The Life of Jesus of Nazareth | Page 2

Rush Rhees

Sections 1-19. Pages 1-20
Section 1. The Roman estimate of Judea. 2, 3. Herod the Great and his
sons. 4. Roman procurators in Palestine. 5. Taxes. 6. The army. 7.
Administration of justice. 8. The Sadducees. 9,10. The Pharisees. 11.
The Zealots. 12. The Essenes. 13. The Devout. 14. Herodians and
Samaritans. 15. The synagogue. 16. Life under the law. 17. The
Messianic hope. 18. Contemporary literature. 19. Language of

Sources of Our Knowledge of Jesus
Sections 20-35. Pages 21-37
Section 20. The testimony of Paul. 21. Secular history. 22. The written
gospels. 23. Characteristics of the first gospel. 24. Of the second. 25.
Of the third. 26-30. The synoptic problem. 31-32. The Johannine
problem. 34. The two narrative sources. 35. Agrapha and Apocrypha.
The Harmony of the Gospels
Sections 36-44. Pages 38-14
Section 36. The value of four gospels. 37. Tatian's Diatessaron. 38.
Agreement of the gospels concerning the chief events. 39. The
principal problems. 40. Relation of Mark and John. 41, 42. Matthew
and Luke. 43. Doublets. 44. The degree of certainty attainable.
The Chronology
Sections 45-57. Pages 45-56
Sections 45-48. The length of Jesus' public ministry. 49. Date of the
first Passover. 50. Date of the crucifixion. 51-56. Date of the nativity.
57. Summary.
The Early Years of Jesus
Sections 58-71. Pages 57-69

Section 58. Apocryphal stories. 59. Silence of the New Testament
outside the gospels. 60-62. The miraculous birth. 63. The childhood of
Jesus. 64. Home. 65. Religion, Education. 66. Growth. 67. Religious
development. 68. The view from Nazareth. 69 The first visit to
Jerusalem. 70-71. The carpenter of Nazareth.
John the Baptist
Sections 72-84. Pages 70-81
Section 72. The gospel picture. 73. Notice by Josephus. 74.
Characteristics of the prophet 75-78. John's relation to the Essenes; the
Pharisees; the Zealots; the Apocalyptists. 79. John and the Prophets.
80-82. Origin of his baptism. 83. His greatness. 84. His limitations and
The Messianic Call
Sections 85-96. Pages 82-91
Sections 85, 86. John and Jesus. 87. The baptism of Jesus. 88, 89. The
Messianic call. 90. The gift of the Spirit. 91-94. The temptation. 95.
Source of the narrative. 96. The issue.
The First Disciples
Sections 97-105. Pages 92-97
Section 97. John at Bethany beyond Jordan. 98. The deputation from
the priests. 99. John's first testimony. 100. The first disciples. 101. The
early Messianic confessions. 102. The visit to Cana. 103. The miracles
as disclosures of the character of Jesus. 104. Jesus and his mother. 105.
Removal to Capernaum.

Part II
The Ministry
General Survey of the Ministry
Sections 106-112. Pages 101-105
Section 106. The early Judean ministry. 107. Withdrawal to Galilee; a
new beginning. 108. The ministry in Galilee a unit. 109. Best studied
topically. 110. The last journey to Jerusalem. 111. The last week. 112.
The resurrection and ascension.
The Early Judean Ministry
Sections 113-124. Pages 106-114
Outline of events in the Early Judean ministry. Section 113. The
opening ministry at Jerusalem. 114. The record incomplete. 115. The
cleansing of the temple. 116. Relation to synoptic account. 117. Jesus'
reply to the challenge of his authority. 118. The reserve of Jesus. 119.
Discourse with Nicodemus. 120. Measure of success in Jerusalem. 121.
The Baptist's last testimony. 122. The arrest of John. 123. The second
sign at Cana. 124. Summary.
The Ministry in Galilee--Its Aim and Method
Sections 125-149. Pages 115-137

Outline of events in the Galilean ministry. Section 125. General view.
126, 127. Development of popular enthusiasm. 128. Pharisaic
opposition. 129, 130. Jesus and the Messianic hope. 131. Injunctions of
silence. 132-135. Jesus' twofold aim in Galilee. 136, 137. Character of
the teaching of this period: the sermon on the mount. 138. The parables.
139. The instructions for the mission of the twelve. 140. Jesus' tone of
authority. 141. His mighty works. 142-144. Demoniac possession. 145.
Jesus' personal influence. 146. The feeding of the five thousand. 147,
148. Revulsion of popular feeling. 149. Results of the work in Galilee.
The Ministry in Galilee--The New Lesson
Sections 150-165. Pages 138-152
Section 150. The changed ministry. 151. The question of tradition. 152.
Further pharisaic opposition. 153. Jesus in Phoenicia. 154.
Confirmation of the disciples' faith. 155. The question at Cæsarea
Philippi. 156. The corner-stone of the Church. 157-159. The new lesson.
160. The transfiguration. 161. Cure of the epileptic boy. 162. The feast
of Tabernacles. 163. Story of Jesus and the adulteress. 164. The new
note in Jesus' teaching. 165. Summary of the Galilean ministry.
The Journey through Perea to Jerusalem
Sections 166-176. Pages 153-165
Outline of events. Section 166. The Perean ministry. 167. Account in
John. 168, 169. Account in Luke. 170. The mission of the seventy. 171.
The feast of Dedication. 172. Withdrawal beyond Jordan. 173. The
raising of Lazarus. 174. Ephraim and Jericho. 175,176. Summary.
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