The Meadow-Brook Girls by the Sea | Page 6

Janet Aldridge
Help me up!"
"Take hold of my hand. Here, Margery, you get on the other side. We
three will run together. Everyone else keep out of our way."
"Yeth, becauthe Buthter ith--" Tommy, remembering her promise,
checked herself. The three started up the road at a brisk trot. Reaching
the main road, Harriet led them about, then began running back toward
the water.
"Look out for the water," warned Jane shrilly, after they had been going
for a few minutes. But her warning came too late. Harriet, Tommy and
Margery had turned to the right after reaching the open. The three fell
in with a splash and a chorus of screams. The water was shallow and
there was no difficulty in getting out, but the girls now were as wet as

before, and shivering more than ever. At this juncture the guardian took
a hand. She directed them to walk up and down the road in orderly
fashion, which they did, shivering, their teeth chattering and the water
dripping from their clothing. Reaching the main highway the guardian
turned out on this, walking her charges a full mile in the direction they
had been following before turning off into the byway.
"This part of the country appears to be deserted," she said. "I think we
had better return. In the morning we will try to find some one."
"Thave me!" moaned Tommy. "Mutht we thtay here in our wet clotheth
all night?"
"I fear so. What else is there for us to do?"
"But let uth get our dry clotheth and put them on," urged Tommy. The
girls laughed at her.
"Our clothes are down under the water in the car, darlin'," Jane
informed her.
"Of course, they are soaked," reflected Miss Elting.
"I do not think so. The chest on the back of the car is water-proof as
well as dust-proof," said Jane. "If it weren't water-proof the things in it
would get soaked every time there was a driving rainstorm. No; our
other clothing is as dry as toast. You'll see that it is when we get it."
"Yes, when we do," groaned Margery--"when we do!"
"It might as well be wet," observed the guardian. "We shan't be able to
get it out. Do you think the car is ruined, Jane?"
"It's wet, like ourselves, Miss Elting. I reckon it will take a whole
summer to dry it out thoroughly. I've got to get word to Dad to come
after it."
"What will he say when he learns of the accident, Jane?" questioned

"Say? He will say it served the old car right for being such a fool. My
dad has common sense. He will have another car up here for us just as
soon as he can get one here. By the way, Miss Elting, how much farther
do we have to go?"
"I don't know, Jane. I hope it isn't much farther. How far do you think
we traveled after meeting the man?"
"Five miles, I should say."
"And he told us that the third turn-off would lead us to Lonesome Cove,
did he not?"
"He did, but he made a mistake. This is Wet Cove."
"And a lonesome one, too, even if it isn't the Lonesome one," chuckled
"Then we cannot be so very far from our destination. I am sure this isn't
the place. We haven't come far enough. Why didn't we think of that
before we turned into this road?"
"If I knew where you wanted to go, I might be better able to answer
that question," reminded Jane. But the guardian was not to be caught in
Crazy Jane's trap, though it was too dark to reveal the quizzical smile
that wrinkled Miss Elting's face.
"I am not sure that I know myself, Jane," was her reply.
"You fully expected to find some one here, did you not?" teased Harriet.
"I might say that you looked to find a number of persons here?"
"We won't discuss that now. Do you wish to spoil the little surprise that
I have been planning for you?"
"If this is your surprise, I don't think much of it," declared Jane bluntly.
"Nor can I blame you," agreed Miss Elting. "But this is not the

"Maybe if we wait we will fall into thome more pondth," suggested
Grace. "Ith your thurprithe ath wet at thith one wath?"
"I admit your right to tease me, Tommy," laughed the guardian.
"Come on, everybody!" urged Harriet. "We must walk briskly and keep
it up. That will be the only way to keep us from catching cold as a
result of our wetting." Having paused for a moment to discuss their
situation the girls began tramping once more. As the hours dragged
along all became weary and drowsy. Their joints were
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