"The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari is a treasure � an elegant and
powerful formula for true success and happiness. Robin S. Sharma has
captured the wisdom of the ages and made it relevant for these turbulent
times. I couldn't put it down."
Joe Tye, author of Never Fear, Never Quit
"A magnificent book. Robin S. Sharma is the next Og Mandino."
Dottie Walters, author of Speak and Grow Rich
"Novel approach to self-help makes advice easy to take."
The Liberal
"A wonderful story sharing lessons that can enrich your life."
Ken Vegotsky, author of The Ultimate Power
"Filled with insights about following your passion and living your
dream. A good read!"
Justine and Michael Toms, cofounders of New Dimensions Radio and
coauthors of True Work: The Sacred Dimension of Earning a Living
"Robin Sharma has created an enchanting tale that incorporates the
classic tools of transformation into a simple philosophy of living. A
delightful book that will change your life."
Elaine St. James, author of Simplify Your Life
and Inner Simplicity
"A fun, fascinating, fanciful adventure into the realms of personal
development, personal effectiveness, and individual happiness. It
contains treasures of wisdom that can enrich and enhance the life of
every single person."
Brian Tracy, author of Maximum Achievement
"Robin Sharma has an important message for all of us�one that can
change our lives. He's written a one-of-a-kind handbook for personal
fulfillment in a hectic age."
Scott DeGarmo, past publisher, Success magazine
"A captivating story that teaches as it delights."
Paulo Coelho, author of The Alchemist
"MegaLiving! teaches you how to make your life MEGAMAGNIFICENT
in only 30 delightful days."
Mark Victor Hansen, co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul
"I highly recommend this remarkable book to anyone truly interested
in personal excellence and successful living."
Peter Hanson, M.D., author of The Joy of Stress
"MegaLiving! 80 Days to a Perfect Life is perhaps the ultimate in
self-improvement books."
Northwest Arkansas Times
"A brilliant book! Follow its wisdom for personal and spiritual
success. Your life will change."
Ken Vegotsky, author of The Ultimate Power
"Robin S. Sharma . . . has collected the best life strategies from
mystics and wise men alike."
Family Circle
"For over ten years Robin Sharma has studied the success strategies
of people leading unusually satisfying lives. He's culled their routines
and stories into a 30 day program which promotes lifelong success."
Reviewer's Book Watch
"The perfect blend of East and West."
The Kingston Whig-Standard
"Change your life in 30 days!"
Eastern Eye
"MegaLiving! is a gem�a great book for those who want to discover
the power within."
Investment Executive
The Monk
Who Sold His
A Fable About Fulfilling
Your Dreams and Reaching
Your Destiny
Robin S. Sharma
A Division of HarperCollins Publishers
THE MONK WHO SOLD HIS FERRARI: A Fable About Fulfilling Your Dreams
and Reaching Your Destiny. Copyright � 1997 by Robin S. Sharma.
All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of
this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without
written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical
articles and reviews. For information address HarperCollins Publishers,
10 East 53rd Street, New York, NY 10022.
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HarperCollins Web Site: http://www.harpercollins.com
HarperCollins�, and HarperSanFrancisco'" are trademarks of
HarperCollins Publishers Inc.
All characters in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons,
living or dead, is purely coincidental.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Sharma, Robin S. (Robin Shilp), 1964-
The monk who sold his Ferrari: a fable about fulfilling your dreams and
reaching your destiny/Robin S. Sharma. � lst ed.
p. cm.
Originally published: Toronto: Haunsla Corp., 1996.
ISBN 0-06-251560-S (cloth)
ISBN 0-06-251567-5 (pbk.)
I. Title
PR9199.3.S497M6 1998
813'.54�dc21 98-13247
03 �RRD 20 19
To my son, Colby,
who is my daily reminder of all that is
good in this world. Bless You.
The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari has been a very special project, brought to
fruition through the efforts of some very special people. I am deeply grateful
to my superb production team and to all those whose enthusiasm and energy
transformed my vision of this book into reality, especially my family at Sharma
Leadership International. Your commitment and sense of mission moves me.
I express special thanks:
� To the thousands of readers of my first book, MegaLiving!, who
graciously took the time to write to me and share how it changed their lives.
I also thank all those who have attended my public seminars across North
America as well as Sharma Leadership International's many corporate
clients, who have been such wonderful sponsors of my speaking programs
for their employees.
� To my editor, John Loudon, for your belief in this book and for your
faith in me. Thanks as well to Margery Buchanan, Karen Levine, and the
rest of the superb team at HarperSanFranciseo for investing your energies
in this project
� To Brian Tracy, Mark Victor Hansen, and my other colleagues in the
self-leadership field for your kindness.
� To Kathi Dunn for your brilliant cover design. I thought nothing could
top the Timeless Wisdom for Self-Mastery cover you did for us. I was wrong.
� To Satya Paul, Krishna, and Sandeep Sharma for your constant
� And most

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