The Original Fables of La Fontaine | Page 6

Jean de La Fontaine
with that it was another; for superior people are disdainful
above all things.
After these eligible gentlemen had been dismissed, came others of less

worth, and at these too she mocked. "Why," said she, "I would not
bemean myself to open the door to such. They must think me very
anxious to be married. Thank Heaven my single state causes me no
The maiden contented herself with such notions until advancing age
made her step down from her pedestal. Adieu then to all suitors. One
year passed and then another. Her anxiety increased, and after anger
came grief. She felt that those little smiles and glances which, at the
bidding of love, lurk in the countenances of fair maidens were day by
day deserting her. Finally, when love himself departed, her features
gave pleasure to none. Then she had recourse to those hundred little
ruses and tricks of the toilet to repair the ravages of time; but nothing
that she could do arrested the depredations of that despicable thief. One
may repair a house gone to ruin: but the same thing is not possible with
a face!
Her refined ladyship now sang to a different tune, for her mirror
advised her to take a husband without delay. Perhaps also her heart
harboured the wish. Even superior persons may have longings! This
one at last made a choice that people would at one time have thought
impossible; for she was very pleased and happy in marrying an ugly

(BOOK VII.--No. 6)
When the Great Mogul held empire, there were certain little sprites
who used to undertake all sorts of tasks helpful to mankind. They
would do housework, stable-work, and even gardening. But if one
interfered with them, all would be spoilt.
One of these friendly sprites cultivated the garden of a worthy family
living near the Ganges. His duties were performed deftly and
noiselessly. He loved not only his master and mistress, but the garden
also. Possibly the zephyrs, who are said to be friends of the sprites,
helped him in his tasks. At any rate he did his very best, and never
ceased in his efforts to load his hosts with every pleasure. To prove his
zeal he would have stayed with these people for ever, in spite of the
natural propensity of his kind for waywardness. But his mischievous

fellow-sprites fell to plotting. They induced the chief of their band to
remove him to another field of labour. This the chief promised and,
either by caprice or by policy, finally brought about. Orders came that
the devoted worker should set out for the uttermost part of Norway,
there to take charge of a house which at all times of the year was
covered with snow. So from being an Indian, the poor thing became a
"I am forced to leave you," he said to his hosts, "but for what fault of
mine this has come to pass I cannot tell. I only know that go I must, and
in a very little while too; a month perhaps, or maybe only a week.
Make the most of the interval. Fortunately, I can fulfil three wishes for
you; but not more than three."
To mankind there is nothing very out-of-the-way in merely wishing.
These good people decided that their first wish should be for abundance,
and straightway. Abundance, by the double-handful, poured gold into
their coffers; wheat into their granaries; wine into their cellars.
Repletion was everywhere. But, alas, what cares of direction, what
account keeping; what time and anxiety this affluence involved!
Thieves plotted against them. Great lords borrowed from them. The
prince taxed them. They were, in fact, reduced to misery by this excess
of good fortune. At last they could endure it no longer. "Take back this
awful overplus of wealth," they cried. "Even the poor are happy in
comparison with us, and poverty is more covetable than such riches.
Away, then, with these treasures! And thou, sweet Moderation, mother
of all peace, sister of repose, come to us again!" With these words,
which made their second wish, lo! Moderation returned and they
received her with open arms, once again enjoying peace.
Thus at the end of these two wishes they were exactly where they were
in the first place, and so it is with all who are given to wishing, and
wasting in dreams the time they had better have spent in doing. But
being philosophical people they laughed, and the sprite laughed with
them. To profit by his generosity when he had left them, they hazarded
their third wish and asked for wisdom. Wisdom is a treasure which
never embarrasses.


(BOOK VII.--No. 10)
A young country woman named Perrette set out one morning
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