The Inmate of the Dungeon | Page 3

W.C. Morrow
men in the prison. I don't say this to make you think I'm
complaining about the present warden, or that he didn't treat me kindly:
I can take care of myself with him. I am not making any complaint. I
ask no man's favor, and I fear no man's power."
"That is all right. Proceed."
"After the warden had made a good man out of me I worked faithfully,
sir; I did everything they told me to do; I worked willingly and like a
slave. It did me good to work, and I worked hard. I never violated any
of the rules after I was broken in. And then the law was passed giving
credits to the men for good conduct. My term was twenty years, but I
did so well that my credits piled up, and after I had been here ten years
I could begin to see my way out. There were only about three years left.
And, sir, I worked faithfully to make those years good. I knew that if I
did anything against the rules I should lose my credits and have to stay
nearly ten years longer. I knew all about that, sir: I never forgot it. I
wanted to be a free man again, and I planned to go away somewhere
and make the fight all over--to be a man in the world once more."
"We know all about your record in the prison. Proceed."
"Well, it was this way. You know they were doing some heavy work in
the quarries and on the grades, and they wanted the strongest men in
the prison. There weren't very many: there never are very many strong
men in prison. And I was one of 'em that they put on the heavy work,
and I did it faithfully. They used to pay the men for extra work--not pay
'em money, but the value of the money in candles, tobacco, extra
clothes, and things like that. I loved to work, and I loved to work extra,

and so did some of the other men. On Saturdays the men who had done
extra work would fall in and go up to the captain of the guard and he
would give to each man what was coming to him. He had it all down in
a book, and when a man would come up and call for what was due him
the captain would give it to him, whatever he wanted that the rules
"One Saturday I fell in with the others. A good many were ahead of me
in the line, and when they got what they wanted they fell into a new
line, waiting to be marched to the cells. When my turn in the line came
I went up to the captain and said I would take mine in tobacco. He
looked at me pretty sharply, and said, 'How did you get back in that
line?' I told him I belonged there--that I had come to get my extra. He
looked at his book, and he said, 'You've had your extra: you got
tobacco.' And he told me to fall into the new line, I told him I hadn't
received any tobacco; I said I hadn't got my extra, and hadn't been up
before. He said, 'Don't spoil your record by trying to steal a little
tobacco. Fall in.'... It hurt me, sir. I hadn't been up; I hadn't got my extra;
and I wasn't a thief, and I never had been a thief, and no living man had
a right to call me a thief. I said to him, straight, 'I won't fall in till I get
my extra, and I'm not a thief, and no man can call me one, and no man
can rob me of my just dues.' He turned pale, and said, 'Fall in, there.' I
said, 'I won't fall in till I get my dues.'
"With that he raised his hand as a signal, and the two guards behind
him covered me with their rifles, and the guard on the west wall, and
one on the north wall, and one on the portico in front of the arsenal, all
covered me with rifles. The captain turned to a trusty and told him to
call the warden. The warden came out, and the captain told him I was
trying to run double on my extra, and said I was impudent and
insubordinate and refused to fall in. The warden said, 'Drop that and
fall in.' I told him I wouldn't fall in. I said I hadn't run double, that I
hadn't got my extra, and that I would stay there till I died before I
would be robbed of it. He asked the captain if there wasn't some
mistake, and the captain
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