The Rise of the Dutch Republic, 1555 | Page 3

John Lothrop Motley
premeditated design, upon this
imposing platform, where the curtain was to fall forever upon the
mightiest emperor since Charlemagne, and where the opening scene of
the long and tremendous tragedy of Philip's reign was to be

simultaneously enacted. There was the Bishop of Arras, soon to be
known throughout Christendom by the more celebrated title of Cardinal
Granvelle, the serene and smiling priest whose subtle influence over the
destinies of so many individuals then present, and over the fortunes of
the whole land, was to be so extensive and so deadly. There was that
flower of Flemish chivalry, the, lineal descendant of ancient Frisian
kings, already distinguished for his bravery in many fields, but not
having yet won those two remarkable victories which were soon to
make the name of Egmont like the sound of a trumpet throughout the
whole country. Tall, magnificent in costume, with dark flowing hair,
soft brown eye, smooth cheek, a slight moustache, and features of
almost feminine delicacy; such was the gallant and ill-fated Lamoral
Egmont. The Count of Horn; too, with bold, sullen face, and
fan-shaped beard-a brave, honest, discontented, quarrelsome, unpopular
man; those other twins in doom--the Marquis Berghen and the Lord of
Montigny; the Baron Berlaymont, brave, intensely loyal, insatiably
greedy for office and wages, but who, at least, never served but one
party; the Duke of Arschot, who was to serve all, essay to rule all, and
to betray all--a splendid seignor, magnificent in cramoisy velvet, but a
poor creature, who traced his pedigree from Adam, according to the
family monumental inscriptions at Louvain, but who was better known
as grand-nephew of the emperor's famous tutor, Chiebres; the bold,
debauched Brederode, with handsome, reckless face and turbulent
demeanor; the infamous Noircarmes, whose name was to be covered
with eternal execration, for aping towards his own compatriots and
kindred as much of Alva's atrocities and avarice, as he was permitted to
exercise; the distinguished soldiers Meghen and Aremberg--these, with
many others whose deeds of arms were to become celebrated
throughout Europe, were all conspicuous in the brilliant crowd. There,
too, was that learned Frisian, President Viglius, crafty, plausible, adroit,
eloquent--a small, brisk man, with long yellow hair, glittering green
eyes, round, tumid, rosy cheeks, and flowing beard. Foremost among
the Spanish grandees, and close to Philip, stood the famous favorite,
Ruy Gomez, or as he was familiarly called "Re y Gomez" (King and
Gomez), a man of meridional aspect, with coal-black hair and beard,
gleaming eyes, a face pallid with intense application, and slender but
handsome figure; while in immediate attendance upon the emperor,

was the immortal Prince of Orange.
Such were a few only of the most prominent in that gay throng, whose
fortunes, in part, it will be our humble duty to narrate; how many of
them passing through all this glitter to a dark and mysterious doom!--
some to perish on public scaffolds, some by midnight assassination;
others, more fortunate, to fall on the battle-field--nearly all, sooner or
later, to be laid in bloody graves!
All the company present had risen to their feet as the emperor entered.
By his command, all immediately afterwards resumed their places. The
benches at either end of the platform were accordingly filled with the
royal and princely personages invited, with the Fleece Knights, wearing
the insignia of their order, with the members of the three great councils,
and with the governors. The Emperor, the King, and the Queen of
Hungary, were left conspicuous in the centre of the scene. As the whole
object of the ceremony was to present an impressive exhibition, it is
worth our while to examine minutely the appearance of the two
principal characters.
Charles the Fifth was then fifty-five years and eight months old; but he
was already decrepit with premature old age. He was of about the
middle height, and had been athletic and well-proportioned. Broad in
the shoulders, deep in the chest, thin in the flank, very muscular in the
arms and legs, he had been able to match himself with all competitors
in the tourney and the ring, and to vanquish the bull with his own hand
in the favorite national amusement of Spain. He had been able in the
field to do the duty of captain and soldier, to endure fatigue and
exposure, and every privation except fasting. These personal
advantages were now departed. Crippled in hands, knees and legs, he
supported himself with difficulty upon a crutch, with the aid of, an
attendant's shoulder. In face he had always been extremely ugly, and
time had certainly not improved his physiognomy. His hair, once of a
light color, was now white with age, close-clipped and bristling; his
beard was grey, coarse, and shaggy. His forehead was spacious and
commanding; the eye was dark blue, with an expression
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