The Second-Story Man | Page 4

Upton Sinclair
hall and upstairs--long pause.] Don't seem to have waked them.
[Proceeds to examine room, stopping now and then to listen. After placing several articles in bag, he goes to cabinet and tries to open it. This takes some time, and while he is crouching in the shadow, with his back to the entrance right, MRS. AUSTIN appears.]
MRS. AUSTIN. [She is young and beautiful, and wears a night-robe and dressing- gown. She stands looking about anxiously, and then goes to centre of room, when she hears a sound from JIM, and starts wildly.] Oh!
JIM. [Leaps to feet, lifting revolver.] Hold up your hands! [She starts back in terror.] Hold up your hands!
MRS. AUSTIN. [Half complyingly.] I'm not armed.
JIM. Never mind. [Long pause while they stare at each other.] I don't want to hurt you, lady.
MRS. AUSTIN. [Calmly, after first shock.] No, I suppose not. You only want to get away.
JIM. That's right!
MRS. AUSTIN. Very well, you may go.
JIM. And you yell for the police the moment I get out of the door, hey?
MRS. AUSTIN. No, I don't want the police. I don't believe in sending men to jail.
JIM. Humph!
[Another pause.]
MRS. AUSTIN. Why do you do this?
JIM. It's the way I live.
MRS. AUSTIN. Isn't it a rather trying kind of work?
JIM. It ain't all play, ma'am.
MRS. AUSTIN. [Smiling.] I should think it would be hard on the nerves. [After another pause.] Is there no honest way you can earn a living?
JIM. I don't know. Maybe so. I got tired of looking for it.
MRS. AUSTIN. I might help you if you would let me.
JIM. I ain't asking any help.
MRS. AUSTIN. No, but I'm offering it. [After a pause.] Have you been doing this sort of thing very long?
JIM. No.
MRS. AUSTIN. How long?
JIM. [After hesitation.] This is my first job.
MRS. AUSTIN. What! You don't mean that?
JIM. It happens to be true, ma'am.
MRS. AUSTIN. What made you do it?
JIM. It's a long story.
MRS. AUSTIN. Tell it to me.
JIM. It ain't just a good time for story telling.
MRS. AUSTIN. You are afraid of me? I have no quarrel with you. I don't care anything for the things you have in the bag; and, besides, I suppose you won't take them now. I'm only sorry to see a man going wrong, and I'd like to help if I could. I'll play fair, I give you my word of honor.
JIM. There ain't much honor in this business.
MRS. AUSTIN. No, I suppose not. But you can trust me. Put up that gun and talk to me.
JIM. [Surlily.] It can't do any good.
MRS. AUSTIN. It can't do any harm. Put up that revolver, and tell me what's the matter.
JIM. You'll let me go when I want to? No tricks!
MRS. AUSTIN. I give you my word.
JIM. All right. I'm a fool, I guess, but I'll trust you. [Puts revolver in pocket.] Sit down, ma'am. It must be cold for you. This is a queer kind of layout for a burglar. [Sits opposite her.] You heard that racket I made in the other room?
MRS. AUSTIN. Yes. What was it?
JIM. Some kind of a jar.
MRS. AUSTIN. Oh, my Greek vase. Well, never mind . . . it was an imitation. What were you doing?
JIM. I was looking for something to eat.
JIM. It would have been the first thing I've had since the day before yesterday.
MRS. AUSTIN. What's the matter?
JIM. No work. [A pause.] I suppose you'll give me the old gag . . . there's plenty of work for a man that's willing.
MRS. AUSTIN. No, I happen to have studied, and I know better than that. Else I should have fainted when I saw you . . . instead of sitting here talking to you . . . . Do you drink?
JIM. Yes, but I didn't use to. Any man would drink . . . that went through what I did.
MRS. AUSTIN. Are you married?
JIM. Yes . . . I was married. My wife is dead.
MRS. AUSTIN. Any children?
JIM. Two. Both dead.
JIM. It ain't a pretty story, ma'am. It's a poor man's story.
MRS. AUSTIN. Tell it to me.
JIM. All right. It'll spoil your sleep for the rest of the night, I guess, but you can have it. [A pause.] A year ago I was what they call an honest working man. I had a home and a happy family; and I didn't drink any too much, and I did well . . . even if the work was hard. I was in the steel works here in town.
MRS. AUSTIN. [Startled.] The Empire Steel Company?
JIM. Yes. Why?
MRS. AUSTIN. Nothing . . . only I happen to know some people there. Go on.
JIM. It's no child's work there, ma'am. There's an awful lot of accidents . . . more than the world has any idea of. I've seen a man sent to
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