The New McGuffey First Reader | Page 9

W.H. McGuffey
to Rose.

She will let her doll sail in it.
e her were under river water er ---
wind blow feel face
"Listen, mother, do you hear that?"
"Yes, Henry, it is the wind.
We can hear it blow about the house; but we can not see it.
If you should go out of the house, you could feel it blow in your face."
"See how it blows the leaves about! How fast Frank's little boat would
sail with this wind!"
ou out about house how ow
--- summer bloom soft make
Do you know when summer comes?
When summer comes the days are warm and bright.
Green leaves are on the trees.
Flowers bloom in the woods and in the gardens.
The wind blows soft; the sky is blue; the sun shines bright
In the summer the corn grows tall and green. It is then that the children
play in the woods.
I like the summer time very much.
wake sleep long meadow

I wish my baby doll would wake.
Wake up, baby! Wake up!
Do not sleep so long.
It is morning, and all good little dolls should be up.
Oh, baby, what a care you are!
Will you not wake up?
I do not know of any doll that sleeps so long as you do.
Now jump up, and see what a bright morning it is. See how the sun
shines. Wake up, baby!
Do you wish to know where I have been, baby doll? I have been down
in the meadow with Frank and Rose.
Shall I tell you what we saw?
Well, we saw birds and bees and green leaves and pretty flowers.
Then we went to the river and saw Frank's little boat sail on the water.
a care where there e
sheep asleep horn no cry
Little Boy Blue, Come blow your horn. The sheep's in the meadow,
The cow's in the corn! Where is the little boy That looks after the sheep?
Oh, here he is! Here he is, fast asleep! Will you wake him? No, not I;
For if I do, I know he will cry. [Caption to illustration of children
playing with beetles.] Fly away, little bird, fly away home! If you are
not a little bird, why did you come?

cold turn begin brown over gold
What will come when summer is over and gone?
Oh, I can tell you. After the summer is gone, fall will come.
When fall comes, the days begin to grow cold.
Then the leaves fall from the trees.
Some of the leaves turn red, some turn brown, and some turn yellow as
In the fall we have ripe apples to eat. The corn is ripe then, too.
All the children are glad when fall comes. Do you know why?
Play time is over, and school begins.
rain stay grass fresh
"I wish, mother, you would tell me where the rain comes from.
"Does it come from the sky?
"Are the leaves and the flowers and the grass glad when the rain falls
on them?"
This is what Lucy asked her mother one day. Her mother said:
"The rain makes the grass look green and fresh. It helps the flowers
"The corn which we plant in the field could not grow if there was no

"But, mother," said Lucy, "I do not like the rain very well. It makes me
stay in the house when I want to go and play.
See how fast it rains! I shall have to stay at home all day."
evening west clouds those fade
It is evening, and the sun is about to set. The day will soon be gone.
Let us sit here on the soft grass and look at the bright clouds in the
Do you think there is any rain in those little clouds?
Oh, no! Those are not rain clouds.
See how pretty they are!
Some of the clouds are red, and some are as yellow as gold.
It is the light of the sun that makes them look so bright.
Soon they will all fade away in the blue sky.
Soon it will be night, and the moon and stars will shine for us.
a fast ask grass a
ship sea beach sand live shells
Here are four little girls who live near the sea.
They have gone down to the beach with their father.
They like to play in the sand.

Sometimes their mother goes with them, and they stay there all day.
They like to look at the ships as they sail far away on the blue sea.
Do you think you would like to sail far away on a ship?
Sometimes these little girls find pretty shells in the sand.
I think all children like
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