The Rise of the Hugenots, Vol. 1 | Page 7

Henry Martyn Baird
King's Infatuation 262
Constable Anne de Montmorency 263 His Cruelty 264 Disgraced by
Francis, but recalled by Henry 265 Duke Claude of Guise, and John,
first Cardinal of Lorraine 266 Marriage of James the Fifth of Scotland
to Mary of Lorraine 268 Francis the Dauphin affianced to Mary of
Scots 268 Francis of Guise and Charles of Lorraine 268 Various
Estimates of Cardinal Charles of Lorraine 270 Rapacity of the new
Favorites 272 Servility toward Diana of Poitiers 273 Persecution to
atone for Moral Blemishes 274 "La Chambre Ardente" 275 Edict of
Fontainebleau against Books from Geneva (Dec. 11, 1547) 275
Deceptive Title-pages 275 The Tailor of the Rue St. Antoine 276 Other
Victims of Intolerance 278 Severe Edicts and Quarrels with Rome 278
Edict of Châteaubriand (June 27, 1551) 279 The War against Books
from Geneva 280 Marshal Vieilleville refuses to profit by Confiscation
282 The "Five Scholars of Lausanne" 283 Interpositions in their Behalf
ineffectual 284 Activity of the Canton of Berne 286 Progress of the
Reformation in Normandy 287 Attempt to establish the Spanish
Inquisition 287 Opposition of Parliament 288 President Séguier's

Speech 289 Coligny's Scheme of American Colonization 291
Villegagnon in Brazil 292 He brings Ruin on the Expedition 293 First
Protestant Church in Paris 294 The Example followed in the Provinces
296 Henry the Second breaks the Truce 297 Fresh Attempts to
introduce the Spanish Inquisition 298 Three Inquisitors-General 299
Judges sympathize with the Victims 300 Edict of Compiègne (July 24,
1557) 301 Defeat of St. Quentin (August 10, 1557) 302 Vengeance
wreaked upon the Protestants 302 Affair of the Rue St. Jacques (Sept. 4,
1557) 303 Treatment of the Prisoners 304 Malicious Rumors 305 Trials
and Executions 307 Intercession of the Swiss Cantons and Others 308
Constancy of Some and Release of Others 311 Controversial Pamphlets
311 Capture of Calais (January, 1558) 312 Registry of the Inquisition
Edict 312 Antoine of Navarre, Condé, and other Princes favor the
Protestants 313 Embassy of the Protestant Electors 313 Psalm-singing
on the Pré aux Clercs 314 Conference of Cardinals Lorraine and
Granvelle 315 D'Andelot's Examination before the King 317 His
Constancy in Prison and temporary Weakness 318 Paul IV.'s
Indignation at the King's Leniency 320 Anxiety for Peace 321 Treaty of
Cateau-Cambrésis (April 3, 1559) 322 Sacrifice of French Interests 323
Was there a Secret Treaty for the Extermination of Protestants? 324
The Prince of Orange learns the Designs of Henry and Philip 325
Danger of Geneva 320 Parliament suspected of Heretical Leanings 329
The "Mercuriale" 330 Henry goes in Person to hear the Deliberations
(June 10, 1559) 332 Fearlessness of Du Bourg and Others 334 Henry
orders their Arrest 335 First National Synod (May 26, 1559) 335
Ecclesiastical Discipline adopted 336 Marriages and Festivities of the
Court 338 Henry mortally wounded in the Tournament (June 30, 1559)
339 His Death (July 10, 1559) 340
* * * * *
"La Façon de Genève"--the Protestant Service 341 Farel's "Manière et
Fasson" (1533) 342 Calvin's Liturgy (1542) 343
JULY, 1559-MAY, 1560.

Epigrams on the Death of Henry 346 The Young King 347 Catharine
de' Medici 348 Favors the Family of Guise 350 Who make themselves
Masters of the King 351 Constable Montmorency retires 352 Antoine,
King of Navarre 354 His Remissness and Pusillanimity 355 The
Persecution continues 359 Denunciation and Pillage at Paris 360 The
Protestants address Catharine 362 Pretended Orgies in "La Petite
Genève" 365 Cruelty of the Populace 366 Traps for Heretics 367 Trial
of Anne du Bourg 368 Intercession of the Elector Palatine 370 Du
Bourg's Last Speech 371 His Execution and its Effect 372 Florimond
de Ræmond's Observations 374 Revulsion against the Tyranny of the
Guises 375 Calvin and Beza discountenance Armed Resistance 377 De
la Renaudie 379 Assembly of Malcontents at Nantes 380 Plans well
devised 381 Betrayed by Des Avenelles 382 The "Tumult of Amboise"
383 Coligny gives Catharine good Counsel 384 The Edict of Amnesty
(March, 1560) 385 A Year's Progress 386 Confusion at Court 387
Treacherous Capture of Castelnau 388 Death of La Renaudie 389
Plenary Commission given to the Duke of Guise 389 A Carnival of
Blood 391 The Elder D'Aubigné and his Son 393 Francis and the
Prince of Condé 393 Condé's Defiance 394
* * * * *
An alleged Admission of Disloyal Intentions by La Renaudie 394
of the Name of the Huguenots 397 Their Sudden Growth 399 How to
be accounted for 400 Progress of Letters 400 Marot's and Beza's
Psalms 402 Morality and Martyrdom 402 Character of the Protestant
Ministers 402 Testimony of Bishop Montluc 403 Preaching in the
Churches of Valence 404
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