The Resources of Quinola | Page 7

Honoré de Balzac
straw fly up above a boiler. All men have had the same experience since boilers and straw existed. But I saw there a force; in order to estimate its violence, I put a lid on the boiler; the lid flew off but did not kill me. Archimedes and I are of the same mind! He wished for a lever and a fulcrum to move the world; I possess this lever and have been fool enough to say so; since then--misfortunes have overwhelmed me. If I should die, you, man of genius who shall discover the secret, act on it, but keep silence. The light which we discover, men take from us, only to set on fire our funeral pile. Galileo, my master, is in prison for having said that the earth moves, and I am here for attempting to apply the forces of the earth. No! I am here because I rebel against the cupidity of those who desire to steal my secret; were it not for my love for Marie, I would claim my liberty to-night, leaving to them the profit, keeping to myself the fame--Ah! What rage is in my heart! But rage is only fit for children; let me be calm and then I shall be strong. Would that I might have news of the only man who has faith in me! He is at liberty, he, who begged to win me bread. But faith is only found among the poor, who have need of it.
The Grand Inquisitor, a familiar and Fontanares.
The Grand Inquisitor Well, my son, how are you? You were speaking of faith, doubtless you have made some sage reflections recently. Come now, spare the Holy Office a resort to severity.
Fontanares Father, what do you wish me to say?
The Grand Inquisitor Before setting you at liberty, the Holy Office must be sure that the means you employ are natural--
Fontanares Father, if I had made a compact with the Evil One, would he have let me languish here?
The Grand Inquisitor Your words are impious; the devil has a master whose existence is proved by our burning of heretics.
Fontanares Have you ever seen a ship on the sea? (The Grand Inquisitor assents.) By what means is it propelled?
The Grand Inquisitor The wind fills the sails.
Fontanares Did the devil reveal this method of navigation to the first sailor?
The Grand Inquisitor Do you know who he was?
Fontanares He was, perhaps, the founder of some long forgotten power that ruled the sea--at any rate, the means that I employ are not less natural than his. I have seen a certain force in nature, a force controllable by man. For the wind is God's creature, and man is not its master, but the wind propels the ships of man, while my force is in the ship itself.
The Grand Inquisitor (aside) This man may prove a dangerous fellow. (Aloud) And you refuse to tell us what it is?
Fontanares I will tell the king, in presence of the court; for, after that, no one will be able to rob me of my glory and the fortune that it brings.
The Grand Inquisitor You call yourself an inventor, and yet you think of nothing but fortune! You are too ambitious to be a man of genius.
Fontanares Father, I am so profoundly disgusted by the jealousy of the vulgar, by the avarice of the great, by the behavior of sham philosophers, that-- but for my love for Marie--I would give back that which chance has bestowed upon me.
The Grand Inquisitor Chance?
Fontanares I am wrong. I would give back to God the thought which God has sent to me.
The Grand Inquisitor God did not send it to you that it might be hidden, and we have the right to force you to divulge it. (To his familiar) Bid them prepare the rack.
Fontanares I was expecting it.
The Grand Inquisitor, Fontanares, Quinola and the Duke of Olmedo.
Quinola It isn't a very healthy thing, this torture.
Fontanares Quinola! And in what a livery!
Quinola The livery of success, for you are to be freed.
Fontanares Free? And to pass from hell to heaven in an instant?
The Duke of Olmedo As martyrs do.
The Grand Inquisitor Sir, do you dare to say such words in this place!
The Duke of Olmedo I am charged by the king to take out of your custody this man, and will answer for him to the Holy Inquisition.
The Grand Inquisitor What a mistake!
Quinola Ah! you would like to boil him in your cauldrons of oil! Many thanks! His cauldrons are going to carry us 'round the world--like this. (He twirls his hat.)
Fontanares Embrace me, my friend, and tell me how--
The Duke of Olmedo Say not a word here--
Quinola Yes (he points to the Inquisitor), for here the walls have ears. Come. And you (speaking to the duke) take
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