The Rover Boys in Camp | Page 8

Edward Stratemeyer
his time," was Tom's comment.
"He knew we would be after him hot-footed, just as soon as we heard
of his being here."
"I'm going to drive over to the railroad station," said Dick. "He may
hang around and get aboard of the first morning train."
"Take me along with you," said Sam, and Dick agreed. They got Aleck
to drive them and took the fastest team the stable afforded.
But at the depot all was dark and deserted, and if Arnold Baxter was
anywhere near he took good care not to show himself, nor was anything
seen of him in Oak Run later on.
"He has left the neighborhood by some other way," said Randolph
Rover, and his surmise was correct.
When the boys reached home again they found their parent sitting up in
an easy-chair, with his forehead still bandaged. The blows he had

received were painful, but by no means serious, and when the doctor
was called in he said the patient would speedily recover.
"But you had a narrow escape," said the doctor. "Had you been struck a
little harder your skull might have been broken."
"Well, I don't think Arnold Baxter would have cared if he had broken
my skull," answered Anderson Rover. "He is a thoroughly bad man."
It was broad daylight before a complete examination of the house was
made, and then it was learned that Baxter had run away with some
silver knives, forks, and spoons, some gold napkin rings, a silver and
gold water pitcher, and half a dozen similar articles. From the desk he
had taken a pocketbook containing three hundred dollars in cash, and
from Anderson Rover's person his watch and chain, and a diamond stud.
He had also tried to rob the unconscious man of his diamond ring, but
as the ring would not come off had pried out the stone and taken that.
"He is at his old tricks again," said Dick. "Evidently his term in prison
has done him no good."
"Guess it has made him worse," added Sam. "Oh, how I would like to
lay my hands on him!" And Tom said the same.
The authorities were notified, including the sheriff of the county, and
later still Anderson Rover hired a New York detective to take up the
case. But it was of no avail. Arnold Baxter did not show himself, and
not a trace of him was to be found anywhere.
"I shouldn't be surprised if he disguised himself as soon as he got away
from here," remarked Tom. "He could easily put on a false mustache,
and a wig would fit capitally over that almost bald pate of his."
"But where would he get the mustache and wig, Tom?" asked Dick.
"He may have bought them before he came here. I have heard that
some robbers prepare themselves for all sorts of emergencies. Only last
week I was reading about a fellow who went to a ball, and between the

dances went out and robbed a gentleman on the street of his watch.
When he was arrested, he tried to prove that he hadn't been outside of
the ballroom all night, and it was by the merest accident that the
authorities found out his story wasn't true."
"Tom is right; some criminals are very shrewd," said his father. "And I
fancy Arnold Baxter is about as slick as any of them."
"Well, I hope we run across him some day," said Dick.
With so much to occupy their minds the days flew by swiftly, and
almost before they knew it Monday was at hand, and the three boys set
out to return once more to Putnam Hall.
The idea of going back to dear old Putnam Hall, with all of its pleasant
memories, filled Tom with good humor, and he was fairly bubbling
over on the train which carried the boys to Ithaca, where they were to
take a steamer up Cayuga Lake to Cedarville, the nearest village to the
"Makes me feel as I did the first time we went to the Hall," he declared.
"Don't you remember that trip, and the fun we had with Peleg Snuggers,
the wagon man?" and then he burst out singing:
"Putnam Hall's the place for me! Tra-la-lee! Tra-la-lee! Putnam Hall's
the place for me! The best old school I know!"
"You'll have the conductor putting you off, the next thing you know,"
remarked Sam.
"Putting me off? Never!" cried Tom. "He knows that academy boys
own privileges that other passengers do not possess. He can't cork me
up. I defy him!"

"Wonder if we'll meet any of the other fellows," mused Dick.
He had hardly spoken when the train stopped at a junction, and two
other lads got aboard
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