in Oriental lands. In no country is there a hard and
fast line separating the historic period from the prehistoric. In the dim
perspective of years the light gradually fades away, the mist grows
thicker and thicker before us, and we at last find ourselves face to face
with the unknown past.
This extensive period of time is not, however, utterly lost to us. We
have simply to gather our information in some other way. Enthusiastic
explorers, digging beneath the ashes of Vesuvius, have brought to light
the remains of an entombed city. Of this city we indeed have historic
records, but even if all such records had long since disappeared, we
would gather much information as to the nationality of the inhabitants,
their customs, and manners, by a simple inspection of the relics
themselves. Everywhere over the earth, entombed beneath the feet of
the living, or crumbling on the surface, are the few relics of a past far
antedating the relics of Pompeii. They are the proofs positive that some
people inhabited the land in far away times.
Our object is to gather together the conclusions of the scientific world
as to primitive man. We wish to see how far back in the geological
history of the globe we can find evidence of man's existence, and we
desire to learn his surroundings and the manner of his life. There can be
no more important field than for us to thus learn of the past. To read the
story of primitive man, to walk with him the earth in ages long ago,
with him to wage war on the huge animals of a previous epoch, to
recede with him before the relentless march of the ice of the Glacial
Age, to watch his advance in culture, to investigate whether there are
any races of men now living which are the direct descendants of this
primeval man.
The author makes no claims to original investigations. He trusts,
however, it will not be considered impertinent for a mere loiterer in the
vestibule of the temple of science to attempt to lay before others the
results of the investigations of our eminent scholars. He has endeavored
faithfully to perform this task. As far as possible technical language has
been avoided. This is because he has written not for the distinctively
scientific men, but rather for the farmer, the mechanic, and the man of
business. Constant references are made to the authorities consulted. The
reader his a right to know who vouches for the statements made in the
The pleasantest part of an author's duty is to return thanks for assistance.
After the manuscript was prepared with what care could be bestowed
on it, it was determined to submit it to some of our best American
scholars for criticism. Accordingly, each of the gentlemen named on
the title page were requested to review one or more chapters. As far as
possible, each one was asked to review that chapter or chapters for
which, either by reason of the position they held, or the interest they
were known to take in such subjects, they would by common assent be
acknowledged as eminently fitted to sit in judgment. In justice to them,
it should he stated that they were not expected to concern themselves
with the literary merits or demerits of the manuscript, but to criticise
the scientific statements made therein. To each and all of these
gentlemen the author would acknowledge his deep obligations.
We are indebted to Rev. J. P. MacLean, the well-known archaeologist,
both for many valuable suggestions, and for the use of wood-cuts on
pages 60, 138 and 396. We are also under obligation to Rev. S. D. Peet,
editor of the
American Antiquarian, for cuts illustrative of the
effigy mounds of Wisconsin. The officials of the Smithsonian
Institution, and the Bureau of Ethnology have our thanks for many cuts,
for which credit is given them throughout the work.
Finally, the author wishes to say that it was the intention to make this
work the joint production of the author and his partner, Mr. S. C.
Ferguson, but before any progress was made it was deemed advisable
to change the programme. While the literary work has all been
performed by the author, the many details necessarily connected with
the publication of a book were attended to by Mr. Ferguson. E. A.
ALLEN. Cincinnati,
January 1, 1885.
END OF PREFACE**************************
The Prehistoric World: or, Vanished Races by E. A. Allen
Processed by D.R. Thompson
[email protected]
Chapter I.
Difficulties of the subject--Lesson to be learned--The pursuit of
knowledge--Recent advances--Prehistoric past of the Old World--Of
the New--Of Mexico and the South--The Isles of the Pacific--Similar
nature of the relics--The wonders of the present age--History of popular
opinion on this subject-- The teachings