The Register of Ratlinghope | Page 7

W. G. D. Fletcher
Rotlynchope), passim.
Rutland, co., iii.
Shrewsbury, iii*, iv, v.
Shropshire, iii, iv.
Smethcott (Smethcot), 1, 2.
Stapleton, 2.
Stitt, iii*.
Walsall, iii.
Wentnor, 2*, 3.
Westbury, 3, 4.
Wigmore, iii, iv.
Woolstaston, iv*.
Worthen, 1, 3.

[An Asterisk (*) denotes that the name occurs more than once on the page.]
IRREGULARITY:--Christian name omitted: . . . Charles, 8.
Ambler, Jas., 4, 11*; My., 4, 11.
Amiss, Sar., 8.
Ancritt, Sar., 2.
Anderton, Hy., iv.
Andrews (Andrus), Andrew, 7; Ann, 3*, 4, 5, 6; Eliza, 10; Hannah, 5; Jn., 2, 4, 6; My., 1*, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10; Prise., 8; Rich., 1; Sar., 1, 2*, 4*, 6*; Thos., 1, 3, 7, 9; Wm., 1, 2, 3, 5*, 7, 8, 9, 10.
Andrus, see Andrews.
Aston, Thos. Baker, iv.
Bady (Beady), Eliz., 10; Marth., 8; Sar., 8, 10; Thos., 8, 10.
Batfield, Chas., 8; Hannah, 8.
Beaumond, Elean., 4.
Beddoes (Beddow), Jn., 3, 9; My., 3, 9*.
Bennett, Benj., 11; Marth., 11*.
Bigge, Humph., iii.
Bishop, Abig., 7; Amia, 8; Eliz., 7, 8, 9, 11; Job, 2; Jn., 7, 8, 9*, 11; Marth., 2, 11; My., 3.
Botterell, Wm. de, iii*.
Bowen, Margery, 1; My., 1.
Brazenor, Hannah, 10; Jn., 10.
Brees, see Preece.
Bright, Thos., iii.
Bromley, Benj., 9*; Frances, 9*; Sar., 9; Wm., 9.
Brown, Sar., 4; Sus., 4.
Bufton, Chas., 7, 8, 9, 10, 11; Edw., 11; Eliz., 7; Jas., 8; My., 7, 8, 9, 10, 11; Thos., 9, 10.
Butler, Sar., 2.
Carless (Careless), . . . 8; Charlotte, 5; Clement, 3, 4, 9; Eliz., 2, 5, 6, 8; Jn., 2, 5, 6*, 8; My., 3, 4.
Carr, Edm. Donald, iv.
Clark (Clarke), Ann, 2; Edw., 1; My., 1.
Coles, Bromley, 1; Eliz., 1.
Cook (Cooke), Eliz., 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11; Geo., 5; Jn., 9; Marth., I, 3; Rich., 11; Rob., 1, 4; Sar., 3; Thos., 4, 5, 7, 8*, 9, 11; Wm., 7.
Corbet, Adela, iii; Alice, iii*; Rob., iii; Rob. fitz, iii*; Rog., iii; Sibil, iii*; Walt., iii*.
Corfield, Benj., 11; Eliza, 11; Hannah, 11.
Coxsell, Jas., 3; My., 3.
Cranage, Rev. D. H. S., iii.
Crockat, Ann, 8*; Thos., 8*.
Crump, Eliz., 4, 10*; Rich., 4, 10.
Davis (Davies), Ann, 1*, 3, 9; Cath., 2; Jane, 3; Jn., 5; Jos., 2; My., 1; Morris, 3, 6, 9; Rich., iv, 1, 8; Sam., 18; Sar., 3, 6, 9*; Sus., 2; Thos., 3, 6.
Dod (Dodd), Cath., 2; Jane, 2; Jn., 2; Thos., 2.
Dolphin, Jn., 4*; My., 4.
Doveson, Ann, 3.
Edward the Confessor, iii.
Edwards, Eliz., 3, 8; J., 2; Jos., 8*; Sar., 3, 8.
Evans, Edw., 10; Evan, 3; Marth., 3; My., 10, 11; Sam., 11*; Thos., 10.
Everall (Everal), Ann, 3, 5*, 6, 7, 8, 9*; Edw., 3, 4, 5*, 6, 7*, 8, 9, 10; Edw. Burley, 10*; Eliz., 6, 8; Jane, 3, 4; Jas., 9; Joan, 2; Jn., 4, 5, 8, 11; Marth., 1, 2, 5, 9*, 10*; My., 4, 5*, 6, 7, 8*, 9, 10*; Morris, 2; Prisc., 9; Rich., 5; Rob., 2, 9*, 10*; Sam., 6; Sar., 9; Thos., 4, 5, 6*, 7, 8, 9, 10*; Wm., 4, 7.
Finch, Jn., 3; Reb., 3.
Fletcher, Rev. W. G. D., v*.
Fox, Marth., 3; Sar., 3.
Glenn, Rev. Thos. Rob., iv, v.
Goff (Gough), Ann, 2, 3; Edw., 2, 3.
Gravner, Reb., 3.
Griffiths, Ann, 9; Chas., 11; Edw., 9; Marg., 11; Sus., 9; Thos., 11.
Groves, Ann, 2, 4, 5*, 6, 7, 8; Edw. Medlicott, 5*; Emma, 8; Harriet, 4; My., 2, 7; Prisc., 2, 6; Sam., 4, 5*, 6, 7, 8; Wm., 5.
Gwilliam (Guilliam), Ann, 4; Cath., 2; Chas., 1; Eliz., 5; Hannah, 1; Jas., 5; Jane, 4, 5; Jn., 4, 5; Jos., 4; My., 1, 5, 9, 11; Rich., 9, 11*; Sar., 2; Sus., 2, 5; Thos., 4, 9.
Haberley, My., 2.
Harries (Harris, Harriss), Elean., 4, 10; Letitia, 11; My., 1; Rich., 1; Sam., 11; Sar., 1; Wm., 4, 8.
Harrington, Sar., 9.
Harrop, Jonah, iii. see also Hulton-Harrop.
Hawkins, Jn., iv.
Hayward, Eliz., 1; My., 2; Rob., 7.
Henley, Jane, 2.
Henry I., iii.
Henry II., iii.
Herbert, Herb. fitz, iii.
Hill, Elean., 10; Thos., 6.
Hodges, Geo., iv.
Home (Holmes, Homes), Eliz., 1, 3; Jn., 3; Marth., 1, 2; My., 2.
Homfray, Edw., iv.
Hordley (Hurdley), Margery, 1; Wm., 1.
Hotchkis (Hotchkiss), Ann, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11; Edw., 6; Elean., 11; Eliz., 9; Jer., 4; Marth., 2; Sam., 5; Sar., 7; Wm., 4, 5, 6, 7, 9.
Howells, Jane 2.
Hulton-Harrop, Miss, v; W. E. M., iii, v.
Humphreys (Humphries), Ann, 3, 6; Jn., 6; My., 3, 6; Thos., 6.
Ireland, Wm. Perry, iv.
Irish, Sar., 9; Thos., 9.
James, My., 3; Sus., 2; Thos., 2.
Johnson, Laurence, iv.
Jones, Ann, 1, 2, 3*, 4*, 6, 7*, 8, 9, 10*, 11; Cath., 3, 10; Eliz., 3, 6, 10; Frances, 4; Hannah, 8*, 10; Jn., 2, 7*, 11; Jos., 1; Marth., 2; My., 2*, 8, 11; Prisc., 10; Rich., 2*, 4, 11; Rob., 2, 6, 9; Sar., 3, 10, 11; Sus., 2; Wm., 2, 3*, 4, 6, 7*, 8, 9, 10*, 11.
Kittermaster, Rev. F. W., v.
Knight, Harriet, 3.
Langdon, Benj., 3; My., 3.
Lee, My., 2; Wm., 2;
Lewis (Lewiss), Ann, 5; Edw., 1; Eliz., 1, 2, 4*, 5; Jn., 6; My., 2, 4*, 5, 6*, 8; Sam., 6; Sar.,
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