The Interlude of Wealth and Health | Page 6

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dispise, 340 But if they wyst what I were?Then of my purpose I should be neuer [the] nere?I wyl kepe my tonge leste that I mar?My whole intent and wyll.?But now I meruayle by this day?Where shrewd wit is gone a stray?Some crafty touche is in his way?I here him, peace, stand styll.
? Entreth shrewd wyt with a songe.
? Dieu vous garde playsaunce 350 On seuen or no mumchaunce, what yonkers dare auaunce?To playe a grote or twaine.?Loe heare I haue in store?Two or three grotes and no more?I take great thought therfore?For to kepe it, it is much payne?I come now out of a place?where is a company of small grace?Theues and hores that spendes a pace?They were dronken all the sorte. 360 One of their purces I did aspy?Out of his sleue where it dyd lye?And one wynked on me with his eye?But ther began the sporte?Their false falsehode, and I crafty wyt?got the purse loe, heare I haue it?I ran my way and let hym syt?Smoke and shitten arse together.?And yf that I had yll wyll here?with this money we wolde make good chere 370 Gentle brother wyll, I pray the apeare?For thou art in some corner.
+Wytte+ I woulde come in but I am a fearde?Least that I be taken by the bearde?Wyth some catchepol, I haue heard?How thou haste stollen a purse
+wylle+ Thou horson art thou mad, cum in I say?This is not the fyrste hazard that I haue scaped?yf I make an hand to decke my felfe gay?what am I the worse. 380
+wyll+ From thy company I cannot abyde?I must nedes holde upon thy syde?yllwyll and shrewdwit who caa hyde?For they will be together.
+wytte.+ Now welcome wyll and what cheare:?By god I thought for thee a thousand yere?Peace for gods body who cummeth there?Hance bere pot Ascon router.
? Entreth Hance with a dutch songe
Gut nynen scone rutters by the moder got 390 It heist ?wne srhon, for staue ye nete?De qusteker mau iche bie do do?Uau the groate bnmbarde well ic wete?Dartyck dowsant van enheb it mete?Ic best de mauikin van de koining dangliler?De grot keyser kind ic bene his busketer
+Wyll.+ Here ye not dronk[=e] hance how he be gins to prate The malowperte sleminge is a little to cheke mate
+wytte+ Let the knaue alone, for his name is war.?Such dronken slemminges your company wil mar 400
+Hance.+ Ic best nen emond, ic best in soche?ye secte nete vell ic forstaue ye in doche
+Wyll.+ Cumpt hore leyf with your gound stand nere?yt becummes you better to handle a potte of beare
+Hance+ Dat maght icvell dan, ic can skynke frelyck?Tab bers frow, ic briuges brore, begotts nemerick
+wytte.+ The horsen knaue by the masse is dronke?A winking for depe his eyen be cleane lonck
+Hance+ Ic foraue ye vell ye seg dac ic slope?Nenike, nenike, ic compte hore for an andor cope 410
+Wyll.+ Wel coppin I pray the hartly tell vs trew?Wherfore comest thou hether for any thing to sew
+Hance+ yeicke feger, en b[=u]bardere v? de koyning wei it be Heb twe skelling de dagh ic con scote de culueryn
+wytte.+ Nay ye shall walke a fleming knaue, wyl ye not see We haue English gunners ynow, there is no rome empty
+Hance+ Ic best en bomberde mot ye to me spreken?what segye ye bones, it sal ye yode flaen
+Wyll.+ We speake not to thee thou art a scone man?But goe thy way they be not here that promot [the] c? 420
+Hance+ Caut ye me a de house dragen van degrot here.
+wytte.+ Hance ye must go to [the] court & for welth inquire
+Hance+ What segre ye welth nenyke he is net hore?welth best in ssaunders, it my self brought him dore
+Wyll.+ Beshrew your horson sleminges hert therfore.?in dede as he saith, by war in fla[=u]ders theris welth store
+Hance+ Segt ye dat brower, by the moder got dan?Gut naught it mot wast, to sent cafrin to mi lanm? & goeth out
+wyll.+ Is be gone, farewel hanykin bowse?I pray god giue him a hounded drouse 430 For I trow a knaue brought hym to house?But now brother wyt.?We must deuose how that we may?Be in seruice with welth alwaye?Let me here what thou canst do or say?To helpe for to contryue it.
+wytte.+ For thy pleasure that I shall?This wyll I doo first of all?Flatter and lye, and euermore call?Them my good maysters ftyll. 440 Then with swering, lying and powlinge?Brybry, theft, and preuy pyking?Thus I shred wet, wyll euer be doinge?I warrant ther yllwyll.
+Wyll.+ I cun thee thanke, this is well deuysed?And I yll wil, wolde haue euery man dispised?But now another thing must be contriued?Or els al wilbe nought?There is one they call good remedy?In this realme, he hath geeat actortty 450 He is a noble man and much worthy?Many thinges he hach wrought?He is called lust, discreete and indifference?Willing to fulfil
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