The Interlude of Wealth and Health | Page 9

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and libertidespise?Or els he wyll marre all our mateer.?Brother wet, ler me alone?When they come you shal see me a none?Complayne of him, vnto them echone 670 And put him out of fauour
+Wytte+ Peace no mo wordes, for they come yonder
+wealth+ Syrs I am glade that you be heare?How doth all our houshold, with them what chere??Is euery thiag in order there?Afirr our intente?
+wyll.+ ye syr they be all mery and glad?With reuell and rout somtime they be mad?Pipe whore hop theef, euery knaue and drabe?Is at our commaundement. 680
Helth turneth hym.
What do ye say, then ye are to blame?And we put you in trust for the same?To kepe such rule, it is a shame?I tis not for our honour.
+wytte.+ By the masse ihe horson doth lye?There is no such rule by gods body?A man may breke his neck as lyghtly?As his fast in your kechin, or seller truly.
Liberty turneth him 690
With that nother I am not content?I wolde there should be liberalitie compet[=e]t?And with honesti it is conoenient?That our neighbour fare the better
+Wyll.+ you be angey with all that we haue done?Cum away brother let us go hens soone?I know a new maister wher we shalbe welcume?God be with you gentyl maister
+Welth.+ Why wil ye begone tor a worde?Peraduenture we did but boorde 700 Me thinke ye should your mayster foorde?For to speake my minde.
+wytte+ Nay nay, I can tel what was the matter?Remedy was here, and he dyd flatter?ye trust he more than vs and better?But marke the ende, what ye shal find
+Health+ With good remedy we spake in dede?To folow his counsel we had neede?He warned vs that we should take hede?Of excesse and prodigalitie. 710
+Wytte+ I meruayle ye speake so of good remedy?It is I that can do more than he?Wyt can make shyft at necessity?When Remedi cannot be hearde?I know some that hath this thousand yere?Sought god remedy and yet neuer rhe nere?wit can put remedy by, yea this is cleare?For wit is a crafty lad.
+Wyll.+ And wyl is an vngracious stay?Wyl hath doone many thinges men say 720 And yf ye let wit and wil goe his way?ye wil repent it soone.
+liberty+ Why what cause haue you to go your way?ye shall abyde wich vs though you say nay?I wyl folow wyl, and wit alway?And so I haue euer done
+wytte.+ yf I wist al my masters wolde so do?Then from your seruyce I wolde not goo?Speake now whether ye wyl or no?And let vs know your minde 730
+Health+ Syrs ye be welco me to me playne?And for your company I am full fayne?I had leuer suffer great payne?Then to leue my wit and wyl,
+Wyll.+ Then let vs go hence, with kindnes my her ye do kyll
+Health+ I pray you let vs go, wherfore do we byde styll.
and goeth out
+Remdi+ As touching my first purpose hither I am com again I trow ye know me, good remedy is my name?That euery day doth take great .abor or payne 740 To amende all faultes, I am chosen to the same?yf any mans conscience here doth grudge or shame?Hauing in him self remorse, & mendes in tyme & space?I am good remedy, and god is ful of mercy and grace?Therfore I wyl stand asyde, & a lyttel whyle remaine?Of welth, Helth and Lybertye, for to inquire?How they be ordred, and yf any man complayne?I wil be glad to shew me remedy, my think I se one a peare.
+Hance+ Begots drowse ic my selfe bin c[=u]pt heye sc? lansm? 750 Ic mot in ander land lopen, al is quade dan
+Remdi+ Thou fleming fr? wh[=e]ce comest [thou]
& what dost [thou] here.
+Hance+ Ic my self cumt fr? sent Katryns dore
mot ic skyne de c? beer
+Remdi+ Get [the] thether againe, & tary here no l?ger
+Hance+ Syr ic mot mid ye spreken ic my self be en scomaker
+Remdi+ What and thou be therwith I haue nothin a doo.
+Hance+ Ic dest al forlore, copin is dod, ic maght aot do therto
+Remdi+ I pray thee go hence, for thou dost trouble me yll.
+Hance+ Nen ic seker, ic wyl not gon, ic wold fain liue hore stil
+Remdi+ There is to mainy allaunts in this reale, but now I 760 good remedy haue so provided that English men shall?lyue the better dayly.
+Hance+ What segt ye by gots drowse, dai is de quade man?Be de moro goi, ic my selfe loue de scone Englishman.
+Remdi+ Fie on [the] flattering knaue,
fie on you alia[=u]ts al I say?ye can [with] craft & subtel tiget englishm[=e]s welth away
+Hance+ O skon mester, ic heb hore bin, this darten yeore ic canskote de coluerin, & ic can be dr beare broer,?trust see so prouide that welth from you haue I shall
+Hance+ Ic seg to you dat welth is lopen in an ander contry 770 wat hebegy dar brough, forstan ye net, segt me
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