The Prehistoric World: or, Vanished Races | Page 9

E.A. Allen
at hand, to reconstruct the history of times and
people so far removed. We quickly become convinced that many
centuries, and tens of centuries, have rolled away since man's first
appearance on the earth. We become impressed with the fact, "that
multitudes of people have moved over the surface of the Earth, and
sunk into the night of oblivion, without leaving a trace of their
existence: without a memorial through which we might have at least
learned their names."<1>
To think of ourselves, is to imagine for our own nation an immortality.
We are so great, so strong, surely nothing can move us. Let us learn
humility from the past: and when, here and there, we come upon some
reminder of a vanished people, trace the proofs of a teeming population
in ancient times, and recover somewhat of a history, as true and
touching as any that poets sing, let us recognize the fact, that nations as
well as individuals pass away and are forgotten.
The past guards its secret well. To learn of it we must seek new
methods of inquiry. Discouraged by the difficulties in the way, many
have supposed it hidden from the present by a veil which only thickens
as time passes. In the remains of prehistoric times they have failed to

recognize the pages of history. They saw only monuments of ancient
skill and perseverance: interesting sketches, not historical portraits.
Some writers have held that we must give up the story of the past,
"whether fact or chronology, doctrine or mythology--whether in Europe,
Asia, Africa, or America--at Thebes, or Palenque--on Lycian shore, or
Salisbury plain--lost is lost and gone is gone for evermore." Such is the
lament of a gifted writer,<2> amongst the first to ponder over the
mysteries of the past. At the present day, with better means at hand, a
more hopeful view is taken. But here a caution is necessary; for, in
attempting to reconstruct the history of primitive times, such is the
interest which it inspires, that many allow imagination to usurp the
place of research, and write in terms too glowing for history.<3>
The human mind is sleepless in the pursuit of knowledge. It is ever
seeking new fields of conquest. It must advance: with it, standing still
is the precursor of defeat. If necessary it invents new methods of attack,
and rests not until it gains its objective point, or demonstrates the
hopelessness of its quest. The world needs but be informed that on a
given point knowledge is dim and uncertain, when there are found
earnest minds applying to the solution of the mystery all the energies of
their natures. All the resources of science are brought to bear; every
department of knowledge is made to contribute of its store: and soon a
mass of facts is established and a new science is added to the
department of human knowledge.
Thus, with our knowledge of prehistoric times, what so seemingly vain
as to attempt to roll back the flight of time, and learn the condition of
primeval man? All the light of ancient history makes but little
impression on the night of time. By its aid we can but dimly see the
outlines of the fortieth century back; beyond is gloom soon lost in night.
But a few short years ago, men did not think it possible to gain further
information. With the materials at hand this could not be done. The
triumph of the intellect was simply delayed, not hopelessly repulsed.
Geology was but just beginning to make good its claim to a place
among the sciences. This unfolded to man the physical history of the
world as read from the rocks, and deals with times so vast and profound
that we speak no longer of years, but of ages. And with the aid of

Geology grand secrets were wrung from the past, and new light was
thrown on the manners and customs of primitive man. Thus the
foundation for still another science was laid, called Archaeology, or the
science of Human Antiquities. These two sister sciences are the keys by
whose aid we have not only acquired much information of a past that
seemed a hopeless enigma--but, as Columbus on the waste of waters
could perceive traces of land as yet invisible, so can the present seekers
after knowledge trace the signs of a satisfactory solution of many of the
great questions relating to the origin and history of the vanished races
of mankind.
In whatever land we commence our investigations, we quickly come
upon the evidences of an ancient life long antedating all historical
information. Ancient Egypt has been a fruitful theme for the
antiquarians pen. The traveler has moralized over the ruins of her past
greatness, and many pointed illustrations of national growth and decay
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