The Rover Boys on Treasure Isle | Page 5

Edward Stratemeyer
at least ten feet across."
"Is it possible!" ejaculated Randolph Rover, gazing at his nephew
"Sure thing. The pumpkin looked to be good, too. They had a lot of
pumpkin pies set around it, just for an advertisement."
"Thomas, did you measure that pumpkin?"
"No; why should I?"

"Then how do you know it was eight feet high and ten feet across?"
"Why, Uncle Randolph, I didn't say the pumpkin was eight feet high
and ten feet across. I said I saw it in a restaurant window eight feet high
and ten feet across," and Tom drew down the corners of his mouth
"Tom, that's the worst ever!" cried Sam.
"You ought to be made to walk home for that," added Dick.
"Thomas! Thomas! you are as bad as ever!" said Mr. Rover, with a sigh.
"But I might have been on my guard. I know there are no pumpkins of
that size."
"Uncle Randolph, you'll have to forgive me," said Tom, putting his
hand affectionately on his relative's shoulder. "I really couldn't help
it--I am just bubbling over to think that school days are over and I won't
have to do any studying for several months to come."
"I fancy we'll have to tie you down to keep you out of mischief."
"You won't have to tie me down if I go on a sea trip with dad."
"Haven't you had sea trips enough with being cast away in the middle
of the Pacific, and being wrecked in the Gulf of Mexico? It seems to
me every time you and the others leave home something serious
happens to you."
"True but we always come back right side up with care and all charges
paid," answered the fun-loving Rover airily.
They soon made a turn in the road which brought them in sight of the
big farmhouse, nestling comfortably in a group of stately trees. As they
turned into the lane their Aunt Martha came to the front piazza and
waved her hand. Down in the roadway stood Jack Ness; the hired man,
grinning broadly, and behind Mrs. Rover stood Alexander Pop, the
colored helper, his mouth open from ear to ear. At once Tom began to

"Home again! home again! Safe from Putnam Hall."
And then he made a flying leap from the carriage, rushed up the steps
and gave his aunt such a hug as made her gasp for breath.
"Oh, Tom, you bear! Do let up!" she cried. "Now, there's a kiss for you,
and there's another! How do you do, Sam, and how are you, Dick?"
And she kissed them also. "I am glad you are back at last." She turned
to her husband "What of Anderson, did you hear anything?"
"Yes, he will be back in a few days."
"I'se jess too pleased fo' anything to see yo' boys back heah!" came
from Aleck Pop. "It's dun been mighty lonely since yo' went away."
"Don't worry, Aleck, we'll cheer you up," answered Tom.
"Oh, I know dat, Massa Tom yo'll turn dis place upside down in two
days suah!"
"Why, Aleck, you know I'd never do anything so rash," answered Tom,
"Going to uncover some more freight thieves?" asked Jack Ness, as he
took charge of the team and started for the barn.
"I think dem boys had bettah cotch some of dem chicken thieves," put
in Aleck Pop. "Yo' don't seem to git holt ob dem nohow."
"Oh, never you mind about the chicken thieves," grumbled Jack Ness.
"Has somebody been stealing chickens again?" asked Dick,
remembering that they had suffered several times from such
"Yes, da has took two chickens las' Wednesday, foah on Saturday, an'
two on Monday. Jack he laid fo' 'em wid a shotgun, but he didn't cotch

"I'll catch them yet, see if I don't," said the hired man.
"Perhaps a fox is doing it," suggested Sam. "If so, we ought to go on a
fox hunt. That would suit me first rate."
"No fox in this," answered Jack Ness. "I see the footprints of two
men,--tramps, I reckon. If I catch sight of 'em I'll fill 'em full of shot
and then have 'em locked up."
Two days passed and the boys felt once more at home on the farm. The
strain of the recent examinations and the closing exercises at school had
gone and as Sam declared, "they were once more themselves," and
ready for anything that might turn up.
In those two days came another telegram from Mr. Rover, sent from
Philadelphia, in which he stated that he had caught his man, but had
lost him again. He added that he would be home probably on the
following Sunday. This message came in on Monday, so the
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