The Most Ancient Lives of Saint Patrick | Page 3

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him who seeeth is Sight taken; and three are relieved of Lameness. CXXV Nine Evil-doers are consumed by Fire from Heaven, and a Fountain is produced out of the Earth. CXXVI Another Magician is in like manner Consumed. CXXVII A Grove is cursed by the Saint. CXXVIII The Sentence pronounced by the Saint on his Deceivers. CXXIX A Mountain is swallowed up in the Earth, and again it is raised. CXXX Euchodius is cursed by the Saint, and his Son is blessed. CXXXI Of Saint Sennachus the Bishop. CXXXII The Miracle which is worked for Certain Hewers of Wood. CXXXIII A Hone is divided by Saint Patrick, and the Oppressor is drowned. CXXXIV An Angel foretelleth to Patrick of Saint Moccheus. CXXXV The Sentence pronounced by Patrick on Moccheus. CXXXVI The Saint prophesieth of two Brothers, and a Fountain is produced out of the Earth. CXXXVII The Saint Prophesieth of a Certain Youth. CXXXVIII Of Conallus and of his Shield. CXXXIX A Heavenly Light shineth around Saint Patrick, and Victor is converted unto the Faith. CXL A Certain Cymbal of Saint Patrick is lost and found again. CXLI The Obedience of Saint Volchanus. CXLII Of Saint Rodanus, the Herdsman of Patrick. CXLIII Of Saint Kertennus, the Bishop of Clochor. CXLIV Of a Boy who was blessed by Saint Patrick. CXLV Of a Woman who was raised from Death. CXLVI The Testimony of One who was revived from Death. CXLVII The Cross that was not observed; and the Voice which issued from the Sepulchre. CXLVIII A Goat bleateth in the Stomach of a Thief. CXLIX Of the Cloaks which fell from Heaven. CL A wicked Tyrant is transformed into a Fox. CLI The wicked Man Machaldus and his Companions are converted unto the Faith. CLII The Penitence of Machaldus. CLIII A Meadow is overflowed by the Sea. CLIV A Stone is changed into Milk, and Milk is changed into Stones. CLV A Wagon laden with Twigs is saved from the Fire. CLVI The Saint is preserved untouched from the falling Rain. CLVII The Fingers of Saint Patrick shine with Light. CLVIII Fire is also seen to issue from his Mouth. CLIX The holy Virgin Memhessa departeth unto God. CLX Of the Work which was done in the Lord's Day. CLXI A certain Man is healed, and a Horse revived, in a place which is called Feart. CLXII Of the Vessel which was given unto Saint Patrick, and again taken from him. CLXIII Ardmachia is given unto Saint Patrick; and a Fountain is produced out of the Earth. CLXIV The Saint beholdeth a Vision of Angels, and cureth Sixteen Lepers. CLXV Of the City of Ardmachia, and Twelve of its Citizens. CLXVI At the Direction of the Angels Saint Patrick goeth unto Rome. CLXVII The Acts of Saint Patrick while returning from Rome. CLXVIII The Acts of St. Patrick after he had Returned. CLXIX Of the Threefold Plagues of Hibernia. CLXX The Threefold Plague is driven out of Hibernia by Saint Patrick. CLXXI Without Earthly Food the Saint completeth a Fast of Forty Days. CLXXII He banisheth the Demons forth of the Island. CLXXIII Troops of Angels appear unto the Saint. CLXXIV The Saint titheth Hibernia and the Dwellers therein. CLXXV The different States of Hibernia are in a Heavenly Vision shown unto the Saint. CLXXVI The Answer of Saint Patrick to Secundinus. CLXXVII Secundinus composeth a Hymn in Honor of Saint Patrick. CLXXVIII The Soul of a Certain Sinner is by Saint Patrick freed from Demons. CLXXIX How the Saint appeared unto Colmanus while singing his Hymn. CLXXX The Admirable Contemplations of the Saint. CLXXXI Saint Patrick beholdeth the Souls of the Rich and of the poor Man sent unto different Places. CLXXXII Saint Vinvaloeus is miraculously stayed by Saint Patrick from his purposed Journey. CLXXXIII The Daily Prayers and Genuflexions of the Saint. CLXXXIV How he passed the Night Season. CLXXXV The Habit, the Bearing, and the Acts of Saint Patrick. CLXXXVI Of the Sick whom he healed, and the Dead whom he raised; and of his Disciples who recorded his Acts. CLXXXVII The Angelic Voice showeth unto Saint Patrick of his Death and of the Place of his Burial. CLXXXVIII The Place of his Sepulture is foreshown by a Light from Heaven. CLXXXIX Saint Brigida bringeth unto Saint Patrick the Garment which was to enshroud his Body. CXC The Death of Saint Patrick. CXCI The Number of the Years of his Life. CXCII The Funeral Honors which Men and Angels paid unto the Body of the Saint. CXCIII The Light continueth for Twelve Days. CXCIV The Miraculous Rising of the Sea between the Contending People. CXCV Two Wains appear, the which are sent by a Miracle. CXCVI The Sepulture of Saint Patrick in the City of Dunum.
A Chronological Table
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