The Olden Time Series, Vol. 1: Curiosities of the Old Lottery | Page 9

Henry M. Brooks
wishes by making a larger proportion of valuable prizes than usual; they flatter themselves that the same Public Spirit will be displayed, by encouraging the sale of Tickets in this, that was so fully manifested in the former Class.
Prizes Dolls. Dolls.
1 of 3000 is 3000 1 1000 1000 4 500 are 2000 10 200 2000 20 100 2000 30 50 1500 80 20 1600 100 10 1000 1650 6 9900 ----- ------ 1896 Prizes. 24,000 4140 Blanks. ----- 6000 Tickets, at 4 Dollars each, are 24,000.
Subject to a deduction of twelve and an half per cent.
Of the above prizes of 500 Dollars, one of them will be placed to the first drawn blank, and the other three to the three last drawn blanks.
This Class will positively commence drawing at Concord, on the 1st day of December next; and when completed, a list of Prizes will be immediately published, and the prizes paid on demand.
Concord, Aug. 17, 1796.
* * * * *
Harvard College appears to have seen the "misery of adventurers drawing blanks which were worth nothing," and remedied the matter in 1811, according to the following advertisement from the "Salem Gazette."
Look on this!
THE serious evil which has fallen upon a great many adventurers, by purchasing Tickets in former lotteries, and drawing blanks which were worth nothing; appears now to be remedied.--The managers of the Fifth Class of Harvard College Lottery, have in their wisdom taken the misery of this evil into consideration and have given us a scheme preferable to any former one; by which it seems that from 20,000 to 50,000 dollars will be distributed among persons whose tickets are drawn blanks in this lottery, which commences drawing in a few days; and the greater part of the Tickets are now sold. Whole and Quarter Tickets for sale at the Bookstore and Lottery Office of
June 7, 1811. No. 6, Wakefield Place.
* * * * *
A Boston paper of 1811 has the following:
Washington Monument Lottery
WILL commence drawing in Baltimore the 4th day of September next.
The Capital Prizes are 1 of 50,000 dollars, 1 of 30,000, 1 of 20,000, 2 of 10,000, 3 of 5,000, 20 of 100 Tickets, And many of 2000, 1000, 500, &c. &c.
Tickets and Quarters for Sale by Simpson and Caldwell, of Baltimore, who request all persons who wish to purchase Tickets and Quarters in the above Lottery, to forward their orders, post paid, enclosing cash, to Messrs. BRIDGE & RENOUF, No. 79, state street, Boston; and they may depend on their orders being promptly executed.
Price of Tickets 11 dollars--Quarters 2 87.
Aug. 13, 1811.
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The "Union Canal Lottery" was got up in 1814 to benefit Boston and "make it advance like New York." Here is a notice of the scheme from a Salem paper,--
Union Canal Lottery.
First Class.--Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars.
It rarely happens that the object of a Lottery is interesting to the whole community. To save the _Metropolis of New-England_ from declining in its commerce and consequence on the return of a general peace--to open its internal resources, to unite New-Hampshire & Vermont to Massachusetts, by bonds of mutual benefit, as permanent as the rivers and canals, by which their intercourse will be carried on--to make Boston advance like New York, supported by a populous, extensive and productive back country, are considerations into which every reflecting man, every merchant, and every owner of real estate, must enter and must feel. It is therefore, confidently expected, that a Lottery, granted to complete the great undertaking of opening Inland Navigation, will receive peculiar support; and that many who have not been in the habit of adventuring in Lotteries, will be willing and desirous of contributing to the success of this for the sake of its object.
The Highest Prize will be paid in ninety days after the drawing shall be completed; and all other Prizes in sixty days, and payment will be made in bills generally current in Boston. Prizes must be demanded in one year from the end of the drawing of the Class.
This Class will commence drawing in Boston, on the 12th December next.
Tickets to be returned on or before the 2d December.
Boston, Nov. 8, 1814. Managers.
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After lotteries had been drawn, notices frequently appeared in the papers announcing the names of the lucky prize-winners. For instance, a Boston paper of 1790 says: "The highest Prize (��3,000) in the New York Lottery was drawn by 2 deserving Servant girls of New York;" and in Sept. 21, 1793: "The highest prize in the 4th Class of the State Lottery ($1,000) was drawn by Mr. Benjamin Blodgett, of this town;" and the "Salem Gazette" of 1815 says: "Luther Martin, Esq.,
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