and to the land of Dwina,
and to all other our inheritances in the North parts, with all kind of
wares to our city of Mosco, and to all castles and townes in our
kingdome. And sir William Garrard and his company desired of vs, that
we would graunt them licence to passe to our inheritance of Cazan and
Astracan, and into our inheritance of Nouogrod the great, and to our
inheritance of Lifland to Narue and Dorpe, and to other our castles and
townes of Lifland, with all kinde of wares, and the trade to be without
custome, which request we haue graunted to sir William Garrard and
his company, and haue giuen them licence to passe to our inheritance of
Cazan and Astracan, and Nouogrod the great, and into our inheritance
of Lifland, Narue and Dorpe, and other places of our inheritance in
Lifland with all kinde of wares, to buy, barter and sell at will, without
custome: and what wares soeuer they bring out of England, or out of
any other countrey, needfull or necessary, that they shall bring all those
wares needfull or necessary to our treasury, and those wares there to be
opened, and then to take out of the same such wares as shalbe needful
for our treasury, and the rest being deliuered againe, to sell and barter at
their pleasure, and to sell none of the fine wares before they be seene of
our chancellers, except sorting clothes, and other wares not meat for
our treasury: and when our chanceller will send our treasure out of our
treasury with them, they shall take it with them, and so sell and barter it
for wares meet for our treasury, and bring it to our treasury, and they to
take no other mens wares to barter or sell with them, nor yet our people
to buy or sell for them their wares: and if those English merchants do
desire to passe out of our kingdome of Astracan to Boghar, Shamaky,
Chaday, or into any other countreys, or els go into their owne countrey,
then they to take their treasure with them, and to barter and sell it for
wares necessary for our treasury, and to bring it and deliuer it to our
chancellor, and when they come backe againe to our inheritance of
Cazan and Astracan, or to any other of our castles and townes, that then
our captaine of Cazan and Astracan, and all other our people of charge
shall not holde them, but with speed let them passe without taking
custome of them or their wares, and without opening or looking vpon
them in any wise: and when they haue not our treasure with them, that
then likewise no custome shalbe taken of them nor their wares to be
seene of any man.
And likewise we haue granted them to buy and sell in all our
kingdomes and castles, with all kinde of wares: and we haue also
licenced them, that when those English merchants do desire to buy and
sell with our merchants wholly together, that they shall haue liberty so
to do wholly together: and they that do desire to sell their owne wares
by retaile in their owne house, that then they sell it in their own house
by retaile to our people, and other strangers, as they can agree: and
weights and arshnids to be kept in their house with our seale, and they
themselues to barter and sell their owne wares: and no Russe merchant
in Mosco, or any other place in our kingdome to sell for them any
wares, nor to buy or barter any wares for them, nor couler any strangers
goods. And whereas those merchants of England, sir William Garrard
and his company do desire to sell their wares at Colmogro, Dwina,
Vologda, Yeraslaue, Costrum, and in Nouogrod the lower, Cazan,
Astracan, great Nouogrod, Plesko, Narue, Dorpe, and in other our
townes and castles, they shall haue their will to sell it: and of their
wares of England and Russeland no custome shalbe taken, neither they
nor their wares shalbe stayed in any place: and when they depart out of
Mosco, to aduertise our chancellor thereof, and not to giue any note or
inuentory of any kinde of their wares they cary away: and when the
English merchants, sir William Garrard and his company do come vpon
the sea, and by misfortune haue their ships cast away vpon those coasts
of the North parts, then we will their goods to be sought out with trueth,
and to be deliuered to sir William Garrard and his company, which as
then shall be found in our countrey: and if that sir William Garrards
company be not in the Mosco nor in our countrey: then we will and
command that

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