The Rover Boys in New York | Page 6

Edward Stratemeyer
suits and then went down
to where the Dartaway was housed, in one of the buildings attached to
the gymnasium.
"Looks to be all right," remarked Dick, after an inspection of the flying
machine, and while Sam and Tom were filling the gasoline tank and the
oil distributor.
The engine was tried out for a minute, and found to be in perfect order.
As usual, as soon as the explosions of the motor were heard, a crowd
commenced to gather, to see the start of the flight.
"Wish you luck!" cried Stanley.

"Say, look out that you don't forget how to stop and sail to the North
Pole!" sang out Spud Jackson.
"As if that could really occur!" murmured William Philander Tubbs,
with a lofty look of, disdain.
"Sure it could happen," returned Spud, good-naturedly. Why, I heard of
an airman who went up once and forgot how to turn his machine down,
and he went around and around in a circle for sixteen hours. And then
he dropped ker-plunk right on top of a baker's wagon and smashed
twenty-six pies-- all because his gasoline gave out."
"Ridiculous!" murmured William Philander.
"Absolute fact, Tubbs," responded Spud, earnestly. "Come with me,
some day, and I'll show you where the pies made a dent in the street
when the flying machine struck 'em." And then a general laugh went up,
and the dudish student stepped back in the crowd, out of sight.
"All aboard!" sang out Dick, as he hopped into the driver's seat and
took hold of the wheel. "Start her up, somebody!"
Sam and Tom got aboard and willing hands grasped the propellers and
gave each a twist. Bang! bang! bang! went the explosions, and soon the
propellers were revolving swiftly, and then with a swoop the Dartaway
ran over the campus on its wheels and suddenly arose in the air. A
cheer went up, and the students threw up their caps. Then Dick swung
around in a quarter circle and headed directly for Plankville.
It was an ideal day for flying, not too hot or too cold, and with very
little breeze, and that of the "steady" kind, not likely to develop
"holes"-- the one great terror of all airmen.
"Wish we had the girls along," remarked Sam, when they were well on
the way.
"Not for this trip, Sam," answered Dick, grimly. "We have got our
work cut out for us."

"Why, what do you mean?"
"If old Crabtree hasn't been caught yet me must see if we can't round
him up."
"Say, that's the talk!" cried Tom, quickly. "I hadn't thought of that,--
but it's just what we ought to do."
"It won't be easy, Tom," said his younger brother. "The chances are that
Crabtree has made good use of his time. He may be hundreds of miles
away-- bound for the West or the South, or Canada or Europe."
"Well, we can have a try at finding him, anyway," put in Dick. "Someti
a criminal sticks close to the jail until the excitement is over, Look at
those fellows who escaped from jail in New York City not long ago.
The detectives thought they had gone to Chicago or St. Louis, and all
the while they were on the East Side, right in New York!"
"Oh, my! but wouldn't I just like to land on old Crabtree!" muttered
Tom. "I think I'd be apt to put him in the hospital first and jail
afterwards! He certainly deserves it-- for all the trouble he has caused
us and our-- er-- friends."
"'Friends' is good, with Dick engaged to marry Dora and you as good as
engaged to Nellie," snorted Sam "Precisely, and you and Grace making
goo-goo eyes at each other," added Tom, with a wink at his younger
brother. Then he quickly changed the subject. "Dick, do you think you
can strike a straight course for Plankville?"
"I'll try it," was the answer. "I don't think I'll go much out of the way."
The Dartaway had a powerful motor, and once on the right trail the
eldest Rover advanced his gasoline and spark, and they went rushing
through the air at express-train speed. The boys were provided with

face guards, so they did not mind this. They did not fly high, and so
kept the railroad and other familiar objects fairly well in view. They
passed over several villages, the inhabitants gazing up at them in
open-mouthed wonder, and finally came in sight of a big church spire
that they knew belonged in Plankville. Then Dick slowed down the
engine, and soon they floated down in an open field close to the main
street and not a great distance from the sheriff's office and the jail.
"Well, it certainly didn't take long to get
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