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Richard Archer
inquired Johnny, "that there are many uninhabited islands, that have never been discovered!"
"There are believed to be a great many of them," answered Arthur, "and it is supposed that new ones are constantly being formed by the labours of the coral insect. A bare ledge of coral first appears, just at the surface; it arrests floating substances, weeds, trees, etcetera; soon the sea-birds begin to resort there; by the decay of vegetable and animal matter a thin soil gradually covers the foundation of coral; a cocoa-nut is drifted upon it by the winds, or the currents of the sea; it takes root, springs up, its fruit ripens and falls, and in a few years the whole new-formed island is covered with waving groves."
"Mr Frazer says he has no doubt that these seas swarm with such islands, and that many of them have never been discovered," said Max; besides, here's poetry for it:--
"`O many are the beauteous isles, Unseen by human eye, That sleeping 'mid the Ocean smiles, In happy silence lie. The ship may pass them in the night, Nor the sailors know what lovely sight Is sleeping on the main;'
"But this poetical testimony will make Arthur doubt the fact altogether."
"Not exactly," answered Arthur, "though I am free to admit that without Mr Frazer's opinion to back it your poetical testimony would not go very far with me."
"Hark! There go Mr Frazer's two barrels," cried Max, as two reports in quick succession were heard, coming apparently from the grove, in the direction of the spring; "he has probably come across a couple of `rare specimens,' to be added to his stuffed collection."
"Now bend the straining rowers to their oars; Fast the light shallops leave the lessening shores, No rival crews in emulous sport contend, But life and death upon the event depend."
The next moment we were startled by a quick, fierce shout, followed immediately by a long, piercing, and distressful cry, proceeding from the same quarter from which the reports of fire-arms had been heard; and before we had time to conjecture the cause or meaning of these frightful sounds, Morton bounded like a deer from the grove, about a hundred yards from the spot where we were standing, and ran swiftly towards us, crying out--"To the boats! for your lives to the boats!"
Our first thought was, that the party at the spring had been attacked and massacred by the natives. Arthur seized Johnny by one hand, and motioned to me to take the other, which I did, and without stopping to demand any explanations, we started at a rapid pace, in the direction of the yawl, Max taking the lead--Arthur and myself, dragging Johnny between us, coming next, and Morton a few paces behind us, bringing up the rear. It took but a few moments to enable us to reach the spot where the yawl lay, hauled up upon the beach. There was no one in her, or in sight, except Browne, who was comfortably stretched out near the boat sound asleep, with an open book lying beside him.
Morton aroused the sleeper by a violent shake. "Now, then," cried he, "let us get the boat into the water; the tide is down, and the yawl is heavy; we shall want all the strength we can muster."
By a united effort we got the yawl to the edge of the surf.
Browne, though not yet thoroughly awake, could not but observe our pale faces and excited appearance, and gazing from one to another in a bewildered manner, he asked what was the matter; but no one made any answer. Morton lifted Johnny into the boat and asked the rest of us to get in, except Arthur, saying that they two would push her through the surf.
"Hold!" cried Arthur, "let us not be too fast; some of the others may escape the savages, and they will naturally run this way--we must not leave them to be murdered."
"There are no savages in the case," answered Morton, "and there is no time to be lost; the men have killed the first officer, and Mr Frazer, too, I fear; and they will take the ship and commit more murders, unless we can get there before them, to warn those on board."
This was more horrible than any thing that we had anticipated; but we had no time to dwell upon it: the sound of oars rattling in the row-locks, was heard from beyond the point.
"There are the mutineers!" cried Morton; "but I think that we have the advantage of them; they must pull round yonder point, which will make at least a quarter of a mile's difference in the distance to the ship."
"There is no use in trying to get
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