The Maternal Management of Children, in Health and Disease. | Page 6

M.D. Thomas Bull
dragging sensation in the back when the child is in the act of sucking, and an exhausted feeling of sinking and emptiness at the pit of the stomach afterwards. This is soon followed by loss of appetite, costive bowels, and pain on the left side; then, the head will be more or less affected, sometimes with much throbbing, singing in the ears, and always some degree of giddiness, with great depression of spirits.
Soon the chest becomes affected, and the breathing is short, accompanied by a dry cough and palpitation of the heart upon the slightest exertion. As the disease advances, the countenance becomes very pale, and the flesh wastes, and profuse night perspirations, great debility, swelling of the ankles, and nervousness ensue. It is unnecessary, however, to enter into a more full detail of symptoms.
TREATMENT.--All that it will be useful to say in reference to treatment, is this; that, although much may be done in the first instance by medicine, change of air, cold and sea bathing, yet the quickest and most effectual remedy is to wean the child, and thus remove the cause.
THE ILL EFFECTS UPON THE INFANT.--There is another and equally powerful reason why the child should be weaned, or rather, have a young and healthy wet-nurse, if practicable. The effects upon the infant, suckled under such circumstances, will be most serious. Born in perfect health, it will now begin to fall off in its appearance, for the mother's milk will be no longer competent to afford it due nourishment; it will be inadequate in quantity and quality. Its countenance, therefore, will become pale; its look sickly and aged; the flesh soft and flabby; the limbs emaciated; the belly, in some cases, large, in others, shrunk; and the evacuations fetid and unnatural; and in a very few weeks, the blooming healthy child will be changed into the pale, sickly, peevish, wasted creature, whose life appears hardly desirable.
The only measure that can save the life, and recover an infant from this state, is that which would previously have prevented it a healthy wet-nurse.
If the effects upon the infant should not be so aggravated as those just described, and it subsequently live and thrive, there will be a tendency in such a constitution to scrofula and consumption, to manifest itself at some future period of life, undoubtedly acquired from the parent, and dependent upon the impaired state of her health at the time of its suckling. A wet-nurse early resorted to, will prevent this.
It will be naturally asked, for how long a period a mother ought to perform the office of a nurse? No specific time can be mentioned, and the only way in which the question can be met is this: no woman, with advantage to her own health, can suckle her infant beyond twelve or eighteen months; and at various periods between the third and twelfth month, many women will be obliged partially or entirely to resign the office.[FN#4]

[FN#4] See "Weaning," p. 51.

The monthly periods generally reappear from the twelfth to the fourteenth month from delivery; and when established, as the milk is found invariably to diminish in quantity, and also to deteriorate in quality, and the child is but imperfectly nourished, it is positively necessary in such instances at once to wean it.


There are some females who ought never to undertake the office of suckling, both on account of their own health, and also that of their offspring.
THE WOMAN OF A CONSUMPTIVE AND STRUMOUS CONSTITUTION OUGHT NOT.--In the infant born of such a parent there will be a constitutional predisposition to the same disease; and, if it is nourished from her system, this hereditary predisposition will be confirmed.
"No fact in medicine is better established than that which proves the hereditary transmission from parents to children of a constitutional liability to pulmonary disease, and especially to consumption; yet no condition is less attended to in forming matrimonial engagements. The children of scrofulous and consumptive parents are generally precocious, and their minds being early matured, they engage early in the business of life, and often enter the married state before their bodily frame has had time to consolidate. For a few years every thing seems to go on prosperously, and a numerous family gathers around them. All at once, however, even while youth remains, their physical powers begin to give way, and they drop prematurely into the grave, exhausted by consumption, and leaving children behind them, destined, in all probability, either to be cut off as they approach maturity, or to run through the same delusive but fatal career as that of the parents from whom they derived their existence."[FN#5] There is scarcely an individual who reads these facts, to whom memory will not furnish some sad and mournful example of their truth;
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