The Principles of Gothic Ecclesiastical Architecture, Elucidated by Question and Answer, 4th ed | Page 6

Mattthew Holbeche Bloxam
as adjuncts to most
cathedral churches, though the conventual buildings of a domestic
nature, with which the cloisters formerly also communicated, have
generally been destroyed. Mere parochial churches have commonly a
tower at the west end, a nave with lateral aisles, and a chancel. Some
churches have transepts; and small side chapels or additional aisles
have been annexed to many, erected at the costs of individuals, to serve
for burial and as chantries. The smallest class of churches have a nave
and chancel only, with a small bell-turret formed of wooden shingles,
or an open arch of stonework, appearing above the roof at the west end.

[Illustration: SEDILIA,
St. Martin's, Leicester, circa A. D. 1250.]
Q. Do the distinctions of the different styles, as they differ from each
other, depend at all upon the form of the arch?
A. To a certain extent the form of the arch may be considered as a
criterion of style; too much dependence, however, must not be placed
on this rule, inasmuch as there are many exceptions.
Q. How are arches divided generally, as to form?
A. Into the triangular-headed or straight-lined pointed arch, the
round-headed arch, and the curved-pointed arch; and the latter are again

Q. How is the triangular-headed or straight-lined pointed arch formed,
and when did it prevail?
A. It may be described as formed by the two upper sides of a triangle,
more or less obtuse or acute. It is generally considered as one of the
characteristics of the Anglo-Saxon style, where it is often to be met
with of plain and rude construction. But instances of this form of arch,
though they are not frequent, are to be met with in the Norman and
subsequent styles. Arches, however, of this description, of late date,
may be generally known by some moulding or other feature peculiar to
the style in which it is used.
Q. What different kinds of round-headed arches are there?
A. The semicircular arch (fig. 1), the stilted arch (fig. 2), the segmental
arch (fig. 3), and the horse-shoe arch (fig. 4).
Q. How are they formed or described?
A. The semicircular arch is described from a centre in the same line
with its spring; the stilted arch in the same manner, but the sides are
carried downwards in a straight line below the spring of the curve till
they rest upon the imposts; the segmental arch is described from a
centre lower than its spring; and the horse-shoe arch from a centre
placed above its spring.
Q. During what period of time do we find these arches generally in
A. The semicircular arch, which is the most common, we find to have
prevailed from the time of the Romans to the close of the twelfth
century, when it became generally discarded; and we seldom meet with

it again, in its simple state, till about the middle of the sixteenth century.
It is in some degree considered as a characteristic of the Anglo-Saxon
and Norman styles. The stilted arch is chiefly found in conjunction with
the semicircular arch in the construction of Norman vaulting over a
space in plan that of a parallelogram. The segmental arch we meet with
in almost all the styles, used as an arch of construction, and for
doorway and window arches; whilst the form of the horse-shoe arch
seems, in many instances, to have been occasioned by the settlement
and inclination of the piers from which it springs.
Q. Into how many classes may the pointed arch be divided?
A. Into two, namely, the simple pointed arch described from two
centres, and the complex pointed arch described from four centres.
Q. What are the different kinds of simple pointed arches?
A. The LANCET, or acute-pointed arch; the EQUILATERAL pointed
arch; and the OBTUSE-ANGLED pointed arch.
Q. How is the lancet arch formed and described?
A. It is formed of two segments of a circle, and its centres have a radius
or line longer than the breadth of the arch, and may be described from
an acute-angled triangle. (fig. 5.).[TN-1]
Q. How is the equilateral arch formed and described?
A. From two segments of a circle; the centres of it have a radius or line
equal to the breadth of the arch, and it may be described from an
equilateral triangle. (fig. 6.)
Q. How is the obtuse-angled arch formed and described?
A. Like the foregoing, it is formed from two segments of a circle, and
the centres of it have a radius shorter than the breadth of the arch; it is
described from an obtuse-angled triangle. (fig. 7.)

Q. During what period were these pointed arches in use?
A. They were all gradually introduced in the twelfth century, and
continued during
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