The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of The English Nation, vol 4 | Page 9

Richard Hakluyt
way to Vstiug the great, and so to Colmogorod,
or elsewhere at their pleasure, there to barter and sell the same. But
those wares that shalbe needfull for our Treasurie, they shall not hide
from vs in any case.
And when our Chancellours shall send our aduenture, with the said
Marchants or their Factors, they to take our aduentures with them, and
to sell, and to barter for such wares as shalbe meete for our Treasurie,
and to returne it into our Treasurie.
And when we shall sende any aduenture into England then our
Chancellour to giue them a yeeres warning, that their ships may be
prouided thereafter, that by taking in of our wares, they leaue not their
owne behind them.
And to take our aduenture yeerely when they goe into Persia.
Neither shall the English marchants receiue or colour any of our
peoples goods, nor barter nor sell it in any wise: likewise our people
not to barter for the sayd English merchants or occupy for them.
3 And when they shall come into our Empire of Casan and Astracan,
and other places of our Dominions, then our Captaines of Casan and
Astracan, and our authorised people, quietly to let them passe, not
taking any toll or custome of their wares, nor once to make search
And when we shal send no adueture with them, yet to suffer them
freely to passe, not viewing their wares, nor taking any kinde of
custome. And whatsoeuer English marchant will bargaine with our
Marchants or Factors ware for ware to barter the same at their pleasure.

And whatsoeuer their Marchant or Factors will sell their wares at their
house at Mosco, which house I granted them at S. Maxims at the
Mosco, they to sell the ware to our people, either strangers as they may
best vtter it, keeping within their house, arshines, measures, and
waights vnder seales.
4 We haue granted them the saide house at S. Maxims in the halfe free,
and without standing rent, as heretofore we did grant it the said English
Marchants, sir Wil. Garrard, and the Company, maintayning in the said
house one housekeeper a Russe, and two Russe seruants, or some of
their owne countrey men, and none other Russes besides the aforesayde.
And the said housekeepers that shall liue at their house with the English
marchants neither to buy nor sel any wares for them, but that the said
marchants themselues or their factors, shall buy, sell, and barter their
owne wares: and our Moscouie marchants not to take the said
Englishmens wares to sell them in our townes, nor to buy any wares for
them, neither the English marchant to colour any Russe wares at any
5 And whatsoeuer English marchant will sell his wares at Colmogorod,
Dwyna, Vologda, Yeraslaue, Castran, Nouogorod the lower, Casan,
Astracan, Nouogrod the great, Vopsko, the Narue, Vriagorod, or at any
other townes, they to sel their wares there at their pleasure: And of all
wares aswell of other countreis as of Russia, no officer or other to take
any custome, neither in any place to stay them in any wise, neither take
any kinde of toll of them for their wares whatsoeuer.
6 And whatsoeuer marchant shall bargaine or buy any wares of English
marchants: The said Russe not to returne those wares vpon the
marchants hands againe, but to giue ready money for the said wares,
otherwise they to craue the Iustice to giue right, and to execute the lawe
vpon the same with all expedition. And when the English marchants or
factors shal trauaile from Moscouie after the dispatch of their wares and
businesse, then to shew themselues vnto our Chancellours, whatsoeuer
wares of theirs shall goe from Mosco, they not to shew the same wares
to any our officers, nor pay no custome nor toll in any place.
7 If it so happen the English marchants haue any wracke, and the

shippes be brought to any port of our Dominions, we to command the
said goods to be enquired and sought out, and to be giuen to the
English marchants, being here abiding at that time in our Countrey, the
factors, seruants, or deputies, of the Company aforesayd, to whom we
haue granted this our gratious letter.
And if there happen none of the English merchants, factors, seruants, or
deputies to be in our Countreis at such time, then we wil all the said
goods to be sought out and bestowed in some conuenient place, and
when any of the Company aforewritten, bringing these our letters, shall
come for their goods, we to command their goods to be restored vnto
8 Likewise wee haue graunted leaue to the English merchants, their
Gouernours, Consuls, and assistants, namely, sir William Garrard
knight, Rowland Howard,
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