Reply by Sheridan 308?To Thomas Sheridan 309?Swift to Sheridan 310?An Answer by Sheridan 310?To Dr. Sheridan 311?The Answer by Dr. Sheridan 312?Dr. Sheridan to Dr. Swift 313?The Dean's Answer 314?Dr. Sheridan's Reply to the Dean 314?To the Same by Dr. Sheridan 315?The Dean of St. Patrick's to Thomas Sheridan 316?To the Dean of St. Patrick's 317?The Dean to Thomas Sheridan 318?To Dr. Sheridan 320
1 P.S. 321?2 P.S. 321?3 P.S. 321?Dr. Sheridan's Answer 322?Dr. Swift's Reply 322?A Copy of a Copy of Verses 323?George-Nim-Dan-Dean's Answer 324?George-Nim-Dan-Dean's Invitation 326?To George-Nim-Dan-Dean, Esq 328?To Mr. Thomas Sheridan 330?On Dr. Sheridan's Circular Verses 331?On Dan Jackson's Picture 332?On the Same Picture 332?On the Same 333?On the Same Picture 333?On the Same Picture 333?Dan Jackson's Defence 335?Mr. Rochfort's Reply 336?Dr. Delany's Reply 338?Sheridan's Reply 339?A Rejoinder 340?Another Rejoinder 342?Sheridan's Submission 343?The Pardon 344?The Last Speech and Dying Words of Daniel Jackson 345?To the Rev. Daniel Jackson 347?Sheridan to Swift 349?Sheridan to Swift 350?Swift to Sheridan 350?Mary the Cook Maid's Letter 351?A Portrait from the Life 352?On Stealing a Crown when the Dean was asleep 353?The Dean's Answer 353?A Prologue to a Play 354?The Epilogue 355?The Song 355?A New Year's Gift for the Dean of St. Patrick's 356?To Quilca 358?The Blessings of a Country Life 359?The Plagues of a Country Life 359?A Faithful Inventory 359?Palinodia 361?A Letter to the Dean 362?An Invitation to Dinner 364?On the Five Ladies at Sot's Hole 365?The Five Ladies' Answer to the Beau 367?The Beau's Reply 368?Dr. Sheridan's Ballad on Ballyspellin 368?Answer by Dr. Swift 371?An Epistle to two Friends 373?To Dr. Sheridan 374?Dr. Helsham's Answer 374?A True and Faithful Inventory 376?A New Simile for the Ladies 377?An Answer to a Scandalous Poem 381?Peg Radcliffe the Hostess's Invitation 386?Verses by Sheridan 387
To Dr. Swift on his Birth-Day 390?On Dr. Swift 390?To the Rev. Dr. Swift, Dean of St. Patrick's,
a Birth-Day Poem, Nov. 30, 1736 391?Epigrams occasioned by Dr. Swift's intended Hospital
for Idiots and Lunatics 393?On the Dean of St. Patrick's Birth-Day 394?An Epistle to Robert Nugent, Esq. 396?On the Drapier, by Dr. Dunkin 399?Epitaph proposed for Dr. Swift 400?To the Memory of Dr. Swift 401?A Schoolboy's Theme 403?Verses on the Battle of the Books 404?On Dr. Swift's leaving his Estate to Idiots 404?On several Petty Pieces lately published against Dean Swift 405 On Faulkner's Edition of Swift 405?Epigram on Lord Orrery's Remarks 406?To Dr. Delany, on his Book entitled "Observations
on Lord Orrery's Remarks" 406?Epigram on Faulkner 407?An Inscription 407?An Epigram occasioned by the above 407?Index 409
The shepherds and the nymphs were seen?Pleading before the Cyprian queen.?The counsel for the fair began,?Accusing the false creature Man.?The brief with weighty crimes was charged?On which the pleader much enlarged;?That Cupid now has lost his art,?Or blunts the point of every dart;--?His altar now no longer smokes,?His mother's aid no youth invokes:?This tempts freethinkers to refine,?And bring in doubt their powers divine;?Now love is dwindled to intrigue,?And marriage grown a money league;?Which crimes aforesaid (with her leave)?Were (as he humbly did conceive)?Against our sovereign lady's peace,?Against the statute in that case,?Against her dignity and crown:?Then pray'd an answer, and sat down.?The nymphs with scorn beheld their foes;?When the defendant's counsel rose,?And, what no lawyer ever lack'd,?With impudence own'd all the fact;?But, what the gentlest heart would vex,?Laid all the fault on t'other sex.?That modern love is no such thing?As what those ancient poets sing:?A fire celestial, chaste, refined,?Conceived and kindled in the mind;?Which, having found an equal flame,?Unites, and both become the same,?In different breasts together burn,?Together both to ashes turn.?But women now feel no such fire,?And only know the gross desire.?Their passions move in lower spheres,?Where'er caprice or folly steers,?A dog, a parrot, or an ape,?Or some worse brute in human shape,?Engross the fancies of the fair,?The few soft moments they can spare,?From visits to receive and pay,?From scandal, politics, and play;?From fans, and flounces, and brocades,?From equipage and park parades,?From all the thousand female toys,?From every trifle that employs?The out or inside of their heads,?Between their toilets and their beds.?In a dull stream, which moving slow,?You hardly see the current flow;?If a small breeze obstruct the course,?It whirls about, for want of force,?And in its narrow circle gathers?Nothing but chaff, and straws, and feathers.?The current of a female mind?Stops thus, and turns with every wind:?Thus whirling round together draws?Fools, fops, and rakes, for chaff and straws.?Hence we conclude, no women's hearts?Are won by virtue, wit, and parts:?Nor are the men of sense to blame,?For breasts incapable of flame;?The faults must on the nymphs be placed?Grown so corrupted in their taste.?The pleader having spoke his best,?Had witness ready to attest,?Who fairly could on oath depose,?When questions on the fact arose,?That every article was true;?Nor further those deponents knew:?Therefore

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