The Nursery, No. 107, November, 1875, Vol. XVIII. | Page 9

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forth his hand to reach
them. And so, though all the time thirsty and hungry, he could not, in
the midst of plenty, satisfy his desires.
Therefore we call it to tantalize a person to offer him a thing he longs
for, and then to draw it away from him.
In the picture, a little chicken is looking up at a spider which sits over
her in the midst of its web. She watches it, hoping that it will come so
near to her little bill, that she can peck at it, and swallow it.
But the spider is on its guard. To and fro it swings, letting itself down a
little bit, but never so far as to be in any danger; and then, just as the
enemy prepares to snap at it, it climbs nimbly into its secure network.
The second Tantalus of our picture, the little dog, has, also, small
prospects of reaching the object on which his heart is set. At some
distance from him on the ground lies a bone, which he longs to get; but
the chain which fastens him, prevents his going near enough to seize it.
Both the dog and the chicken are tantalized, you see.
Let us keep down our desires, try to reach only what is fairly ours, be
content with little, and never betray confidence. Then shall we avoid
the fate of Tantalus.

[Illustration: Musical Score]
1. In all the land by field and town, The boys and girls go up and down.
In all the land the girls and boys Wherever they go they make a noise.
They play at cricket, tops and games, With balls that carry various
names; They whirl the skipping rope, and drive The hoop till it appears
2. They thread the needle in the ring; They play at tea and visiting; Or
woman poor from Sandyland, whose talk is hard to understand.
Their lungs and limbs they freely use, They never mope or have the
blues; And it is always half their joys In all their play to make a noise.
3. They play at Hopscotch, marbles, dumps. And Fly the garter; oh!
what jumps! From Tipcat quick away I fly For fear they'll hit me in the
In winter on the ice they go, And keep the pot a-boiling so, And tho'
they shout and make a noise, Somehow, I like these girls and boys.

[Illustration: COLGATE & CO. NEW YORK]
* * * * *

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