housekeeping, and indeed the better that Sam'l should live plaine
awhile in consideration of his ailing. So home in good time, and do find
Sam'l and our she-cousin Scott very merry with capping of Epitaphs
and sayings, wherein I also delighte. A very merry witty woman and
harmlesse. Suppt on a Westfalia Ham and so with prayers content to
7th.--This day Sam'l returning from the Office takes me to a fine
collacion at Hamling's house, wherein the fine silver set forth upon the
table do give us great pleasure, but I a little shamed because the ladies
so brave, Mrs Hamling very Rich in an embroidered suit, and Mrs Pegg
Penn in flowered sattin, which God knows she do not become, and
heads set out with the new French frizzle. I very plain in my olde black
silk new-laced all over with black silk gimp, Sam'l declaring I am very
pretty in this, but I trust him not herein, he willing to save his Purse.
One passage of Sam'l kissing the little black beauty, Mrs Deakin, that
he do call his Morena, displeased me, she being known for a frolicsome
jade. He later singing, "Gaze not on Swans," and "Goe and be
Hanged--that's Good-bye," all did applaud, and great mirth. It was
observable that Captain Wade, kissing me on parting, did a little detain
my Hand, and for this Sam'l did so betwit and becall me, returning in
the Coach, that I pretended sleep, which did put him in a great
discontent and so angry and without Prayers to bed. Yet sure this shows
his good liking to me, and I think his heart sound, though he do Friske
as I would he did not.
8th.--This day hear that my Lady Sandwich is Delivered of a young
Lady and all well. Sam'l thinking (on some jest of my Lord's) to stand
Godfather and give the name--though how to call the Babe for him I
see not--do at once provide silver Spoons and a Porringer. Which,
seeing he is not yet bidden, doth I confesse, appear exceeding foolish
and like a man that hath more silly pride than sense, the rather that I
lack a French mantle that he hath promist but not performed. But I say
nothing, according to the olde wise saw of Goody Gorum,--
Nothing say, But take your way.
He this day in his new Cote of the fashion and half cloth stockings
going to give my Lord joy, do indeed seem very brave and noble, and
hath a neat legg, and it pleases me to see him go as he should, for he is
a personable man when well set out. And if he did but consider how it
is to his honour that his Wife should go as fine as he I could the more
rejoice therein, but it is not so, and great dishonour it is to him to
consider how this quarter he hath spent fifty pounds on his clothes and
but twelve on me, a thing not fit to be said of him. But I wait my time.
10th.--This day Sam'l refuses me the French mantle as beyond his
Purse, but offers a payre of gloves--I refusing this. Slipt out for Lesson,
olde Mr Crosby being a worthy and patient teacher, but it is a science
very hard to be come at, and I weary enough in the learning of it,
though indeed it be so needful. Still, some progress, and he saying
merrily I would be at some mischief in this, with love Letters or such
Toys, do make me to blush, so as I never did but when Sam'l was
courting me. Yet no guilty deed, but what is very fitting for a woman.
Was instant with the olde Gentleman that he should speake of my
Lessons to none, the more so (I did say) that my father would not have
these papers known to any, great matters hanging on it. Which indeed
is true though not as he takes it.
So I home and with Sam'l to the Play, where my Lady Castlemaine,
which indeed is a great Beauty, nor can I deny it, but sure it is not hard
to be a beauty in Clothes and jewels that do dazzle the Eyes of all that
Gaze upon her. But, Lord! to see how bold and unmannerly in staring
upon strangers and the men on the stage, and in fine do not please me
with her Freedoms. This Sam'l disputing very hotly after we had supt
upon a Jowl of Salmon, I to speake my mind, asking if he would have
his Wife casting oranges to the actors and blowing Kisses all about the
house, and he not knowing what to answer, I do say, "Then prayse it
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