The Life of Thomas, Lord Cochrane | Page 2

Lord Thomas Cochrane
himself in two volumes, entitled, "A
Narrative of Services in Chili, Peru, and Brazil." Therefore, the seven
chapters of the present work which describe these episodes have been
made as concise as possible. Only the most memorable circumstances
have been dwelt upon, and the details introduced have been drawn to
some extent from documents not included in the volumes referred to.
There was no reason for abridgment in treating of my father's
connection with Greece. In the service of that country he was less able
to achieve beneficial results than in Chili and Brazil; but as, on that
ground, he has been frequently traduced by critics and historians, it
seemed especially important to show how his successes were greater

than these critics and historians have represented, and how his failures
sprang from the faults of others and from misfortunes by which he was
the chief sufferer. The documents left by him, moreover, afford
abundant material for illustrating an eventful period in modern history.
The chapters referring to Greece and Greek affairs, accordingly, enter
with especial fullness into the circumstances of Lord Dundonald's life
at this time, and his connection with contemporary politics.
Eight other chapters recount all that was of most public interest in the
thirty years of my father's life after his return from Greece. Except
during a brief period of active service in his profession, when he had
command of the British squadron in North American and West Indian
waters, those thirty years were chiefly spent in efforts--by scientific
research, by mechanical experiment, and by persevering argument--to
increase the naval power of his country, and in efforts no less zealous
to secure for himself that full reversal of the wrongful sentence passed
upon him in a former generation, which could only be attained by
public restitution of the official rank and national honours of which he
had been deprived.
This restitution was begun by his Majesty King William IV., and
completed by our present most gracious Queen and the Prince Consort.
By the kindnesses which he received from these illustrious persons, my
father's later years were cheered; and I can never cease to be
profoundly grateful to my Sovereign, and her revered husband, for the
personal interest with which they listened to my prayer immediately
after his death. Through their gracious influence, the same banner of
the Bath that had been taken from him nearly fifty years before, was
restored to its place in Westminster Abbey, and allowed to float over
his remains at their time of burial. Thus the last stain upon my father's
memory was wiped out.
DUNDONALD. London, May 24th, 1869.
* * * * *


Introduction.--Lord Cochrane's Ancestry.--His First Occupations in the
Navy.--His Cruise in the Speedy and Capture of the Gamo.--His
Exploits in the Pallas.--The beginning of his Parliamentary Life.--His
two Elections as Member for Honiton.--His Election for
Westminster.--Further Seamanship.--The Basque Roads Affair.--The
Court-Martial on Lord Gambier, and its injurious effects on Lord
Cochrane's Naval Career.--His Parliamentary Occupations.--His Visit
to Malta and its Issues.--The Antecedents and Consequences of the
Stock Exchange Trial - 1

The Issue of the Stock Exchange Trial.--Lord Cochrane's Committal to
the King's Bench Prison.--The Debate upon his Case in the House of
Commons, and his Speech on that Occasion.--His Expulsion from the
House, and Re-election as Member for Westminster.--The Withdrawal
of his Sentence to the Pillory.--The Removal of his Insignia as a Knight
of the Bath - 35

Lord Cochrane's Bearing in the King's Bench Prison.--His Street
Lamps.--His Escape, and the Motives for it.--His Capture in the House
of Commons, and subsequent Treatment.--His Confinement in the
Strong Room of the King's Bench Prison.--His Release - 48


Lord Cochrane's Return to the House of Commons.--His Share in the
Refusal of the Duke of Cumberland's Marriage Pension.--His Charges
against Lord Ellenborough, and their Rejection by the House.--His
Popularity.--The Part taken by him in Public Meetings for the Relief of
the People.--The London Tavern Meeting.--His further Prosecution,
Trial at Guildford, and subsequent Imprisonment.--The Payment of his
Fines by a Penny Subscription.--The Congratulations of his
Westminster Constituents - 74

The State of Politics in England in 1817 and 1818, and Lord Cochrane's
Share in them.--His Work as a Radical in and out of Parliament.--His
futile Efforts to obtain the Prize Money due for his Services at Basque
Roads.--The Holly Hill Siege.--The Preparations for his Enterprise in
South America.--His last Speech in Parliament - 109

The Antecedents of Lord Cochrane's Employments in South
America.--The War of Independence in the Spanish
Colonies.--Mexico.--Venezuela.--Colombia.--Chili.--The first Chilian
Insurrection.--The Carreras and O'Higgins.--The Battle of
Rancagua.--O'Higgins's Successes.--The Establishment of the Chilian
Republic.--Lord Cochrane invited to enter the Chilian Service - 137

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