The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, vol 3 | Page 5

Richard Hakluyt
maried vnto Magnus the
Duke of Holst.
Gabriel hauing obtained the great dukedome of Russia, changed his
name calling himselfe Basilius, and applied his minde to the atchieuing
of high and great enterprises. For hee reduced a great part of the
dukedome of Moscouie, which Vitoldus the great Duke of Lithuania
helde in possession, vnder his owne iurisdiction, and wonne vpon the
riuer of Boristhenes (which the Russians call Neiper) many cities and
especially Smolensco, in the yeere of our Lord 1514. Hauing diuorced
his first wife, hee begate of Helena daughter vnto Duke Glinskie, Iuan
Vasilowich, which now this present 1580. reigneth as great Duke. He
was borne in the yeere of our Lorde 1528. the 25. of August, sixe
houres after the rising of the sonne. The great dukedome of Russia fell
vnto the said Iuan Vasilowich in the fifth yeere of his age, hauing his
vncle George for his great protector; being 25. yeeres of age, and being
of a strong body and of a courageous mind he subdued the Tartars of
Cazan and Astracan vpon the riuer of Volgha, carrying their Dukes and
chieftaines into captiuitie.
But by what wayes and meanes (after the league which by the
intercession of the most sacred Roman Emperour, continued from the

yeere 1503. for the space of fifty yeeres, was expired) hauing renewed
warres against Liuonia, hee brought that most flourishing prouince into
extreame miserie, vsing for the same purpose a new pretense, and
alleadging that it belonged vnto him by right of inheritance, I tremble
to recount: and it requireth a large historie, which perhaps in time and
place conuenient some more learned then my selfe will take vpon them
to addresse.
He is exceedingly addicted vnto piety and deuotion, and doth
oftentimes obserue very strict fastings and abstinence with his monks:
and whereas the Russes in doing reuerence and adoration vnto God doe
beate their foreheads against the ground, this Iuan Vasilowich with
performing of the same ceremonie causeth his forehead to be ful of
boines and swellings, and sometimes to be black and blew, and very
often to bleed. He is much delighted with building of Churches and
spareth no cost for that purpose. Whether therfore by nature, or (which
hee pretendeth to bee the cause) by reason of his subiects malice and
treacherie, he be so addicted vnto all rigour and cruelty, I dare not
determine, especially sithens he hath not an illiberal or mishapen
countenance, as Attila is reported, to haue had. Of his first wife which
was sister vnto Mikita Romanowich, beeing nowe great steward of his
houshold, he begate two sonnes, namely Iuan and Theodore. And albeit
he was fiue times married, yet had he not one childe more.
Whereas this Iuan Vasilowich vpon certaine friuolous reasons calleth
himselfe the naturall lord of Liuonia, I thought it not amisse to adde an
Epistle hereunto, which was written by a certaine honourable man
concerning the same matter.
S. All we which inhabite this Prouince with all seemely reuerence and
submission of mind, do offer most humble thanks vnto the Emperors
most sacred and peerelesse maiesty our most gracious lord, in that
according to his fatherly affection which he beareth towards all
Christendome, and for the good and commodity of this our distressed
and afflicted countrey, which these many yeres hath bin in stead of a
bulwarke against the inuasion of barbarous nations, he hath sent his
ambassadors vnto the great duke of Moscouia. In regard of which his
fatherly loue and great benefite vouchsafed on vs, wee are ready when
occasion shall serue, to aduenture our liues and goods; praying in the
meane season vnto Almightie God, who is the onely establisher and

confounder of common wealths, to bring this excellent woorke, the
foundation whereof is already laide vnto a prosperous conclusion. But
as touching the title which the Moscouite maketh to this prouince, to
say the very trueth, we greatly wondred and were astonished at the
declaration thereof. For it is most apparent, not onely out of all ancient
and credible histories, but euen from the experience and state of these
regions, that the said title and allegations are fabulous and fained. For
out of all auncient monuments, by what names soeuer they bee called
(whereof there are diuers extant among vs) it cannot be proued by any
mention, nor yet by any likelihoode or coniecture, that those things
which the Moscouite affirmeth concerning the people which were
gouernors of these regions in times past, and concerning the right and
title of his ancestors vnto this prouince, are grounded vpon truth.
For it is not vnknowen by what meanes this prouince, partly through
the industry of marchants, and partly by the benefite of nauigation, was
first discouered: neither is it vnknowen howe the inhabitants
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