The Philanderer | Page 6

George Bernard Shaw
badly, you also reserved my freedom to leave you in case you should
turn out badly.
JULIA. Very ingenious. And pray, have I become a drunkard, or a
criminal, or an imbecile?
CHARTERIS (rising). You have become what is infinitely worse than

all three together--a jealous termagant.
JULIA (shaking her head bitterly). Yes, abuse me--call me names.
CHARTERIS. I now assert the right I reserved--the right of breaking
with you when I please. Advanced views, Julia, involve advanced
duties: you cannot be an advanced woman when you want to bring a
man to your feet, and a conventional woman when you want to hold
him there against his will. Advanced people form charming friendships:
conventional people marry. Marriage suits a good deal of people; and
its first duty is fidelity. Friendship suits some people; and its first duty
is unhesitating, uncomplaining acceptance of a notice of a change of
feeling from either side. You chose friendship instead of marriage.
Now do your duty, and accept your notice.
JULIA. Never! We are engaged in the eye of--the eye of--
CHARTERIS (sitting down quickly beside her). Yes, Julia. Can't you
get it out? In the eye of something that advanced women don't believe
in, en?
JULIA (throwing herself at his feet). O Leonard, don't be cruel. I am
too miserable to argue--to think. I only know I love you. You reproach
me with not wanting to marry you. I would have married you at any
time after I came to love you, if you had asked me. I will marry you
now if you will.
CHARTERIS. I won't, my dear. That's flat. We're intellectually
JULIA. But why? We could be so happy. You love me--I know you
love me--I feel it. You say "My dear" to me: you have said it several
times this evening. I know I have been wicked, odious, bad. I say
nothing in defence of myself. But don't be hard on me. I was distracted
by the thought of losing you. I can't face life without you Leonard. I
was happy when I met you: I had never loved anyone; and if you had
only let me alone I could have gone on contentedly by myself. But I
can't now. I must have you with me. Don't cast me off without a

thought of all I have at stake. I could be a friend to you if you would
only let me--if you would only tell me your plans--give me a share in
your work---treat me as something more than the amusement of an idle
hour. Oh Leonard, Leonard, you've never given me a chance: indeed
you haven't. I'll take pains; I'll read; I'll try to think; I'll conquer my
jealousy; I'll-- (She breaks down, rocking her head desperately on his
knee and writhing.) Oh, I'm mad: I'm mad: you'll kill me if you desert
CHARTERIS (petting her). My dear love, don't cry--don't go on in this
way. You know I can't help it.
JULIA (sobbing as he rises and coaxingly lifts her with him). Oh, you
can, you can. One word from you will make us happy for ever.
CHARTERIS (diplomatically). Come, my dear: we really must go. We
can't stay until Cuthbertson comes. (Releases her gently and takes her
mantle from the table.) Here is your mantle: put it on and be good. You
have given me a terrible evening: you must have some consideration
for me.
JULIA (dangerous again). Then I am to be cast off.
CHARTERIS (coaxingly). You are to put on your bonnet, dearest. (He
puts the mantle on her shoulders.)
JULIA (with a bitter half laugh, half sob). Well, I suppose I must do
what I am told. (She goes to the table, and looks for her bonnet. She
sees the yellow-backed French novel.) Ah, look at that! (holds it out to
him.) Look--look at what the creature reads--filthy, vile French stuff
that no decent woman would touch. And you--you have been reading it
with her.
CHARTERIS. You recommended that book to me yourself.
JULIA. Faugh! (Dashes it on the floor.)
CHARTERIS (running anxiously to the book). Don't damage property,

Julia. (He picks it up and dusts it.) Making scenes is an affair of
sentiment: damaging property is serious. (Replaces it on the table.) And
now do pray come along.
JULIA (implacably). You can go: there is nothing to prevent you. I will
not stir. (She sits down stubbornly on the sofa.)
CHARTERIS (losing patience). Oh come! I am not going to begin all
this over again. There are limits even to my forbearance. Come on.
JULIA. I will not, I tell you.
CHARTERIS. Then good night. (He makes resolutely for the door.
With a rush, she gets there before him, and bars his way.) I thought you
wanted me to go.
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