The Mask | Page 9

Arthur Hornblow
only if I had it I
would not use it for evil. I would use it for good. Conditions in the
industrial world are very critical. We are rapidly approaching a crisis.
In all countries the forces of labor and the forces of capital are lined up
in silent, grim battalions. The poor are getting poorer; the rich are
getting richer. The cost of living is going up beyond all reason. Why?
Because the men who control the wealth of the world will it so. The
system which is responsible for this must one day, sooner or later, give
way to another and more humane system, still to be devised, which will
enable the man who produces the wealth of the world at least to enjoy
some of the fruits of his toil. Now it goes into the hands of the
privileged few who use the power their money gives them to keep their
less fortunate fellow men in servile subjection. I want to be rich, very

rich, but I will use my wealth for good. With it I will help my fellow
man rise from the mire. I will help him throw off the shackles with
which conscienceless capitalism has fettered him. I want to be such a
power for good. I want----"
The maid reëntered the room.
"François is not in his room, m'm."
Kenneth gave vent to an exclamation of impatience. Turning to his wife,
he asked:
"Where is he? Did you send him anywhere?"
Helen shook her head. Quickly she said:
"He's never around except when he's not wanted."
It was so seldom that his wife displayed irritation at any one that
Kenneth looked up in surprise.
"He's shopping, too, I suppose. You know there's little time left and he
has things to get ready the same as I have."
Helen made a gesture of disapproval. Quickly she said:
"I wish you were going with someone else, with anyone but that man. I
never liked him."
Her husband laughed. Carelessly he replied:
"I know you never did and it's the only instance since we're married
where I've found dear little wife to be absolutely unfair. Seriously,
sweetheart, your baseless prejudice against François is unworthy of you.
I can't go without a servant of some kind. He's an honest fellow and a
faithful servant."
Helen shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm not so sure about that," she retorted quickly. "What do you know
about him or his honesty? He's a perfect stranger that blew in three
months ago from nowhere. He had written recommendations which
may be forged. You never took the trouble to look them up."
"Yes, I did. I asked Keralio about him."
Helen looked up in surprise.
"Signor Keralio? I didn't know François was ever with him."
"He was with him nearly a year. Keralio warmly recommends him and
says he is a very faithful fellow. He only left him because he objected
to being compelled to practise sword-play with his master. One day
Keralio's foil slipped. François got a puncture and it made him
"No wonder I don't like him. Like master, like valet--as the French
Her husband smiled.
"You are down on Keralio, aren't you?"
"I detest him. How could any self-respecting woman like such a man?
His every glance is an insult. With his polished manners and sardonic
smile he reminds one of Mephistopheles."
"I don't fancy the fellow much myself, but I have to be polite to him.
As I told you, he's in with the people who own that silver mine. I've
found him useful."
"Don't trust him," replied Helen warningly. "If he makes himself useful
to you, depend upon it, he has some ulterior motive in view. Now I
know François was once with him I shall dislike him more than ever."
"Come--come dear," protested Kenneth, "that is carrying things too far.
François is quite a decent chap if you understand him--I find him
faithful, discreet."

"Discreet!" echoed Helen mockingly. "I beg to differ."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that you are blinded in the man. Discreet indeed! Only the
other day I caught him at your desk reading a letter which you had left
"A letter?" exclaimed Kenneth, looking up in surprise. "What letter?"
"The letter from your agent at Cape Town, telling of the astonishing
diamond find, and suggesting that an officer of the Company be sent
out to bring home the big stone--the letter you read at the director's
meeting and which decided them to send you out there."
Kenneth bit his lip. Quickly he said:
"I'm sorry he saw that. It was careless of me to leave it around. Are you
sure he was reading it?"
"He had a pencil and paper in hand and appeared to be copying from
the letter. When he saw
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