The Outdoor Chums on the Gulf | Page 4

Captain Quincy Allen
quartette rushed out of the door and down the street.

There was snow on the ground, and the air was pretty keen.
"It's a fire all right; look, you can see the light, and the smoke!" said
"Say, fellows, isn't that the square, and doesn't it look like it might be
the Sherman House?" asked Frank.
"As sure as you live," replied Bluff. "That would be a tough thing, for
the people there to climb out near midnight, and the mercury hovering
half way down to zero!"
"Hurry! Perhaps we can help some!" exclaimed good-hearted Jerry, and
they increased their pace.
It was the hotel, beyond all doubt. As the boys came into the open
square they saw a scene of confusion that thrilled them. Smoke was
pouring out of the lower windows of the big frame building, and in
some places it was accompanied by red tongues of flame, licking up the
dry wood.
"She's a goner!" announced Jerry grimly.
They saw people come hastily out of the doorway, some scantily clad,
and with blankets around their shoulders. Luckily there were only a few
guests in the hotel, since the best trade came in summer.
Loud shouts told that the local fire company was coming with their
hand-engine. Probably the Chemical Company would also be on hand,
although it was too late for anything to be done but try and save
adjoining buildings, none of which, fortunately enough, were very
close to the doomed hotel.
Frank and his chums thought that possibly they might help out at
pumping, or doing something of the sort. At a fire in a country town
every one assists to carry out furniture, or work the machine, while the
regular members of the organization enjoy the exclusive privilege of
carrying the hose and smashing in windows.

Amid the greatest excitement the water was finally started. By this time
one end of the building was all on fire, and every person knew it would
be a complete wreck before the flames ceased feeding.
It chanced that the boys were standing near some of those who had
issued forth from the hotel. Among them was the proprietor, plainly
excited as he saw his property going up in smoke and flames, and still
getting some consolation from the fact that he had a good insurance on
it all.
Just then a man came limping and seized hold of the hotel proprietor.
"Have you seen my brother, the professor?" he demanded, in a
trembling voice.
"Oh! that you, Mr. Smythe? Your brother--no, I don't remember seeing
him. But I guess everybody got out all right. He must be around
somewhere," replied the other.
"I've asked a dozen people, and nobody has seen him. I tell you, man,
he's asleep up in that room yet, and will be burned to death!" exclaimed
the gentleman, whom Jerry knew quite well. He was very lame and
walked with difficulty.
His brother, a balloonist of national reputation, had been visiting him
recently, and on account of some sickness at the house, had taken a
room at the hotel.
"But no sane man could sleep through all this beastly row; and sure we
haven't seen any one at the windows, have we, boys?" went on the fat
hotel man.
"But you don't understand. I tell you he has been unable to sleep for
several nights, and just before he left me early to-night he took a
sleeping powder that he said would make him dead to the world for
eight hours! He's up in his room yet, and will be lost unless some one
goes and drags him out!" cried Mr. Smythe.

"Which is his room, Mr. Ten Eyck?" demanded an eager voice.
The stout hotel man looked at the speaker, who was none other than
"You see that window over there at the end of the house, third
floor--that's his room! But the stairs must be ablaze by now, boy! It
would be suicide to think of trying to go up there!" he cried.
"Come on, Frank; we'll take a look in, anyhow!" shouted Jerry as he
dashed off, followed by his chum, equally excited.
Still, Frank was ordinarily a cool-headed fellow, and accustomed to
weighing chances somewhat before imperiling his life. In this case, of
course, he knew that more or less risk must be taken if they hoped to
save the sleeping balloonist.
One look they took in at the front door. The whole place was ablaze.
"Get out of the way, boys; we're going to put the hose in there!" cried
one of the wearers of the fire-hats and coats, as he advanced.
"No chance there!" exclaimed Frank, in despair, as he moved back.
Jerry clutched his arm.
"Come along with me. Perhaps the back stairs may not be burning,
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