The Practice of the Presence of God the Best Rule of a Holy Life | Page 9

Herman Nicholas
both profit by them.
You must know his continual care has been, for about forty years past
that he has spent in religion, to be always with GOD, and to do nothing,
say nothing, and think nothing which may displease Him; and this

without any other view than purely for the love of Him, and because he
deserves infinitely more.
He is now so accustomed to that _Divine Presence_, that he receives
from it continual succors upon all occasions. For about thirty years, his
soul has been filled with joys so continual, and sometimes so great, that
he is forced to use means to moderate them, and to hinder their
appearing outwardly.
If sometimes he is a little too much absent from that _Divine Presence_,
GOD presently makes Himself to be felt in his soul to recall him, which
often happens when he is most engaged in his outward business. He
answers with exact fidelity to these inward drawings, either by an
elevation of his heart towards GOD, or by a meek and fond regard to
Him, or by such words as love forms upon these occasions, as for
instance, _My God, here I am all devoted to Thee_: LORD, make me
according to Thy heart. And then it seems to him (as in effect he feels
it) that this GOD of love, satisfied with such few words, reposes again,
and rests in the fund and centre of his soul. The experience of these
things gives him such an assurance that GOD is always in the fund or
bottom of his soul, that it renders him incapable of doubting it upon any
account whatever.
Judge by this what content and satisfaction he enjoys while he
continually finds in himself so great a treasure. He is no longer in an
anxious search after it, but has it open before him, and may take what
he pleases of it.
He complains much of our blindness, and cries often that we are to be
pitied who content ourselves with so little. GOD, saith he, _has infinite
treasure to bestow, and we take up with a little sensible devotion, which
passes in a moment. Blind as we are, we hinder GOD, and stop the
current of His graces. But when He finds a soul penetrated with a lively
faith, He pours into it His graces and favors plentifully: there they flow
like a torrent, which, after being forcibly stopped against its ordinary
course, when it has found a passage, spreads itself with impetuosity and
Yes, we often stop this torrent by the little value we set upon it. But let
us stop it no more; let us enter into ourselves and break down the bank
which hinders it. Let us make way for grace; let us redeem the lost time,
for perhaps we have but little left. Death follows us close; let us be well

prepared for it: for we die but once; and a miscarriage there is
I say again, let us enter into ourselves. The time presses, there is no
room for delay: our souls are at stake. I believe you have taken such
effectual measures that you will not be surprised. I commend you for it;
it is the one thing necessary. We must, nevertheless, always work at it,
because not to advance in the spiritual life is to go back. But those who
have the gale of the HOLY SPIRIT go forward even in sleep. If the
vessel of our soul is still tossed with winds and storms, let us awake the
LORD, who reposes in it, and He will quickly calm the sea.
I have taken the liberty to impart to you these good sentiments, that you
may compare them with your own. It will serve again to kindle and
inflame them, if by misfortune (which GOD forbid, for it would be
indeed a great misfortune) they should be, though never so little, cooled.
Let us then both recall our first fervors. Let us profit by the example
and the sentiments of this brother, who is little known of the world, but
known of GOD, and extremely caressed by Him. I will pray for you; do
you pray instantly for me, who am, in our LORD.
Yours, &c.

I received this day two books and a letter from Sister ----, who is
preparing to make her profession, and upon that account desires the
prayers of your holy society, and yours in particular. I perceive that she
reckons much upon them; pray do not disappoint her. Beg of GOD that
she may make her sacrifice in the view of His love alone, and with a
firm resolution to be wholly devoted to Him. I will send you one of
these books which treat of the presence of
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