The Machine | Page 4

Upton Sinclair
but she can't come until later.
JACK. Just eating?
JULIA. I've been on the go all day. Have something.
JACK. No; I had dinner. [As she starts to clear things away.] Don't stop on my account.
JULIA. I was just finishing up. [As he begins to help.] No; sit down.
JACK. Nonsense. Let the men be of some use in the world.
JULIA. What have you been up to to-day?
JACK. We're organizing a demonstration for the Swedish strikers.
JULIA. It's marvelous how those Swedes hold on, isn't it?
JACK. The people are getting their eyes open. And when they're once open, they stay open.
JULIA. Yes. Did you see my article?
JACK. I should think I did! Julia, that was a dandy!
JULIA. Do you think so?
JACK. I do, indeed. You've made a hit. I heard a dozen people talking about it.
JULIA. Indeed?
JACK. You've come to be the champion female muck- raker of the country, I think.
[JULIA laughs.]
JACK. Why did you want to see me so specially tonight?
JULIA. I've a friend I want you to meet. Somebody I'm engaged in educating.
JACK. You seem to have chosen me for your favorite proselytizer.
JULIA. You've seen things with your own eyes, Jack.
JACK. Yes; I suppose so.
JULIA. And you know how to tell about them. And you've such an engaging way about you...nobody could help but take to you.
JACK. Cut out the taffy. Who's your friend?
JULIA. Her name's Hegan.
JACK. A woman?
JULIA. A girl, yes. And she's coming right along, Jack. You must take a little trouble with her, for if we can only bring her through, she can do a lot for us. She's got no end of money.
JACK. No relative of Jim Hegan, I hope?
JULIA. She's his daughter.
JACK. [With a bound.] What!
JULIA. His only daughter.
JACK. Good God, Julia!
JULIA. What's the matter?
JACK. You know I don't want to meet people like that.
JULIA. Why not?
JACK. I don't care to mix with them. I've nothing to say to them.
JULIA. My dear Jack, the girl can't help her father.
JACK. I know that, and I'm sorry for her. But, meantime, I've got my work to do . . .
JULIA. You couldn't be doing any better work than this. If we can make a Socialist of Laura Hegan . . .
JACK. Oh, stuff, Julia! I've given up chasing after will-o'-the-wisps like that.
JULIA. -But think what she could do!
JACK. Yes. I used to think what a whole lot of people could do. You might as well ask me to think what her father could do . . . if he only wanted to do it, instead of poisoning the life-blood of the city, and piling up his dirty millions. Go about this town and see the misery and horror . . . and think that it's Jim Hegan who sits at the top and reaps the profit of it all! It's Jim Hegan who is back of the organization . . . he's the real power behind Boss Grimes. It's he who puts up the money and makes possible this whole regime of vice and graft . . .
JULIA. My dear boy, don't be silly.
JACK. How do you mean? Isn't it true?
JULIA. Of course it's true . . . but why declaim to me about it? You forget you are talking to the champion female muckraker of the country.
JACK. Yes, that's right. But I don't want to meet these people socially. They mean well, a lot of them, I suppose; but they've been accustomed all their lives to being people of importance . . . to have everybody stand in awe of them, because of their stolen money, and all the wonderful things they might do with it if they only would.
JULIA. My dear Jack, did you ever observe anything of the tuft-hunter in me?
JACK. No, I don't know that I have. But it's never too late.
JULIA. [Laughing.] Well, until you do, have a little faith in me! Meet Laura Hegan, and judge for yourself.
JACK. [Grumbling.] All right, I'll meet her. But let me tell you, I don't propose to spare her feelings. She'll get things straight from me.
JULIA. That's all right, my boy. Give her the class war and the Revolution with a capital R ! Tell her you're the only original representative of the disinherited proletariat, and that some day, before long, you intend to plant the red flag over her daddy's palace. [Seriously.] Of course, what you'll actually do is meet her like a gentleman, and tell her of some of your adventures in Russia, and give her some idea of what's going on outside of her little Fifth avenue set. J ACK. Where did you run on to her?
JULIA. I met her at the settlement.
JACK. Good Lord! Jim Hegan's daughter! [Laughs.] They were toadying to her there, I'll wager.
JULIA. Well, you know what settlement people are. She's been coming there for quite a while, and seems to
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