State Boers, who were in
the neighbourhood of Bester's Station on the Ladysmith-Harrismith
In order to reoccupy Elandslaagte and to secure General Yule's line of
retreat, Sir George White ordered out a force consisting of infantry,
cavalry, and artillery, of which four companies of the Regiment formed
a part, under the command of General French. These companies went
out in the morning by train under Major Curry, and detrained near
Modder Station.
One company and a Maxim gun under Captain Jacson and a squadron
5th Lancers were sent at 11 a.m. by road to Pepworth Hill to guard the
left flank of General French's force against the Free State Army, which
might seriously threaten General French's communications with
At 1 p.m. further reinforcements were sent out to General French, and
the three remaining companies of the Regiment were ordered to
proceed by train to Modder Station to join the wing under Major Curry.
The seven companies were then under the command of Major Park.
The Boers occupied two cones of some low hills overlooking
Elandslaagte railway station. General French's artillery came into
action on some high ground 4400 yards distant from the Boer position,
and between the two forces was an open undulating plain affording
little or no cover, and across which the attack had to be delivered.
The Gordon Highlanders and Manchesters were to attack round the
Boers' left flank, whilst the Devons were to make a frontal attack.
From the nature of the position which they had taken up, no
commanding positions affording flanking fire and protection to their
flanks were obtainable by the Boers. These were open and could be
easily threatened by the cavalry and the mounted infantry.
The Boers had two guns in position on one of the two cones, and with
these guns they did good execution, knocking over a limber of one of
French's batteries at the second shot, and practically before his guns
came into action.
General French's force, now considerably augmented, marched off at
2.30 p.m. The 1st Devon Regiment was formed in company column at
fifty paces as a reserve to the Manchester Regiment. After proceeding
about a mile heavy firing was heard on the right front, direction was
changed half-right, and the Regiment was then ordered to form for
attack on the left of the Manchesters, and to take up a front of 500
Three companies were placed in the firing-line and supports under
Major Park, and four companies in reserve under Major Curry. At
about 3.15 p.m. the firing-line reached the top of a low hill, and came
in sight of the enemy's position distant about 4400 yards. Here a halt of
a quarter of an hour was made, and at 3.30 p.m. orders were received
by the Regiment to make a frontal attack on the position, to advance to
within effective rifle range, and to then hold on till a flank attack by the
Manchesters and Gordons came in on the right. The ground between
the Regiment and the position sloped slightly up to the foot of the low
rocky hills, on which the enemy was posted. There was no cover of any
kind, except a few ant-heaps, in the first half of the distance.
The firing-line advanced keeping intervals and covering a front of
about 600 yards, the centre being directed on to a conical hill at the
back of the enemy's camp. The reserve followed in column of
companies, in single rank, at fifty paces distance between companies.
The enemy's guns opened on the Regiment at once with shrapnel, but
most of the shells went high, only one striking the reserve companies.
A steady advance to about 1200 to 1300 yards from the position was
made, when, the rifle fire becoming rather heavy, fire was opened by
section volleys. The light was bad, and it was very difficult to see the
enemy or estimate the distances. In a few minutes the supports
reinforced, and the firing-line then pushed on to the foot of the slope,
and established itself in a shallow ditch 800 to 900 yards from the
position. Here it held on, firing sectional volleys, till the flank attack
appeared on the hill, apparently about 500 yards from the position.
An advance by companies from the right was then ordered, and, the
reserve reinforcing, a further 200 yards was gained. Some bugling and
shouting was then heard on the hill. A rush to 350 yards was now made,
and, after a short pause to allow the men to get breath, bayonets were
fixed and the position charged, four companies assaulting the detached
hill on the left, the remaining three companies assaulting the hill on
which the enemy's guns were. F and G Companies were the first to
reach and take possession of the
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