The Nursery, No. 169, January, 1881, Vol. XXIX | Page 7

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would do no good. What was now the first thing to be done? Albert thought for a while, and said to himself, "The first thing to do is to set the basket upright."
He did not find it hard work to do this. All the apples had not run out. Some were still in the basket.
Albert picked up one, smelt of it, and then put it back. He next placed the basket upright.
[Illustration: Albert IV]
Having done this so that the basket stood firm, he said, "What is the next thing to do? The next thing to do is to put back the apples; and I am the boy that can do it."
And he did it well. He did not once think of keeping any of the apples for himself; nor did he even take a bite of one of them. He was a good boy, and too honest for that.
If any one had said to him, "Give me an apple," Albert would have said, "The apples are not mine to give."
[Illustration: Albert V]
"Now it is all right again," said Albert. "What next? If the basket will not let me carry it, the basket shall carry me. That would be fair play."
So he mounted the basket, as you see, took hold of the handle with his left hand, and cried out, "Get up, sir!" He made believe it was a horse. "Get up, sir!" he cried. But the horse would not move.
[Illustration: Albert VI]
Albert then began to shake the basket, as if to urge it on. Ah, me! who would have thought to see it play the gay horse in earnest? It seemed so gentle!
Who would have thought to see it shy, and kick up, and throw Albert off? But so it did. Albert put out both hands to save himself, but he could not keep his seat. Over he went.
[Illustration: Albert VII]
Over went the basket. Albert, apples, and all rolled down the steps. "Help!" he cried. The gardener ran up to see what was the matter.
"Where are my apples?" said he. "Here!" said Albert, jumping up, for the lucky rogue was not hurt a bit.

Music by T. CRAMPTON.
[Illustration: Music]
Christmas is coming, ho, ho, and ho, ho! Now bring on your holy and do not move slow; We'll deck the whole house with the branches so green, On wall and on picture the leaves shall be seen. Oh! merry the time when we all meet together In spite of the cold, the wind, and the weather, When grandparents, uncles, and cousins we see, All gather'd around the mahogany tree.
It stands in the hall, the mahogany tree; And very nice fruit it will bear, you'll agree; The turkeys and capons, the puddings and pies, On Christmas day feed something more than the eyes. The poor and the needy then come to our door, And carry off with them a bountiful store Of all the good things that we have for ourselves, In cupboard and cellar, on table and shelves.
When dinner is ended, what sound do we hear From holly-deck'd parlor ring merry and clear? 'Tis Uncle Tom's fiddle! the tune is a call To all the good people to come to our ball. They come, young and old, and partake of our cheer, For old Christmas comes only once in a year! Then hand up the holly, and let us prepare The house for the pleasure in which all can share.
[Footnote A: Nursery, Vol. XXIV.]

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[Illustration: ADVERTISEMENTS]
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