The Lady of the Ice | Page 7

James De Mille
Jack, with a wild laugh. "All? My dear boy, it is only the
faint beginning; but it implies all the rest."
"What did she say?" I asked, meekly.
"Say--say? What! After--well, never mind. Hang it! Don't drive me into
particulars. Don't you see? Why, there I was. I had made an assault,
broken through the enemy's lines, thought I was carrying every thing
before me, when suddenly I found myself confronted, not by an inferior
force, but by an overwhelming superiority of numbers--horse, foot, and
artillery, marines, and masked batteries--yes, and baggage-wagons--all
assaulting me in front, in flank, and in the rear. Pooh!"
"Don't talk shop, Jack."
"Shop? Will you be kind enough to suggest some ordinary figure of
speech that will give an idea of my situation? Plain language is quite
useless. At least, I find it so."
"But, at any rate, what did she say?"
"Why," answered Jack, in a more dismal voice than ever, "she said, 'Ah,
Jack!'--she called me Jack!--'Ah, Jack! I saw you looking for me. I
knew you would come after me.'"

"Good Heavens!" I cried; "and what did you say?"
"Say? Heavens and earth, man! what could I say? Wasn't I a gentleman?
Wasn't she a lady? Hadn't I forced her to commit herself? Didn't I have
to assume the responsibility and pocket the consequences? Say! Oh,
Macrorie! what is the use of imagination, if a man will not exercise it?"
"And so you're in for it?" said I, after a pause.
"To the depth of several miles," said Jack, relighting his pipe, which in
the energy of his narrative had gone out.
"And you don't think of trying to back out?"
"I don't see my way. Then, again, you must know that I've been trying
to see if it wouldn't be the wisest thing for me to make the best of my
"Certainly it would, if you cannot possibly get out of it."
"But, you see, for a fellow like me it may be best not to get out of it.
You see, after all, I like her very well. She's an awfully fine
woman--splendid action. I've been round there ever so much; we've
always been deuced thick; and she's got a kind of way with her that a
fellow like me can't resist. And, then, it's time for me to begin to think
of settling down. I'm getting awfully old. I'll be twenty-three next
August. And then, you know, I'm so deuced hard up. I've got to the end
of my rope, and you are aware that the sheriff is beginning to be
familiar with my name. Yes, I think for the credit of the regiment I'd
better take the widow. She's got thirty thousand pounds, at least."
"And a very nice face and figure along with it," said I, encouragingly.
"That's a fact, or else I could never have mistaken her for poor little
Louie, and this wouldn't have happened. But, if it had only been little
Louie--well, well; I suppose it must be, and perhaps it's the best thing."
"If it had been Louie," said I, with new efforts at encouragement, "it

wouldn't have been any better for you."
"No; that's a fact. You see, I was never so much bothered in my life. I
don't mind an ordinary scrape; but I can't exactly see my way out of
"You'll have to break the news to Miss Phillips."
"And that's not the worst," said Jack, with a sigh that was like a groan.
"Not the worst? What can be worse than that?"
"My dear boy, you have not begun to see even the outside of the
peculiarly complicated nature of my present situation. There are other
circumstances to which all these may be playfully represented as a
"Well, that is certainly a strong way of putting it."
"Couldn't draw it mild--such a situation can only be painted in strong
colors. I'll tell you in general terms what it is. I can't go into particulars.
You know all about my engagement to Miss Phillips. I'm awfully fond
of her--give my right hand to win hers, and all that sort of thing, you
know. Well, this is going to be hard on her, of course, poor thing!
especially as my last letters have been more tender than common. But,
old chap, that's all nothing. There's another lady in the case!"
"What!" I cried, more astonished than ever.
Jack looked at me earnestly, and said, slowly and solemnly:
"Another lady?" I faltered.
"Another lady!" said Jack.

"Oh!" said I.
"Yes," said he.
"An engagement, too!"
"An engagement? I should think so--and a double-barrelled one, too.
An engagement--why, my dear
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