The Junior Classics, vol 4 | Page 7

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faith," said King Arthur, "I will give you any gift that
you will ask or desire." "Well," said the damsel, "go ye into yonder

barge, and row yourself unto the sword, and take it and the scabbard
with you; and I will ask my gift when I see my time." So King Arthur
and Merlin alighted, tied their horses to two trees, and so they went into
the barge. And when they came to the sword that the hand held, King
Arthur took it up by the handles, and took it with him: and the arm and
the hand went under the water, and so King Arthur came to the land,
and rode forth. * * * Then the king looked upon the sword, and liked it
passing well. "Whether liketh you better," said Merlin, "the sword or
the scabbard?" "Me liketh better the sword," said King Arthur.--"Ye are
more unwise," said Merlin; "for the scabbard is worth ten of the sword;
for while ye have the scabbard upon you ye shall lose no blood, be ye
never so sore wounded; therefore keep well the scabbard alway with
* * * Then Arthur proclaimed that all the lords, knights, and gentlemen
of arms, should draw unto a castle, that was called in those days
Camelot, and the king would have a council-general and a great joust.
So when the king was come thither, with all his baronage, and lodged
as them seemed best, there came a damsel, sent on message from the
great Lady Lily, of Avilion; and, when she came before King Arthur,
she told him from whom she came, and how she was sent on message
unto him for these causes. And she let her mantle fall, that was richly
furred, and then she was girded with a noble sword, whereof the king
had great marvel, and said, "Damsel, for what cause are ye gird with
that sword? It beseemeth you not." "Now shall I tell you," said the
damsel. "This sword, that I am gird withal, doth me great sorrow and
remembrance; for I may not be delivered of this sword but by a good
knight; and he must be a passing good man of his hands and of his
deeds, and without villany or treachery. If I may find such a knight that
hath all these virtues, he may draw out this sword of the scabbard. For I
have been at King Rience; for it was told that there were passing good
knights, and he and all his knights have assayed it, and none can
"This is a great marvel," said King Arthur, "and if besooth, I will
myself assay to draw out the sword; not presuming upon myself that I
am the best knight, but that I will begin to draw at your sword, in
giving example to all the barons, that they shall assay every one after
other, when I have assayed." Then King Arthur took the sword by the

scabbard and girdle and pulled at it eagerly, but the sword would not
out. "Sir," said the damsel, "ye need not pull half so hard; for he that
shall pull it out shall do it with little might." "Ye say well," said King
Arthur: "now assay ye, all my barons; but beware ye be not defiled with
shame, treachery, nor guile."--"Then it will not avail," said the damsel;
"for he must be a clean knight, without villany, and of gentle stream of
father's side and mother's side." Most of all the barons of the Round
Table, that were there at that time, assayed all in turn, but none might
speed. Wherefore the damsel made great sorrow out of measure, and
said, "Alas! I weened in this court had been the best knights, without
treachery or treason." "By my faith," said King Arthur, "here are as
good knights as I deem any be in the world; but their grace is not to
help you, wherefore I am greatly displeased."
It happened so, at that time, that there was a poor knight with King
Arthur, that had been prisoner with him half a year and more, for
slaying of a knight, which was cousin to King Arthur. The knight was
named Balin le Savage: and by good means of the barons he was
delivered out of prison; for he was a good man named of his body, and
he was born in Northumberland. And so he went privily into the court,
and saw this adventure, whereof his heart rose, and would assay it as
other knights did; but for because he was poor, and poorly arrayed, he
put him not far in press. But in his heart he was fully assured (if his
grace happened him) as any knight that was there. And, as that damsel
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