The Life and Adventures of Kit Carson, the Nestor of the Rocky Mountains, from Facts Narrated | Page 5

De Witt C. Peters
Attack made
by the Indians--Arrival in the United States--Kit Carson's Introduction
to Col. Benton and Mrs. Fremont--Hospitality offered to him at
Washington--Kit Carson receives the Appointment of Lieutenant in the
Rifle Corps of the U.S. Army from President Polk--He is ordered to
carry Dispatches to California--The Journey--A Brush with the
Camanche Indians--Arrival at Santa Fé--More trouble with hostile
Indians--Arrival at Los Angelos--Dispatches delivered--Kit Carson is
assigned to do Duty with the Dragoons--Is ordered to Guard Tajon
Pass--The Winter spent there--Is ordered again to carry Dispatches to
Washington--The Journey and its Adventures--The return to New
Mexico, 297
Kit Carson at his Home--The Apache Indians become hostile--An
Expedition sent against them--It is not successful--Another is organized,
with which, Kit Carson goes as Guide--Two Indian Chiefs
captured--Other Incidents of the Trip--Colonel Beall attempts to force
the Indians to give up Mexican Captives--Two thousand Savages on the
Arkansas River--The Visit to them--Kit Carson emigrates and builds a
Ranche at Rayado--Description of the Valley--The Massacre of a Santa
Fé Merchant--His Wife is made Prisoner--The Expedition sent to
rescue her--The Indians overtaken--Bad Counsel and
Management--The commanding Officer wounded--Mrs. White's Body
found--Severe Snow-storm on the Plains--One Man frozen to
Death--Kit Carson returns to Rayado--The occupation of a Farmer
resumed--The Apaches steal from the Settlers nearly all their
Animals--Kit Carson with thirteen others in the Pursuit--The
Surprise--A running Fight--The Animals recovered--A gallant Sergeant
and his Fate--Kit Carson and Goodel go on a Trading Expedition to
meet California Emigrants at Fort Laramie--Humorous
Adventures--The Dangers that beset the Road to New
Mexico--Hair-breadth Escape--Arrival at Taos, 322

Kit Carson reaches Home--Himself and Neighbors robbed by the
Apaches--Major Grier goes in Pursuit of, and recaptures the stolen
Stock--A Plot organized by White Men to murder two Santa Fé Traders
for their Money--The Disclosure--Kit Carson goes to the Rescue of the
Traders--The Camp of United States Recruits--Captain Snell with
twenty Men joins Kit Carson and they two make the Arrest of
Fox--Gratitude expressed by the Traders--Money offered but
refused--The Prisoner taken to Taos and incarcerated--Kit Carson
receives a magnificent Pair of Revolvers as a Present from the grateful
Traders--The return to Rayado--A Trading Expedition to the United
States--The return Journey--An Encounter with the Cheyenne
Indians--A State of Suspense--The Deliverance from Danger by a
Message sent by a Mexican Runner--The arrival at Rayado, 361
Kit Carson's last Trapping Expedition--He embarks in a
Speculation--His Trip to California with a large Flock of Sheep--The
Method employed by Mexicans in driving Herds and their
Dexterity--Kit Carson goes to San Francisco--Its wonderful
Growth--Maxwell joins Kit Carson at Sacramento City--The Lucky
Speculation--The Return Trip to New Mexico and its Adventures--The
Mormon Delegate to Congress informs Kit Carson of his Appointment
as Indian Agent--Kit Carson enters upon the Duties of his Office--Bell's
Fight with the Apaches on Red River--Kit Carson's Interview with the
same Indian--High-handed Measures on the Part of the
Apaches--Davidson's desperate Fight with them--The Soldiers defeated
with severe loss--Davidson's Bravery is unjustly questioned--Kit
Carson's Opinion of it--The Apaches elated by their Victory--Their
Imitations of the Actions of Military Men, 389
A fresh Campaign set on foot--Col. Cook in Command--Kit Carson
goes as Guide--The Apaches and Utahs leagued together--The
Roughness of the Country and the Privations to which the Command
was exposed--The Indians overhauled--A running Fight--The

Advantages gained--The Chase resumed--The Apaches resort to their
old Tricks--Col. Cook is obliged to return to Abiquiu--A Utah taken
Prisoner through Mistake--Kit Carson goes to Taos and has a
Conference with the Chiefs of the Utah Nation--Cook's second
Scout--He is caught in a furious Snow-storm and obliged to return to
Rio Colorado--Major Brooks and Reinforcements come to the
Rescue--Major Brooks on the Lookout, but fails to find the
Indians--Carleton's Expedition--Kit Carson goes with it as Guide--The
Adventures met with--Kit Carson's Prophecy comes true--The Muache
Band of Utahs summoned by Kit Carson to a Grand Council--Troubles
brewing among these Indians--The Small Pox carries off their Head
Men, 434
The Commencement of a formidable Indian War--High-handed
Measures on the Part of the Indians--The Governor of New Mexico
raises five hundred Mexican Volunteers and places them under the
Command of Colonel St. Vrain--Colonel Fauntleroy placed in
Command of all the Forces--Kit Carson is chosen as Chief Guide--The
Campaign commenced--The Trail found--The Indians are met and the
first Fight and its Consequences--An Excitement in Camp--The Indians
again overtaken--The return to Fort Massachusetts--Intense Cold
Weather experienced--The Second Campaign--Colonel Fauntleroy
surprises the Main Camp of the Enemy--The War and Scalp Dance
broken up--Terrible Slaughter of the Indians--The Great Amount of
Plunder taken and destroyed--Another small Party of Indians surprised
and routed--St. Vrain equally fortunate in his Campaign--The Indians
sue for Peace--The Council held and Treaties signed--Kit Carson
opposes the making of them--The poor Protection Indian Treaties
usually afford to Settlers--Kit Carson's House at Taos and his Indian
Friends--His Attachment for his
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