The Scientific American Boy | Page 5

A. Russell Bond
we realized

how far we were getting away from home. As we rounded a bend in the
canal, much to my astonishment, I saw just before us the bridge at
Raven Hill, eight miles from our town. We started to go back, but the
wind was too strong for us, and there wasn't much room in which to do
any tacking; nor could we make any progress when the sails were
folded. I began to get extremely tired and rather exasperated at Bill for
not having thought of the return trip before he led me such a hot pace
up the canal. But Bill was getting tired, too.
"Look here, Jim," he said, "we haven't covered a mile, and I'm worn
"Why in thunder didn't you think of this before we started?" I returned.
"How much money have you with you?" was the reply.
"What's that got to do with it?"
"I'll tell you in a minute. How much have you?"
A careful search of my dozen odd pockets netted the sum of
twenty-seven cents.
"I have fifty-nine," said Bill, "and that makes eighty-six altogether,
doesn't it? Isn't there a railroad depot near here?"
"There is one at Raven Hill, and the next is at Lumberville. That is
about eleven miles from home."
"Well," said Bill, "at three cents each per mile that would amount to
sixty-six cents. Let's sail on to Lumberville and then take the train
On we sped to Lumberville, only to find that the next train was not due
until noon, and it was now just half past ten.
Time never hung heavy on our hands. Out on the river we espied an
island. I had heard of this island--Willow Clump Island, it was
called--but had never been on it; consequently I fell in with Bill's

suggestion that we make it a visit. Owing to the rapids which separated
the island from the Jersey shore, we had to go up stream a quarter of a
mile, to where a smooth sheet of ice had formed, over a quiet part of
the river; thence we sailed down to the island along the Pennsylvania
"What a capital island for a camp," cried Bill, after we had explored it
pretty thoroughly. "Have you ever been out camping?"
I had to confess I never had, and then Bill gave me a glowing account
of his experiences in the Adirondacks with his uncle the year before,
which so stirred up the romance in me that I wanted to camp out at
"Shucks!" said Bill, "We would freeze in this kind of weather, and
besides, we've got to make a tent first."
We then sat down and made elaborate plans for the summer. Suddenly
the distant sound of a locomotive whistle interrupted our reveries.
"Jiminy crickets!" I exclaimed. "That's the train coming through
Spalding's Cut. We've got to hustle if we are to catch it."
We were off like the wind, and a merry chase brought us to the
Lumberville depot in time to flag the train. We arrived at Lamington at
half past twelve, a trifle late for dinner, rather tired and hungry, but
with a glowing and I fear somewhat exaggerated account of our
adventure for the credulous ears of the rest of the boys.

Organizing the Society.
The camping idea met with the hearty approval of all, and it was
decided to begin preparations at once for the following summer.
Dutchy, whose father was a member of a geographical society,
suggested that we form a society for the exploration of Willow Clump
Island. By general acclamation Bill was chosen president of the society,
Dutchy was made vice-president, Reddy was elected treasurer, and they

made me secretary. It was Dutchy who proposed the name "The
Society for the Scientific Investigation, Exploration and Exploitation of
Willow Clump Island." It was decided to make an expedition of
exploration as soon as we could make skate sails for the whole society.
The duties of the secretary, as defined in the constitution which Dutchy
Van Syckel drew up, were to keep a record of all the acts of the society,
the minutes of every meeting, and accurate detailed descriptions of all
work accomplished. Therefore, while the rest of the society was busy
cutting up old sheets, levied from the surrounding neighborhood, and
sewing and rigging the sails under Bill's direction, I, with pad and
pencil in hand, took notes on all the operations.

The Double Swedish Sail.
Bill evolved some new types of sails which differed materially from the
type described in the first chapter. One was a double sail--"the kind
they use in Sweden," he explained. One of the sheets which the
foraging party brought in was extra large; it measured approximately
two yards and a
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