The Interlude of Wealth and Health | Page 3

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(?)?820. thinketh (the second 't' doubtful)?821. herc?822. ve?823. eafe ano?826. warre?828. boyde?830. weae ... uhat hrlth?831. saw saw?833. tste?834. (catchword cropt)?836. liuingl?838. abouf (?)?841. blam?842. Co staunder
vndesrrued?843. drpart?846. spy&nardo?847. folse chefe ... Health?849. wiltel?850. ia?851. peca (the 'e' doubtful)?853. meae?856. fhese?861. contra?863. three?864. I Iyfgo ... them
(there is no lead between Wyll. and Wytte.; the speakers' names to ll. 862-3 are half a line too low, those to ll. 865-7 half a line too high)?866. Remd[i]?867. abd ... (signature and catchword cut off?)?868. ful?871. fpeake?873. feason?881. Remdt?882. thete (?)?887. in continent?888. wif?889. lake?891. behanged?893. shals?901. shrew de?903. althre?907. shaibe ... warding
alonge?909. wel?912. rem?bre ... a nother?917. displesur?918. vngrocious?919. dissulation?923. devyl?924. liberty= (the '=' doubtful; opposite l. 923)?925. ymanginacien?927. myscef?928. prison?933. (catchword cropt)?940. yfye (?)?941. rcstore?954. Thar (?)?955. remdy?956. deuer?958. riagne?960. rontinue?961. w ([with])
An enterlude of Welth, and Helth, very mery and full of Pastyme, newly att his tyme Imprinted
? The Names of the players.
Foure may easely play this Playe.
? Here entreth Welth, and Helth synging together?a balet of two partes, and after speaketh?Welth.
Why is there no curtesy, now I am come?I tcowe that all the people be dume?Or els so god helpe me and halydum?They were almost a fleepe.?No wordes I harde, nor yet no talking?No instrument went nor ballattes synging?What ayles you all thus to syt dreaming 10 Of whom take ye care??Of my coming ye may be glad?Therefore I pray you be nof sad?For all your desyre shall be had?I can amende your cheare?By God I thinke ye haue forgotten me?I am welth of this realme looke upon me?For I am to euery man louing and freendly?For welth hath no pere.
+Helth.+ Brother welth haue ye not yet doone? 20 ye prayse your selfe aboue the moone?Euery man may perceyue therby soone?That you lacke discresyon
+Weith.+ Wherfore, by god I cannot say to much?Iam so welthy of substaunce and rych?In all the worlde where is one such?As I am ofcomparison.
+Helth.+ Welth is good I cannot denay?Yet prayse your selfe so muche ye may?For welth oftentimes doth decay 30 And welth is nothing sure.
+Welth.+ Welth hath ben euer in this countrey?And here I purpose styll for to be?For this is the lande most mete for me?And here I wyll endure.
+Health+ Therin ye speake full louingle?For in this realme welth should be?yeth no displeasure I pray you hartely?But in the way of communicacion.?And for pastyme I would speake some wayes 40 Of no comparison, nor to you no dyspayre,?I doo not intende that maner alwayes,?But for a recreation,
+Wealth+ Brother what soeuer ye say to me.?I wyll heare you paciently?I am content and I thanke you hartely?Begyn and say your pleasure
+Health+ I thanke you hartely then wyll I?Some what unto my purpose apply?Though welth be praised marualufly 50 Yet to myne understanding.?Welth is mutable, and that iu shame?And welth is hauty and proude of name?Welth is cruell, and in great blame?For welth ts euer wauerynge.
+Wealth.+ To whom haue I doone any harme can ye say,?Ye stander me nowe, yet I trust I may?Aunswere for my selte in euery maner way?Ye wyl not deny that?
+Health+ God forbyd but ye should do so 60 And ye may doo it whether I wyl or no?Inlykewise, I must answer you also?Wh en ye say not true.?Though I be but to you a poore man?yet helth I height, the same I am?That is desyred vniuersally than?Some calles me as good as you
+Welth.+ As I, mary ther in deede ye do compare.?Such wordes myght brynge you soone in care?Lewde parson, thouart not ware 70 Of what substaunce I am
+Health.+ Yes I can tell what you are, be not dyspleased?welth is of great substaunce, that cannot be denyed?yet shew your comodities, and ye shalbe answerrd?I promyse you wellh is fugitiue.
+wealth+ What sayst thou, am I a fagetyue?I was neuer so taken vp in my lyfe?Nor called vnsure, well I wyll make no stryfe?yet where as thou dost say,?Thai I should show my commodityes alwayes 80 The best for my selfe wherof I aske prayse?yf I shoulde stand her all my lyfe dayes?yet I coulde not say.?Nor halfe the benefites that commeth of me?yt cannot be tolde nor resyted shortly?Welth is the floure of althing earthly?That you cannot denye.?Ferste god saue, our soueraine Ladye the Queene?With all the counsel and all that with them bene?Am not I welth with them euer at ene 90 Who should be there but I??Men of the lawe, and ioly rych marchauntes?There be welthy both of goodes and lands,?Without comparyson is in their handes?I welth hatg all freasure.
+Health.+ O good syr, of whom commeth all this?Of god only, to you no thanke Iwys?And yet mans welth stands not all in ryches?I dare saye that boldly,?Whan a man hath a cempetent liuing 100 with the grace of god
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