The Sculpture and Mural Decorations of the Exposition | Page 2

Stella G.S. Perry
Cardinell-Vincent, photo Water Sprites - Base of Column, Court of Ages. Cardinell-Vincent, photo A Daughter of the Sea - North Aisle, Court of Ages. W. Zenis Newton, photo The Fairy - Finial Figure, Italian Towers. Cardinell-Vincent, photo Flower Girl - Niche, Court of Flowers. Cardinell-Vincent, photo Beauty and the Beast - Fountain Detail, Court of Flowers. Cardinell-Vincent, photo Caryatid - Court of Palms. Cardinell-Vincent, photo The Harvest - Court of the Four Seasons. Cardinell-Vincent, photo Rain - Court of the Four Seasons. Cardinell-Vincent, photo Fountain of Spring - Court of the Four Seasons. Cardinell-Vincent, photo Fountain of Winter - Court of the Four Seasons. Cardinell-Vincent, photo Fountain of Ceres - Forecourt of the Four Seasons. W. Zenis Newton, photo The Genius of Creation - Central Group, Avenue of Progress. Cardinell-Vincent, photo The Genius of Mechanics - Column Friezes, Machinery Hall. Cardinell-Vincent, photo The Powers - Column Finials, Machinery Hall. W. Zenis Newton, photo Pirate Deck-hand - Niches, North Facade of Palaces. Cardinell-Vincent, photo From Generation to Generation - Palace of Varied Industries. Cardinell-Vincent, photo The Man With the Pick - Palace of Varied Industries. Cardinell-Vincent, photo The Useful Arts - Frieze over South Portals. Cardinell-Vincent, photo Triumph of the Field - Niches, West Facade of Palaces. Cardinell-Vincent, photo Worship - Altar of Fine Arts Rotunda. Ralph Stackpole, photo The Struggle for the Beautiful - Frieze, Fine Arts Rotunda. Cardinell-Vincent, photo Guardian of the Arts - Attic of Fine Arts Rotunda. Cardinell-Vincent, photo Priestess of Culture - Within the Fine Arts Rotunda. Cardinell-Vincent, photo Frieze - Flower-boxes, Fine Arts Colonnade. J. L. Padilla, photo
Exhibit Sculpture
The Pioneer Mother - Exhibit, Fine Arts Colonnade. W. Zenis Newton, photo Lafayette - Exhibit, Fine Arts Rotunda. W. Zenis Newton, photo Thomas Jefferson - Exhibit, Fine Arts Rotunda. Cardinell-Vincent, photo Lincoln - Exhibit, South Approach. Cardinell-Vincent, photo Earle Dodge Memorial - Exhibit, Fine Arts Rotunda. Gabriel Moulin, photo Fountain - Foyer, Palace of Fine Arts. Gabriel Moulin, photo Wildflower - Garden Exhibit, Colonnade. W. Zenis Newton, photo The Boy With the Fish - Garden Exhibit, Colonnade. W. Zenis Newton, photo Young Diana - Garden Exhibit, Colonnade. Pillsbury Pictures Young Pan - Garden Exhibit, Colonnade. Cardinell-Vincent, photo Fighting Boys - Garden Exhibit, Colonnade. W. Zenis Newton, photo Duck Baby - Garden Exhibit, Colonnade. W. Zenis Newton, photo Muse Finding the Head of Orpheus - Garden Exhibit, Colonnade. W. Zenis Newton, photo Diana - Garden Exhibit, South Lagoon. W. Zenis Newton, photo Eurydice - Garden Exhibit, Colonnade. W. Zenis Newton, photo Wood Nymph - Garden Exhibit, Colonnade. W. Zenis Newton, photo L'Amour - Garden Exhibit, Colonnade. W. Zenis Newton, photo An Outcast - Garden Exhibit, Colonnade. Gabriel Moulin, photo The Sower - Garden Exhibit, Colonnade. W. Zenis Newton, photo The Bison - Garden Exhibit, South Approach W. Zenis Newton, photo The Scout - Garden Exhibit, South Lagoon W. Zenis Newton, photo The Thinker - Exhibit, Court of French Pavilion. W. Zenis Newton, photo
Mural Decorations Earth - Fruit Pickers. Court of Ages. W. Zenis Newton, photo Fire - Industrial Fire. Court of Ages. W. Zenis Newton, photo Water - Fountain Motive. Court of Ages. W. Zenis Newton, photo Air - The Windmill. Court of Ages. W. Zenis Newton, photo Half Dome - Court of the Four Seasons. Gabriel Moulin, photo Art Crowned by Time - Court of the Four Seasons. Gabriel Moulin, photo The Seasons - Court of the Four Seasons. Gabriel Moulin, photo Westward March of Civilization - Arch, Nations of the West. Gabriel Moulin, photo Discovery - The Purchase. Tower of Jewels. Gabriel Moulin, photo Ideals of Emigration - Arch, Nations of the East. Gabriel Moulin, photo The Golden Wheat - Rotunda, Palace of Fine Arts. Gabriel Moulin, photo Oriental Art - Rotunda, Palace of Fine Arts. Gabriel Moulin, photo The Arts of Peace - Netherlands Pavilion. Gabriel Moulin, photo Penn's Treaty with the Indians - Pennsylvania Building. Clayton Williams, photo Return from the Crusade - Court, Italian Pavilion. Cardinell-Vincent, photo The Riches of California - Tea Room, California Building. Gabriel Moulin, photo

The Sculpture and Mural Decorations of the Exposition

The Sculpture and Mural Decorations

"In this fair world of dreams and vagary, Where all is weak and clothed in failing forms, Where skies and trees and beauties speak of change, And always wear a garb that's like our minds, We hear a cry from those who are about And from within we hear a quiet voice That drives us on to do, and do, and do."

The persistent necessity for creation is strikingly proved by the prolific output of the Arts. Year after year, as we whirl through space on our mysterious destiny, undeterred by apparent futility, the primal instinct for the visualization of dreams steadily persists. Good or bad, useful or useless, it must be satisfied. It amounts to a law, like the attraction of the sexes. Discouraged
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