The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa | Page 7

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to know everything about the eighteen Tirthas
of the foe and fifteen of thy own by means of three and three spies all
unacquainted with one another? O slayer of all foes, watchest thou all
thy enemies with care and attention, and unknown to them? Is the priest
thou honourest, possessed of humility, and purity of blood, and renown,
and without jealousy and illiberality? Hath any well- behaved,
intelligent, and guileless Brahmana, well-up in the ordinance, been
employed by thee in the performance of thy daily rites before the
sacred fire, and doth he remind thee in proper time as to when thy homa
should be performed? Is the astrologer thou hast employed skilled in
reading physiognomy, capable of interpreting omens, and competent to
neutralise the effect of the disturbances of nature? Have respectable
servants been employed by thee in offices that are respectable,
indifferent ones in indifferent offices, and low ones in offices that are
low? Hast thou appointed to high offices ministers that are guileless
and of well conduct for generations and above the common run?
Oppressest thou not thy people with cruel and severe punishment? And,
O bull of the Bharata race, do thy ministers rule thy kingdom under thy
orders? Do thy ministers ever slight thee like sacrificial priests slighting
men that are fallen (and incapable of performing any more sacrifices)
or like wives slighting husbands that are proud and incontinent in their
behaviour? Is the commander of thy forces possessed of sufficient
confidence, brave, intelligent, patient, well-conducted, of good birth,
devoted to thee, and competent? Treatest thou with consideration and
regard the chief officers of thy army that are skilled in every kind of
welfare, are forward, well- behaved, and endued with prowess? Givest
thou to thy troops their sanctioned rations and pay in the appointed time?
Thou dost not oppress them by withholding these? Knowest thou that
the misery caused by arrears of pay and irregularity in the distribution
of rations driveth the troops to mutiny, and that is called by the learned
to be one of the greatest of mischiefs? Are all the principal high-born
men devoted to thee, and ready with cheerfulness to lay down their

lives in battle for thy sake? I hope no single individual of passions
uncontrolled is ever permitted by thee to rule as he likes a number of
concerns at the same time appertaining to the army? Is any servant of
thine, who hath accomplished well a particular business by the
employment of special ability, disappointed in obtaining from thee a
little more regard, and an increase of food and pay? I hope thou
rewardest persons of learning and humility, and skill in every kind of
knowledge with gifts of wealth and honour proportionate to their
qualifications. Dost thou support, O bull in the Bharata race, the wives
and children of men that have given their lives for thee and have been
distressed on thy account? Cherishest thou, O son of Pritha, with
paternal affection the foe that hath been weakened, or him also that
hath sought thy shelter, having been vanquished in battle? O lord of
Earth, art thou equal unto all men, and can every one approach thee
without fear, as if thou wert their mother and father? And O bull of the
Bharata race, marchest thou, without loss of time, and reflecting well
upon three kinds of forces, against thy foe when thou hearest that he is
in distress? O subjugator of all foes beginnest thou thy march when the
time cometh, having taken into consideration all the omens you might
see, the resolutions thou hast made, and that the ultimate victory
depends upon the twelve mandalas (such as reserves, ambuscades, &c,
and payment of pay to the troops in advance)? And, O persecutor of all
foes, givest thou gems and jewels, unto the principal officers of enemy,
as they deserve, without thy enemy's knowledge? O son of Pritha,
seekest thou to conquer thy incensed foes that are slaves to their
passions, having first conquered thy own soul and obtained the mastery
over thy own senses? Before thou marchest out against thy foes, dost
thou properly employ the four arts of reconciliation, gift (of wealth)
producing disunion, and application of force? O monarch, goest thou
out against thy enemies, having first strengthened thy own kingdom?
And having gone out against them, exertest thou to the utmost to obtain
victory over them? And having conquered them, seekest thou to protect
them with care? Are thy army consisting of four kinds of forces, viz.,
the regular troops, the allies, the mercenaries, and the irregulars, each
furnished with the eight ingredients, viz., cars, elephants, horses,
offices, infantry, camp-followers, spies possessing a thorough
knowledge of the country, and ensigns led out against thy enemies after

having been well trained by
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