Cody, "Buffalo Bill."
INTRODUCTION. The First Europeans who traversed the Great
Highway--Alvar Nunez Cabeca de Vaca--Hernando de Soto, and
Francisco Vasquez de Coronado-- Spanish Expedition from Santa Fe
eastwardly--Escape of the Sole Survivors.
UNDER THE SPANIARDS. Quaint Descriptions of Old Santa Fe--The
Famous Adobe Palace-- Santa Fe the Oldest Town in the United
States--First Settlement-- Onate's Conquest--Revolt of the Pueblo
Indians--Under Pueblo Rule --Cruelties of the Victors--The Santa Fe of
To-day--Arrival of a Caravan--The Railroad reaches the
Town--Amusements--A Fandango.
LA LANDE AND PURSLEY. The Beginning of the Santa Fe
Trade--La Lande and Pursley, the First Americans to cross the
Plains--Pursley's Patriotism-- Captain Ezekiel Williams--A Hungry
Bear--A Midnight Alarm.
EARLY TRADERS. Captain Becknell's Expedition--Sufferings from
Thirst--Auguste Chouteau--Imprisonment of McKnight and
Chambers--The Caches-- Stampeding Mules--First Military Escort
across the Plains-- Captain Zebulon Pike--Sublette and Smith--Murder
of McNess-- Indians not the Aggressors.
TRAINS AND PACKERS. The Atajo or Pack-train of Mules--Mexican
Nomenclature of Paraphernalia--Manner of Packing--The
"Bell-mare"--Toughness of Mules among Precipices--The Caravan of
Wagons--Largest Wagon-train ever on the Plains--Stampedes--Duties
of Packers en route--Order of Travelling with Pack-train--Chris. Gilson,
the Famous Packer.
FIGHT WITH COMANCHES. Narrative of Bryant's Party of Santa Fe
Traders--The First Wagon Expedition across the Plains--A Thrilling
Story of Hardship and Physical Suffering--Terrible Fight with the
Comanches--Abandonment of the Wagons--On Foot over the
Trail--Burial of their Specie on an Island in the Arkansas--Narrative of
William Y. Hitt, one of the Party--His Encounter with a
Comanche--The First Escort of United States Troops to the Annual
Caravan of Santa Fe Traders, in 1829--Major Bennett Riley's Official
Report to the War Department --Journal of Captain Cooke.
A ROMANTIC TRAGEDY. The Expedition of Texans to the Old
Santa Fe Trail for the Purpose of robbing Mexican Traders--Innocent
Citizens of the United States suspected, arrested, and carried to the
Capital of New Mexico-- Colonel Snively's Force--Warfield's Sacking
of the Village of Mora --Attack upon a Mexican Caravan--Kit Carson
in the Fight-- A Crime of over Sixty Years Ago--A Romance of the
MEXICO DECLARES WAR. Mexico declares War against the United
States--Congress authorizes the President to call for Fifty Thousand
Volunteers--Organization of the Army of the West--Phenomenon seen
by Santa Fe Traders in the Sky --First Death on the March of the Army
across the Plains--Men in a Starving Condition--Another Death--Burial
near Pawnee Rock-- Trouble at Pawnee Fork--Major Howard's Report.
THE VALLEY OF TAOS. The Valley of Taos--First White
Settler--Rebellion of the Mexicans --A Woman discovers and informs
Colonel Price of the Conspiracy-- Assassination of Governor
Bent--Horrible Butcheries by the Pueblos and Mexicans--Turley's
Ranch--Murder of Harwood and Markhead-- Anecdote of Sir William
Drummond Stewart--Fight at the Mills-- Battle of the Pueblo of
Taos--Trial of the Insurrectionists-- Baptiste, the Juror--Execution of
the Rebels.
FIRST OVERLAND MAIL. Independence--Opening of Navigation on
the Mississippi--Effect of Water Transportation upon the
Trade--Establishment of Trading-forts-- Market for Cattle and
Mules--Wages paid Teamsters on the Trail-- An Enterprising Coloured
Man--Increase of the Trade at the Close of the Mexican War--Heavy
Emigration to California--First Overland Mail --How the Guards were
armed--Passenger Coaches to Santa Fe-- Stage-coaching Days.
CHARLES BENT. The Tragedy in the Canyon of the
Canadian--Dragoons follow the Trail of the Savages--Kit Carson, Dick
Wooton, and Tom Tobin the Scouts of the Expedition--More than a
Hundred of the Savages killed-- Murder of Mrs. White--White
Wolf--Lieutenant Bell's Singular Duel with the Noted Savage--Old
Wolf--Satank--Murder of Peacock-- Satanta made Chief--Kicking
Bird--His Tragic Death--Charles Bent, the Half-breed Renegade--His
Terrible Acts--His Death.
LA GLORIETA. Neglect of New Mexico by the United States
Government--Intended Conquest of the Province--Conspiracy of
Southern Leaders-- Surrender by General Twiggs to the Confederate
Government of the Military Posts and Munitions of War under his
Command--Only One Soldier out of Two Thousand deserts to the
Enemy--Organization of Volunteers for the Defence of Colorado and
New Mexico-- Battle of La Glorieta--Rout of the Rebels.
THE BUFFALO. The Ancient Range of the Buffalo--Number
slaughtered in Thirteen Years for their Robes alone--Buffalo
Bones--Trains stopped by Vast Herds-- Custom of Old Hunters when
caught in a Blizzard--Anecdotes of Buffalo Hunting--Kit Carson's
Dilemma--Experience of Two of Fremont's Hunters--Wounded Buffalo
Bull--O'Neil's Laughable Experience-- Organization of a Herd of
Buffalo--Stampedes--Thrilling Escapes.
INDIAN CUSTOMS AND LEGENDS. Big Timbers--Winter Camp of
the Cheyennes, Kiowas, and Arapahoes-- Savage Amusements--A
Cheyenne Lodge--Indian Etiquette--Treatment of Children--The Pipe
of the North American Savage--Dog Feast-- Marriage Ceremony.
TRAPPERS. The Old Pueblo Fort--A Celebrated Rendezvous--Its
Inhabitants-- "Fontaine qui Bouille"--The Legend of its Origin--The
Trappers of the Old Santa Fe Trail and the Rocky Mountains--Beaver
Trapping-- Habits of the Beaver--Improvidence of the Old
Trappers--Trading with "Poor Lo"--The Strange Experience of a
Veteran Trapper on the Santa Fe Trail--Romantic Marriage of

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