The Nursery, No. 109, January, 1876, Vol. XIX. | Page 5

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older persons. A parrot from Guinea, taught on the voyage by an old sailor, had caught up his hoarse voice and cough perfectly. Afterwards, owned and taught by a young girl, it did not forget the lessons of its first master. It was amusing to hear this bird pass from a soft, girlish voice to his hoarse and sailor-like tone.
Not only has the parrot the power of imitating the human voice, but it seems to wish to do so. This is shown by its attention in listening, and by the efforts it makes to repeat every word. It will often repeat words or sounds that no one has taken the trouble to teach it.
A parrot which had grown old with its master, and shared with him the pains of old age, being used to hear but little more than the words, "I am very ill," when asked, "What is the matter, Polly?" answered in a dismal tone, and stretching itself, "I am very ill."
The language of the parrot is not wanting in ideas. When you ask one if it has breakfasted, it knows well how to answer you, if it has satisfied its hunger. It will not tell you that it has breakfasted when this is not the case: at least, you cannot force it to say "No" when it ought to say "Yes."
I have heard of a parrot, which, when pleased, would laugh most heartily, and then cry out, "Don't make me laugh so! I shall die, I shall die." The bird would also mimic sobbing, and exclaim, "So bad, so bad! got such a cold!" If any one happened to cough, the parrot would remark, "What a bad cold!"
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[Illustration: THE SEA-SWALLOW.]
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Stormy and chilly had been the day; Drifts of snow on the sidewalk lay: All who were out in the wintry street Went shivering on with rapid feet; And some were poor, and thinly clad, And wished that a good warm home they had.
But, gloomy without, it was bright within, In the house where our little Ruth had been: By the nursery fireside's cheerful blaze Merry had been her thoughts and plays; She had dressed her dolls for a fancy ball, And read her story-books one and all.
But when, at the close of the happy day, She knelt, her one little prayer to say, She thought of the hungry, perishing poor, Of the children who cold and sorrow endure, And, laying her head on her mother's knee, Said, "Give them, O Father, all you give me!"

I am a little boy, three years old, named Arthur; and I want to tell you what happened to me last summer.
I went down to the seashore to visit my grandmamma, alone, without mamma, or Mary, my nurse. Grandpapa took me in the cars, and I staid almost a week. I had a good time; for they have horses and cows and pigs and chickens, and a swing.
One day, Aunt Anna and I went to the duck-pond. I had a rod and line, and made believe fish. Aunt Anna turned away for a minute, and, when she looked around, all she could see of me was my hat, floating on the water. I had tumbled in, and was way down at the bottom of the pond.
But I soon rose to the top; and Aunt Anna reached over, and pulled me out, and ran up to the house with me in her arms. I did not cry at all, but coughed and sputtered a little, and told her I didn't like that old duck-pond.
Grandmamma took off all my wet clothes, and wrapped me in a blanket, and sang me to sleep. When I waked up, I felt all right. I got a good drink of water when I was in the pond; but I don't mean to go very near the edge next time.
E. B.

"Pussy, now that you are here, I wish to say a few words to you; and it will be for your peace of mind to give heed to them at once. I have seen you several times, of late, looking sharply at that little wren's nest in the pear-tree."
"Mee-ow, mee-ow, mee-ow!"
"Yes, I know what you mean by that; but you need not plead innocence. You think, that, as soon as those eggs are hatched, you'll have a good feast on the little birds."
"Mee-ow, mee-ow, mee-ow!"
"Oh, you needn't deny it. Now, old cat, take my advice, and, if you don't want to come to grief, shun temptation in season. If I find you harming those birds, do you know what will happen?"
"Mee-ow, mee-ow, mee-ow!"
"Oh, you don't, eh? Well, I'll leave it to you to guess what will happen. I'll only say this: there will be
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