consume the substance of life
in the waters. And for them he made Leviathan to be their king and a
god over them. And the creatures of the waters were in the seas and in
the rivers and in the earth, everywhere that there is water, every one
after its kind unchangeable. He also made the fowl upon the earth out
of the clay of the earth, every one after its kind, upon the continents and
islands where it should live; and gave to them an order of life as the
things of the waters, the female delivering the substance of flesh in an
egg; and by the process of heat the shell becoming expanded and then
the spirit of the fowl entering into the substance through the expanded
pores of the shell, forming flesh to itself, while containing knowledge
of the world. As soon as its flesh is strong enough it mines a passage
for itself through the shell and takes its flesh into the world. And
Jehovah made the beasts out of the earth after their kinds, in their forms
upon the islands and continents where they should live. And the
Tribune formed all manner of beasts, both great and small, out of the
earth. They formed their flesh and bones and cast their souls in them.
And they arose up in life a pair of them of every kind, in every part of
the earth where the decree had gone forth that they should live. And
they made beasts after the form of man, and in his appearance of many
sizes and shapes, walking upon their two feet with two hands to handle
things as a man. And they were of many colors, some black and brown
and yellow striped, white and spotted and striped with all manner of
colors. And they were upon the face of the earth and in the waters.
And Jehovah and his Tribune made huge beasts great in power and
form, to dwell upon parts of the earth. The unicorn was larger than the
elephant. He had horns as the horns of a bull. He was mighty in
strength and was a ferocious beast. Mazaroth was much larger than the
unicorn; he was a beast of the rivers, of the swamps, and glades.
Arcturus was a roving beast of the plains; he went in droves in his day.
His army stood on the plains in the shade of the mountains as a cluster

of little hills crouched, beneath the trees. He heeded not the battle cry
of man in his ways. Magathuren was a roving beast of the smooth parts
of the earth; he could not pass up or down a steep incline or step over
anything above his knees. He had a straight horn with which he lifted
the trunks of fallen trees and things out of his way, as he passed to and
fro over the earth. Behemoth was also a beast of the plains; he was the
largest beast which Jehovah made to dwell upon the dry land of the
earth. But he was not like Leviathan, the king or the pride of the deep.
And there were also great beasts made to dwell in the seas as well as
upon the earth; until the substance, of life was contained. And there
went up a mist from the waters of the earth, and rain fell upon the dry
land, bringing forth food for the living things which were made. But as
yet Jehovah had not made man upon the earth.
The Race of Man
And Jehovah created a vineyard upon the high lands, from whose
mountains flowed away four rivers. Being parted in four ways from the
vineyard. The first and second are those which encompass the land of
Havilah and Ethiopia, and flow into the Caspian Sea. The third and
fourth are the Euphrates and Hiddekel which flow into the Persian gulf.
And in the sixth day Jehovah said let us make man in our own image
after our likeness in our similitude. And he formed the body of man out
of the clay of the earth, with his hands and with his spirit he made him
after his own form and likeness. Then he called one of the rebellious
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