The Madman and the Pirate | Page 3

Robert Michael Ballantyne
his leisure moments, and
he prided himself upon being not only cleverer, but considerably
blacker, than the islanders.
"Now you keep out ob de road, leetil Za." This was addressed to Zariffa,
who, by that time, could not only toddle but trowel, besides being able
to swim like a duck. "Take care, missy Za, dat clumsy feller wid the big
stone--let him fall, and--oh!"
The negro gave vent to a yell, for the accident he feared actually
occurred. The clumsy native let a huge piece of coral-rock fall from his
shoulder, which just missed crushing the brown little girl. It dropped on
a mass of soft lime, which flew up in all directions, making Zariffa
piebald at once, and, what was more serious, sending a lump straight
into Tomeo's face. This was too much for the great man. He seized the
culprit by the neck, and thrust his brown visage down upon the lime,

from which he arose white, leaving a beautiful cast of his features
behind him.
Tomeo was pacified at once. He burst into a loud laugh, while the
guilty man slunk humbly away, not, however, without receiving a
salute from Buttchee's active foot in passing.
At this moment Zeppa came up, holding his son Orlando, a well-grown
lad of fourteen, by the hand. He at once observed the captain of the
schooner, and, going forward, shook hands with him and the mate. He
had made their acquaintance the day before, when the vessel anchored
in the lagoon.
"I have come to say good-bye, Mr. Zeppa. We have finished taking in
fresh water sooner than I had expected, and will be ready to sail with
the evening breeze."
"Indeed? I regret this for various reasons" replied Zeppa, in a soft
musical voice, that one scarcely expected to issue from such a
capacious chest. There was about the man an air of gentle urbanity and
tenderness which might have induced a stranger to suppose him
effeminate, had not his manly looks and commanding stature rendered
the idea absurd. "In the first place," he continued, "my wife and I had
hoped to show you some hospitality. You know we seldom have
visitors to this out-of-the-way island. Then we wanted your advice with
regard to the building of our church, which, you see, is progressing
rapidly; and last, but not least, I wished to ask a favour, which it will be
impossible to grant if you sail to-night."
"Perhaps not impossible," said Captain Daniel, whose gruff nature was
irresistibly mellowed by the sweet spirit of the giant who addressed
him. "What d'ye want me to do?"
"I meant to ask a passage in your vessel for my son and myself to the
island of Otava. It is not far off, and you said yesterday that you intend
to pass close to it. You see, I am something of a trader, as well as a
missionary-schoolmaster; but if you sail to-night I have not time to get

"If that's all your difficulty," returned the captain, "I'll delay till
to-morrow night. A day won't make much difference--will it, Mr.
Rosco?" he said, turning to the mate.
"You know best" replied the mate somewhat sharply, "I don't command
the schooner."
The captain looked at the officer with an angry frown, and then, turning
quickly to Zeppa, said--
"Well, if that time will do, it is settled. You and your son may go with
me. And, see here, I've brought a box of figs for your wife, since you
won't take anything for the help you gave me this morning."
"You shall present it yourself," said Zeppa, with a pleased smile.
"Hi! Ebony," hailing the negro, "tell Marie to come here. She is in the
Ebony found his mistress and delivered his message.
Madame Zeppa was a pretty little fair woman, of French extraction.
She had been a lady's-maid, and, having been born and brought up
chiefly in England, spoke English fluently, though with a slightly
foreign accent derived from her mother.
"Missis," said the negro, in a low voice, and with a mysterious look, as
he followed her out of the palm-grove, "massa him wants to go wid
schooner. Don' let him go."
"Why not, Ebony?"
"Kase I no likes him."
"You don't like the schooner?"
"No, de cappin ob de skooner. Hims bad man for certin. Please don' let
massa go."

"You know I never give master his orders," returned madame, with a
light laugh.
"Better if you did, now an' den," muttered the negro, in a tone, however,
which rendered the advice not very distinct.
The fair little woman received the box of figs graciously; the captain
and mate were invited to the abode of Zeppa, where they met the native
missionary, and soon after returned to their vessel to make preparations
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