The Past Condition of Organic Nature | Page 6

Thomas Henry Huxley
region B, the finer over A,
while beyond A there will be no deposit at all; and, consequently, no
record will be kept, simply because no deposit is going on. Now,
suppose that the whole land, C, D, which we have regarded as
stationary, goes down, as it does so, both A and B go further out from
the shore, which will be at yl; x1, y1, being the new sea-level. The
consequence will be that the layer of mud (A), being now, for the most
part, further than the force of the current is strong enough to convey
even the finest 'debris', will, of course, receive no more deposits, and
having attained a certain thickness will now grow no thicker.
We should be misled in taking the thickness of that layer, whenever it
may be exposed to our view, as a record of time in the manner in which
we are now regarding this subject, as it would give us only an imperfect
and partial record: it would seem to represent too short a period of time.
Suppose, on the other hand, that the land (C D) had gone on rising
slowly and gradually--say an inch or two inches in the course of a
century,--what would be the practical effect of that movement? Why,
that the sediment A and B which has been already deposited, would
eventually be brought nearer to the shore-level, and again subjected to
the wear and tear of the sea; and directly the sea begins to act upon it, it

would of course soon cut up and carry it away, to a greater or less
extent, to be re-deposited further out.
Well, as there is, in all probability, not one single spot on the whole
surface of the earth, which has not been up and down in this way a
great many times, it follows that the thickness of the deposits formed at
any particular spot cannot be taken (even supposing we had at first
obtained correct data as to the rate at which they took place) as
affording reliable information as to the period of time occupied in its
deposit. So that you see it is absolutely necessary from these facts,
seeing that our record entirely consists of accumulations of mud,
superimposed one on the other; seeing in the next place that any
particular spots on which accumulations have occurred, have been
constantly moving up and down, and sometimes out of the reach of a
deposit, and at other times its own deposit broken up and carried away,
it follows that our record must be in the highest degree imperfect, and
we have hardly a trace left of thick deposits, or any definite knowledge
of the area that they occupied, in a great many cases. And mark this!
That supposing even that the whole surface of the earth had been
accessible to the geologist,--that man had had access to every part of
the earth, and had made sections of the whole, and put them all
together,--even then his record must of necessity be imperfect.
But to how much has man really access? If you will look at this Map
you will see that it represents the proportion of the sea to the earth: this
coloured part indicates all the dry land, and this other portion is the
water. You will notice at once that the water covers three-fifths of the
whole surface of the globe, and has covered it in the same manner ever
since man has kept any record of his own observations, to say nothing
of the minute period during which he has cultivated geological inquiry.
So that three-fifths of the surface of the earth is shut out from us
because it is under the sea. Let us look at the other two-fifths, and see
what are the countries in which anything that may be termed searching
geological inquiry has been carried out: a good deal of France,
Germany, and Great Britain and Ireland, bits of Spain, of Italy, and of
Russia, have been examined, but of the whole great mass of Africa,
except parts of the southern extremity, we know next to nothing; little
bits of India, but of the greater part of the Asiatic continent nothing;
bits of the Northern American States and of Canada, but of the greater

part of the continent of North America, and in still larger proportion, of
South America, nothing!
Under these circumstances, it follows that even with reference to that
kind of imperfect information which we can possess, it is only of about
the ten-thousandth part of the accessible parts of the earth that has been
examined properly. Therefore, it is with justice that the most thoughtful
of those who are concerned in these inquiries insist continually upon
the imperfection of the geological record; for,
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